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/docs/etl |
ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load. More specifically:
- Extract - data from different original formats and/or multiple sources;
- Transform - to the unified common format optimized for subsequent computation (e.g., training deep learning model);
- Load - transformed data into a new destination - e.g., a storage system that supports high-performance computing over large scale datasets.
The latter can be AIStore (AIS). The system is designed from the ground up to support all 3 stages of the ETL pre (or post) processing. With AIS, you can effortlessly manage the AIS cluster by executing custom transformations in two ways:
- Inline: This involves transforming datasets on the fly, where the data is read and streamed in a transformed format directly to computing clients.
- Offline: Here, the transformed output is stored as a new dataset, which AIS makes accessible for any future computations.
Implementation-wise, offline transformations of any kind, on the one hand, and copying datasets, on the other, are closely related - the latter being, effectively, a no-op offline transformation.
Most notably, AIS always runs transformations locally - close to data. Running close to data has always been one of the cornerstone design principles whereby in a deployed cluster each AIStore target proportionally contributes to the resulting cumulative bandwidth - the bandwidth that, in turn, will scale linearly with each added target.
This was the principle behind distributed shuffle (code-named dSort).
And this is exactly how we have more recently implemented AIS-ETL - the ETL service provided by AIStore. Find more information on the architecture and implementation of ais-etl
Technically, the service supports running user-provided ETL containers and custom Python scripts within the storage cluster.
Note: AIS-ETL (service) requires Kubernetes.
- Getting Started
- Inline ETL example
- Offline ETL example
- Kubernetes Deployment
- Extract, Transform and Load using user-defined functions
- Extract, Transform and Load using custom containers
- init code request
- init spec request
- Transforming objects
- API Reference
- ETL name specifications
To begin using ETLs in AIStore, you'll need to run AIStore within a Kubernetes cluster. There are several ways to achieve this, each suited for different purposes:
AIStore Development with Native Kubernetes (minikube):
- Folder: deploy/dev/k8s
- Intended for: AIStore development using native Kubernetes provided by minikube
- How to use: Run minikube and deploy the AIS cluster on it using the carefully documented steps available here.
- Documentation: README
Production Deployment with Kubernetes:
- Folder: deploy/prod/k8s
- Intended for: Production use
- How to use: Utilize the Dockerfiles in this folder to build AIS images for production deployment. For this purpose, there is a separate dedicated repository that contains corresponding tools, scripts, and documentation.
- Documentation: AIS/K8s Operator and Deployment Playbooks
To verify that your deployment is correctly set up, execute the following CLI command:
$ ais etl show
If you receive an empty response without any errors, your AIStore cluster is now ready to run ETL tasks.
To follow this and subsequent examples, make sure you have the AIS CLI installed on your system.
# Prerequisites:
# AIStore must be running on Kubernetes. AIS CLI (Command-Line Interface) must be installed. Make sure you have a running AIStore cluster before proceeding.
# Step 1: Create a new bucket
$ ais bucket create ais://src
# Step 2: Show existing ETLs
$ ais etl show
# Step 3: Create a temporary file and add it to the bucket
$ echo "hello world" > text.txt
$ ais put text.txt ais://src
# Step 4: Create a spec file to initialize the ETL process
# In this example, we are using the MD5 transformer as a sample ETL.
$ curl -s -o md5_spec.yaml
# Step 5: Initialize the ETL process
$ export COMMUNICATION_TYPE="hpull://"
$ ais etl init spec --from-file md5_spec.yaml --name etl-md5 --comm-type $COMMUNICATION_TYPE
# Step 6: Check if the ETL is running
$ ais etl show
# Step 7: Run the transformation
# Replace 'ais://src/text.txt' with the appropriate source object location and '-' with the desired destination (e.g., local file path or another AIS bucket).
$ ais etl object etl-md5 ais://src/text.txt -
$ # Download Imagenet dataset
$ wget -O imagenet.tar --no-check-certificate
$ # Extract Imagenet
$ mkdir imagenet && tar -C imagenet -xvf imagenet.tar >/dev/null
$ # Check if the dataset is extracted correctly
$ cd imagenet
$ ls | head -5
$ # Add the entire dataset to a bucket
$ ais bucket create ais://imagenet
$ ais put . ais://imagenet -r
$ # Check if the dataset is available in the bucket
$ ais ls ais://imagenet | head -5
$ # Create a custom transformation using torchvision
$ # The `` file contains the Python code for the transformation function, and `deps.txt` lists the dependencies required to run ``
$ cat
import io
from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transforms as T
preprocess = T.Compose(
T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
# Define the transform function
def transform(data: bytes) -> bytes:
image =
processed = preprocess(image)
buf = io.BytesIO(), format='JPEG')
byte_im = buf.getvalue()
return byte_im
$ cat deps.txt
$ ais etl init code --name etl-torchvision --from-file --deps-file deps.txt --runtime python3.11v2 --comm-type hpull
$ # Perform an offline transformation
$ ais etl bucket etl-torchvision ais://imagenet ais://imagenet-transformed --ext="{JPEG:JPEG}"
$ # Check if the transformed dataset is available in the bucket
$ ais ls ais://imagenet-transformed | head -5
$ # Verify one of the images by downloading its content
$ ais object get ais://imagenet-transformed/ILSVRC2012_val_00050000.JPEG test.JPEG
To perform Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) using user-defined functions, send the transform function in the init code request to an AIStore endpoint.
Upon receiving the init code request, the AIStore proxy broadcasts the request to all AIStore targets in the cluster.
When an AIStore target receives the init code, it initiates the execution of the container locally on the target's machine (also known as Kubernetes Node).
To perform Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) using custom containers, execute the init spec API to an AIStore endpoint.
The request contains a YAML spec and ultimately triggers the creation of Kubernetes Pods that run the user's ETL logic inside.
Upon receiving the init spec request, the AIStore proxy broadcasts the request to all AIStore targets in the cluster.
When a target receives the init spec, it starts the user container locally on the target's machine (also known as Kubernetes Node).
You can write your custom transform
function that takes input object bytes as a parameter and returns output bytes (the transformed object's content).
You can then use the init code request to execute this transform
on the entire distributed dataset.
In effect, a user can skip the entire step of writing their Dockerfile and building a custom ETL container - the init code capability allows the user to skip this step entirely.
If you are familiar with FasS, then you probably will find this type of ETL initialization the most intuitive.
For a detailed step-by-step tutorial on init code requests, please see Python SDK ETL Tutorial and Python SDK ETL Examples.
The init_code
request currently supports two communication types:
In hpush
communication type, the user has to define a function that takes bytes as a parameter, processes it and returns bytes. e.g. ETL to calculate MD5 of an object
def transform(input_bytes: bytes) -> bytes
You can also stream objects in transform()
by setting the CHUNK_SIZE
parameter (CHUNK_SIZE
> 0).
e.g. ETL to calculate MD5 of an object with streaming, ETL to transform images using torchvision.
- If the function uses external dependencies, a user can provide an optional dependencies file or in the
function of Python SDK. These requirements will be installed on the machine executing thetransform
function and will be available for the function.
In io://
communication type, users have to define a transform()
function that reads bytes from sys.stdin
, carries out transformations over it, and then writes bytes to sys.stdout
def transform() -> None:
input_bytes =
# output_bytes = process(input_bytes)
e.g. ETL to calculate MD5 of an object, ETL to transform images using torchvision
AIS-ETL provides several runtimes out of the box.
Each runtime determines the programming language of your custom transform
function and the set of pre-installed packages and tools that your transform
can utilize.
Currently, the following runtimes are supported:
Name | Description |
python3.9v2 |
python:3.9 is used to run the code. |
python3.10v2 |
python:3.10 is used to run the code. |
python3.11v2 |
python:3.11 is used to run the code. |
python3.12v2 |
python:3.12 is used to run the code. |
python3.13v2 |
python:3.13 is used to run the code. |
More runtimes will be added in the future, with plans to support the most popular ETL toolchains. Still, since the number of supported runtimes will always remain somewhat limited, there's always the second way: build your ETL container and deploy it via init spec request.
The AIStore etl init code
provides two arg_type
parameter options for specifying the type of object specification between the AIStore and ETL container. These options are utilized as follows:
Parameter Value | Description |
"" (Empty String) | This serves as the default option, allowing the object to be passed as bytes. When initializing ETLs, the arg_type parameter can be entirely omitted, and it will automatically default to passing the object as bytes to the transformation function. |
"url" | When set to "url," this option allows the passing of the URL of the objects to be transformed to the user-defined transform function. It's important to note that this option is limited to '--comm-type=hpull'. In this scenario, the user is responsible for implementing the logic to fetch objects from the buckets based on the URL of the object received as a parameter. |
Init spec request covers all, even the most sophisticated, cases of ETL initialization. It allows running any Docker image that implements certain requirements on communication with the cluster. The init spec request requires writing a Pod specification following specification requirements.
For a detailed step-by-step tutorial on init spec request, please see the MD5 ETL playbook.
Custom ETL container is expected to satisfy the following requirements:
- Start a web server that supports at least one of the listed communication mechanisms.
- The server can listen on any port, but the port must be specified in Pod spec with
- the cluster must know how to contact the Pod. - AIS target(s) may send requests in parallel to the web server inside the ETL container - any synchronization, therefore, must be done on the server-side.
Specification of an ETL should be in the form of a YAML file. It is required to follow the Kubernetes Pod template format and contain all necessary fields to start the Pod.
Path | Required | Description | Default |
metadata.annotations.communication_type |
false |
Communication type of an ETL. | hpush:// |
metadata.annotations.wait_timeout |
false |
Timeout on ETL Pods starting on target machines. See annotations | infinity |
spec.containers |
true |
Containers running inside a Pod, exactly one required. | - |
spec.containers[0].image |
true |
Docker image of ETL container. | - |
spec.containers[0].ports |
true (except io:// communication type) |
Ports exposed by a container, at least one expected. | - |
spec.containers[0].ports[0].Name |
true |
Name of the first Pod should be default . |
- |
spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort |
true |
Port which a cluster will contact containers on. | - |
spec.containers[0].readinessProbe |
true (except io:// communication type) |
ReadinessProbe of a container. | - |
spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
false |
Timeout for a readiness probe in seconds. | 5 |
spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
false |
Period between readiness probe requests in seconds. | 10 |
spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.httpGet.Path |
true |
Path for HTTP readiness probes. | - |
spec.containers[0].readinessProbe.httpGet.Port |
true |
Port for HTTP readiness probes. Required default . |
- |
Path | Reason |
spec.affinity.nodeAffinity |
Used by AIStore to colocate ETL containers with targets. |
AIS currently supports 3 (three) distinct target ⇔ container communication mechanisms to facilitate the fly or offline transformation. Users can choose and specify (via YAML spec) any of the following:
Name | Value | Description |
post | hpush:// |
A target issues a POST request to its ETL container with the body containing the requested object. After finishing the request, the target forwards the response from the ETL container to the user. |
reverse proxy | hrev:// |
A target uses a reverse proxy to send a (GET) request to a cluster using an ETL container. ETL container should make a GET request to a target, transform bytes, and return the result to the target. |
redirect | hpull:// |
A target uses HTTP redirect to send a (GET) request to cluster using an ETL container. ETL container should make a GET request to the target, transform bytes, and return it to a user. |
input/output | io:// |
A target remotely runs the binary or the code and sends the data to standard input and excepts the transformed bytes to be sent on standard output. |
ETL container will have
environment variable set to the URL of its corresponding target. To make a request for a given object it is required to add<bucket-name>/<object-name>
, eg.requests.get(env("AIS_TARGET_URL") + "/" + bucket_name + "/" + object_name)
The AIStore etl init spec
provides three arg_type
parameter options for specifying the type of object specification between the AIStore and ETL container. These options are utilized as follows:
Parameter Value | Description |
"" (Empty String) | This serves as the default option, allowing the object to be passed as bytes. When initializing ETLs, the arg_type parameter can be entirely omitted, and it will automatically default to passing the object as bytes to the transformation function. |
"url" | Pass the URL of the objects to be transformed to the user-defined transform function. It's important to note that this option is limited to '--comm-type=hpull'. In this scenario, the user is responsible for implementing the logic to fetch objects from the buckets based on the URL of the object received as a parameter. |
"fqn" | Pass a fully-qualified name (FQN) of the locally stored object. User is responsible for opening, reading, transforming, and closing the corresponding file. |
AIStore supports both inline transformation of selected objects and offline transformation of an entire bucket.
There are two ways to run ETL transformations:
- HTTP RESTful APIs are described in API Reference section of this document.
- Python SDK
- AIS Loader
This section describes how to interact with ETLs via RESTful API.
- denotes a (hostname:port
) address of a gateway (any gateway in a given AIS cluster)
Operation | Description | HTTP action | Example |
Init spec ETL | Initializes ETL based on POD spec template. Returns ETL_NAME . |
PUT /v1/etl | curl -X PUT 'http://G/v1/etl' '{"spec": "...", "id": "..."}' |
Init code ETL | Initializes ETL based on the provided source code. Returns ETL_NAME . |
PUT /v1/etl | curl -X PUT 'http://G/v1/etl' '{"code": "...", "dependencies": "...", "runtime": "python3", "id": "..."}' |
List ETLs | Lists all running ETLs. | GET /v1/etl | curl -L -X GET 'http://G/v1/etl' |
View ETLs Init spec/code | View code/spec of ETL by ETL_NAME |
GET /v1/etl/ETL_NAME | curl -L -X GET 'http://G/v1/etl/ETL_NAME' |
Transform an object | Transforms an object based on ETL with ETL_NAME . |
GET /v1/objects//?etl_name=ETL_NAME | curl -L -X GET 'http://G/v1/objects/shards/shard01.tar?etl_name=ETL_NAME' -o transformed_shard01.tar |
Transform bucket | Transforms all objects in a bucket and puts them to destination bucket. | POST {"action": "etl-bck"} /v1/buckets/SRC_BUCKET | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "etl-bck", "name": "to-name", "value":{"id": "ETL_NAME", "ext":{"SRC_EXT": "DEST_EXT"}, "prefix":"PREFIX_FILTER", "prepend":"PREPEND_NAME"}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/SRC_BUCKET?bck_to=PROVIDER%2FNAMESPACE%2FDEST_BUCKET%2F' |
Transform and synchronize bucket | Synchronize destination bucket with its remote (e.g., Cloud or remote AIS) source. | POST {"action": "etl-bck"} /v1/buckets/SRC_BUCKET | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "etl-bck", "name": "to-name", "value":{"id": "ETL_NAME", "synchronize": true}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/SRC_BUCKET?bck_to=PROVIDER%2FNAMESPACE%2FDEST_BUCKET%2F' |
Dry run transform bucket | Accumulates in xaction stats how many objects and bytes would be created, without actually doing it. | POST {"action": "etl-bck"} /v1/buckets/SRC_BUCKET | curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"action": "etl-bck", "name": "to-name", "value":{"id": "ETL_NAME", "dry_run": true}}' 'http://G/v1/buckets/SRC_BUCKET?bck_to=PROVIDER%2FNAMESPACE%2FDEST_BUCKET%2F' |
Stop ETL | Stops ETL with given ETL_NAME . |
DELETE /v1/etl/ETL_NAME/stop | curl -X POST 'http://G/v1/etl/ETL_NAME/stop' |
Delete ETL | Delete ETL spec/code with given ETL_NAME |
DELETE /v1/etl/<ETL_NAME> | `curl -X DELETE 'http://G/v1/etl/ETL_NAME' |
Every initialized ETL has a unique user-defined ETL_NAME
associated with it, used for running transforms/computation on data or stopping the ETL.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: compute-md5
When initializing ETL from spec/code, a valid and unique user-defined ETL_NAME
should be assigned using the --name
CLI parameter as shown below.
$ ais etl init code --name=etl-md5 --runtime=python3 --deps-file=deps.txt --comm-type hpull
$ ais etl init spec --name=etl-md5 --from-file=spec.yaml --comm-type hpull
Below are specifications for a valid ETL_NAME
- Must start and end with a lowercase alphabet ('a' to 'z') or a number ('1' to '9').
- Can contain lowercase alphabets, numbers, or hyphen ('-').
- Should have a length greater than 5 and less than 33.
- Shouldn't contain special characters except for hyphen (no capitals or underscore).
- For technical blogs with in-depth background and working real-life examples, see:
- For step-by-step tutorials, see:
- For a quick CLI introduction and reference, see ETL CLI
- For initializing ETLs with AIStore Python SDK, see: