RemoraJ is a modular project each module represents single service (i.e. JSM, HTPP, KAFKA) interception. Each module is built as separate JAR in "modules" folder, this will enable to quickly loading/unloading necessary modules, without a need to change configuration, or make custom builds for specific needs.
Each intercepted call is intercepted on begin of method code and at the end of method code. At the method call beginning RemoraJ creates Entry entity, at the end it creates Exit entity, both are serialized to the Queue. The method call wrapped with EntryDefinition witch one is not serialised, but handles the correlation between later two.
Entry and Exit shares the same GUID, and it's supposed to be merged as one in data collector and UI side. The main justification to send two Entries for a single method call to the Queue is to "catch" locking methods.
Subsequent (i.e. Http request invokes Database and JMS call) call's are handled as CallStack. CallStack is also responsible for propagating common fields i.e. server or application.
Most of the interceptions are Generic and instrumented based on Interfaces or Annotations to support multiple implementations (JMS, JDBC etc., JavaX server), thus introducing a problem there multiple wrapper classes introduces unwanted interception and data generation. RemoraJ will instrument all such wrapper classes implementing service Interfaces, but it would not create additional EntryDefinitions for Ech one, instead reusing first created. Some of the data supposed to be collected in Exit properties would be duplicated, as can be collected in multiple wrapping Classes. For a class name the last one is reported, other, suppressed ones, would appear as as "SClass" entries.
entry: { id: b4a0f552-5ecf-11ea-a5f9-4ccc6a3575da, v: !byte 1, mode: RUNNING, adviceClass: TESTAdvice, startTime: 123456789, name: TESTname, clazz: EntryClass, stackTrace: !!null "", vmIdentification: Junit, thread: JunitThread }
exit: { id: "38aad716-5ed0-11ea-abd7-4ccc6a3575da", v: !byte 1, name: TESTName, mode: STOP, resource: "http://localhost/test", resourceType: NETADDR, application: JUnit, properties: { Property 4: TEST4, Property 3: TEST3, Property 2: TEST2, Property 1: TEST1 }, eventType: CALL, exception: !!null "", correlator: !!null "", exceptionTrace: !!null "" }
Each advice field annotated with @RemoraConfig.Configurable
can be changed either by configuration file
or "remora-control" plugin.
These properties should be static as advices intercept methods are static.
Common properties i.e. "sendStackTrace" is in base advice class, these properties are not static. State of advice is managed in AdviceManager
One can extend the com.jkoolcloud.remora.AdviceFilter interface to create a filter.
All fields marked with @RemoraConfigurable will be filled from properties file.
For a filter you need to override matches
method, matches should return true if a filter maches. Method matches
has a property thiz
with a reference for intercepted object.
Filter has to modes INCLUDE
, each advice calls default filters method shouldInclude
witch determine, by the mode set, if the intercept should be processed further.
The maches()
gets a reference for object intercepted, method and arguments provided.
The provided filters are:
ClassFilter - regex class name filter. ParameterFilter - gets a field or method result for intercepted classes using reflection, and checks against the provided value. ...