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Getting Started

Prepare FaaS Environment

Please create at least one FaaS account among the following four provides. All of FaaS offers free plan.

Otherwise setup Apache OpenWhisk environment by yourself in either Docker or Kubernetes by refereeing to the steps described at the following sites.

Set Environment Variables

  • AWS Lambda

  • Google Cloud Functions

    $ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/full/path/to_your_json_credential_file
  • Microsoft Azure Functions

  • IBM Cloud Functions / Apache OpenWhisk


    WSK_AUTH and WSK_APIHOST should be set the values of AUTH and APIHOST in ~/.wskprops, so you can type the commands below in short.

    $ export WSK_$(grep AUTH ~/.wskprops)
    $ export WSK_$(grep APIHOST ~/.wskprops)
  • For those who are behind Proxy Server

    DO NOT forget to set docker bridge or kubernetes endpoint into NO_PROXY.

    $ export HTTP_PROXY=""
    $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
    $ export NO_PROXY="localhost,,,,kubernetes_endpoint"

Build Image

  • Install Source-To-Image (S2I)
  • Build builder image
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ make build_image
  • Build application image
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ make -e docker_image_prefix=YOUR_PREFIX app_image

Deploy Image

In case of Docker

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ docker run -d -p 5984:5984 apache/couchdb

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ make -e docker_image_prefix=YOUR_PREFIX run

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ FAASSHELL_APIHOST=

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksLX GET ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/ -u $DEMO
{"version":"$Id rev.YYYY-MM-DD.COMMITID $"}

In case of Kubernetes

docker_image_prefix has to be your Docker Hub image prefix.

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl create namespace faasshell

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl -n faasshell run couchdb --image=apache/couchdb

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl -n faasshell expose deployment couchdb --port=5984

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl -n faasshell get pod
NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
couchdb-69dbdcbb48-jzjz5   1/1       Running   0          1m

In case of proxy environment:

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl -n faasshell get service | grep couchdb | awk '{print $3}'

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export NO_PROXY=$NO_PROXY,
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ make -e docker_image_prefix=YOUR_PREFIX deploy

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl -n faasshell get pod
NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
couchdb-69dbdcbb48-jzjz5    1/1       Running   0          15m
faasshell-cb657b84b-sct6x   1/1       Running   0          52s

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ kubectl -n faasshell describe service faasshell | grep https | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ FAASSHELL_APIHOST=https://${cluster_address}:30954

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksLX GET ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/ -u $DEMO
{"version":"$Id rev.YYYY-MM-DD.COMMITID $"}

${cluster_address} depends on clusters environment, it is opened at https://$(minikube ip):30954 in case of Minikube.

The port number is changed each service deployment, 30954 is just an example.

Execute Hello World Example

Set DEMO key

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ DEMO=ec29e90c-188d-11e8-bb72-00163ec1cd01:0b82fe63b6bd450519ade02c3cb8f77ee581f25a810db28f3910e6cdd9d041bf

Add hello function

  • AWS Lambda

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ (cd samples/aws/lambda; zip hello.js)
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ aws lambda create-function --region us-east-2 --function-name hello \ 
      --zip-file fileb://samples/aws/lambda/ \
      --role arn:aws:iam::your_id:role/your_role \
      --handler hello.handler \
      --runtime nodejs6.10
  • Google Cloud Functions

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ gcloud beta functions deploy hello --trigger-http \
      --source=samples/gcp/functions/hello --entry-point=helloWorld
  • Microsoft Azure Functions

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ (cd samples/azure/functions; zip -r .)
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ az functionapp deployment source config-zip \
      -g yourResourceGroup -n yourFunctionApp --src samples/azure/functions/
  • IBM Cloud Functions / Apache OpenWhisk

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ wsk action create hello samples/wsk/actions/hello.js -i
    ok: created action hello

faas interface

ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksLX GET ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/faas/ -u $DEMO
    "annotations": [ {"key":"exec", "value":"nodejs:6"} ],

statemachine interface

  • AWS Lambda

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export aws_region=XX-YY-Z
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export aws_account_id=000000000000
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ envsubst < samples/aws/asl/hello_world_task.json | \
    curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @/dev/stdin -u $DEMO
  • Google Cloud Functions

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export gcp_location_id=XX-YYYYYYYY
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export gcp_project_id=ZZZZZZZ
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ envsubst < samples/gcp/asl/hello_world_task.json | \
    curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @/dev/stdin -u $DEMO
  • Microsoft Azure Functions

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export azure_webapp_name=ZZZZZZZ
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ envsubst < samples/azure/asl/hello_world_task.json | \
    curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @/dev/stdin -u $DEMO
  • IBM Cloud Functions / Apache OpenWhisk

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @samples/wsk/asl/hello_world_task.json -u $DEMO
      "asl": {
        "Comment":"A Hello World example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda function",
        "States": {
          "HelloWorld": {
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksLX GET ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json \
-u $DEMO
  "asl": {
    "Comment":"A Hello World example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda function",
    "States": {
      "HelloWorld": {
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX POST ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json?blocking=true \
-u $DEMO
  "asl": {
    "Comment":"A Hello World example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda function",
    "States": {
      "HelloWorld": {
  "input": {},
  "output": {"payload":"Hello, World!"}
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX POST ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json?blocking=true \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"input": {"name": "Curl"}}' -u $DEMO
  "asl": {
    "Comment":"A Hello World example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda function",
    "States": {
      "HelloWorld": {
  "input": {"name":"Curl"},
  "output": {"payload":"Hello, Curl!"}
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX PATCH ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json \
-u $DEMO
digraph graph_name {
     "Start" -> "HelloWorld" ;
     "HelloWorld" -> "End" ;
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX DELETE ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/statemachine/hello_world_task.json \
-u $DEMO

shell interface

  • AWS Lambda

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export aws_region=XX-YY-Z
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export aws_account_id=000000000000
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ envsubst < samples/aws/dsl/hello_world_task.dsl | \
    curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d @/dev/stdin -u $DEMO
  • Google Cloud Functions

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export gcp_location_id=XX-YYYYYYYY
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export gcp_project_id=ZZZZZZZ
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ envsubst < samples/gcp/dsl/hello_world_task.dsl | \
    curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d @/dev/stdin -u $DEMO
  • Microsoft Azure Functions

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ export azure_webapp_name=ZZZZZZZ
    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ envsubst < samples/azure/dsl/hello_world_task.dsl | \
    curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d @/dev/stdin -u $DEMO
  • IBM Cloud Functions / Apache OpenWhisk

    ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX PUT ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl?overwrite=true \
    -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d @samples/wsk/dsl/hello_world_task.dsl -u $DEMO
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksLX GET ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl \
-u $DEMO
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX POST  ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl?blocking=true \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"input": {"name":"Shell"}}' -u $DEMO
  "input": {"name":"Shell"},
  "output": {"payload":"Hello, Shell!"}
ubuntu@trusty:~/faasshell[master]$ curl -ksX DELETE ${FAASSHELL_APIHOST}/shell/hello_world_task.dsl \
-u $DEMO