# Redis is our message broker for the ingest service, always required.
docker compose up -d redis
# `yolox`, `deplot`, `cached`, and `paddle` are NIMs used to perform table and chart extraction.
docker compose up -d yolox deplot cached paddle
# Optional (MinIO) is an object store to store extracted images, tables, and charts, by default it is commented out in the docker compose file.
# The `store` task will not be functional without this service or external s3 compliant object store.
docker compose up -d minio
# Optional (Milvus) is a vector database to embeddings for multi-model extractions, by default it is commented out in the docker compose file.
# The `vdb_upload` task will not be functional without this serivce or external Milvus database.
docker compose up -d etcd minio milvus attu
# Optional (Telemetry services)
# TODO: Add examples for telemetry services
docker compose up -d otel-collector prometheus grafana zipkin
# Optional (Embedding NIM) Stand up `nv-embedqa-e5-v5` NIM to calculate embeddings for extracted content.
# The `embed` task will not be functional without this service.
docker compose up -d embedding
# Ingest service
docker compose up -d nv-ingest-ms-runtime
You should see something like this:
6065c12d6034 .../nv-ingest:2024.6.3.dev0 "/opt/conda/bin/tini…" 6 hours ago Up 6 hours nv-ingest-ms-runtime-1
c1f1f6b9cc8c .../tritonserver:24.05-py3 "/opt/nvidia/nvidia_…" 5 days ago Up 8 hours>8000-8002/tcp devin-nv-ingest-triton-1
d277cf2c2703 redis/redis-stack "/entrypoint.sh" 2 weeks ago Up 8 hours>6379/tcp, 8001/tcp devin-nv-ingest-redis-1
To run the NV-Ingestt service locally, we require Conda (Mamba) to be installed.
From the root of the repository, run the following commands to create a new Conda environment and install the required dependencies:
mamba env create --file ./conda/environments/nv_ingest_environment.yml --name nv_ingest_runtime
conda activate nv_ingest_runtime
pip install ./
pip install ./client