We offer some example scripts to showcase the functionalities of the ROSCO toolbox. This offers a non-inclusive overview of some of the primary functionalities of the ROSCO toolbox. Enjoy!
- Load and save a turbine model. Prints some basic turbine data, and saves the turbine.
- Load a turbine model from saved pickle, make a Cp surface plot.
- Run CCblade, save a rotor performance text file.
- Load a turbine model and tune the controller.
- Run and plot a simple simple step wind simulation.
- Load a turbine, tune a controller, run an OpenFAST simulation.
- Load saved turbine, tune controller, plot minimum pitch schedule.
- Plot some OpenFAST output data.
- Run turbsim to compile binary.
- Tune a controller for distributed aerodynamic control.
- Generate simplified linear models, save the parameters to a file.
- Run robust controller tuning
- Tune and run a controller with IPC
- Tune a controller with OpenLoop control commands inputs