ZMQ_CONSTANT_NAME in the C API turns into zmq.CONSTANT_NAME in Lua.
Reports 0MQ library version. See zmq_version(3).
Initialises ØMQ context. See zmq_init(3).
Terminates ØMQ context. See zmq_term(3).
Creates ØMQ socket. See zmq_socket(3).
Destroys ØMQ socket. See zmq_close(3).
Sets a specified option on a ØMQ socket. See zmq_setsockopt(3).
sock:setopt(option, optval)
Gets a specified option of a ØMQ socket. See zmq_getsockopt(3).
Binds the socket to the specified address. See zmq_bind(3).
Connect the socket to the specified address. See zmq_connect(3).
Sends a message(Lua string). See zmq_send(3).
sock:send(msg, flags)
Retrieves a message(a Lua string) from the socket. See zmq_recv(3).
msg = sock:recv()
msg = sock:recv(flags)
These methods allow Zero-copy transfer of a message from one ZMQ socket to another.
Sends a message from a zmq_msg_t object. See zmq_send(3).
sock:send_msg(msg, flags)
Retrieves a message from the socket into a zmq_msg_t object. See zmq_recv(3).
sock:recv_msg(msg, flags)
Create an empty zmq_msg_t object. See zmq_msg_init(3).
local msg = zmq_msg_t.init()
Create an empty zmq_msg_t object and allow space for a message of size
See zmq_msg_init_size(3).
local msg = zmq_msg_t.init_size(size)
msg:set_data(data) -- if (#data ~= size) then the message will be re-sized.
Create an zmq_msg_t object initialized with the content of data
local msg = zmq_msg_t.init_data(data)
-- that is the same as:
local msg = zmq_msg_t.init_size(#data)
Move the contents of one message into another. See zmq_msg_move(3).
msg1:move(msg2) -- move contents from msg2 -> msg1
Copy the contents of one message into another. See zmq_msg_copy(3).
msg1:copy(msg2) -- copy contents from msg2 -> msg1
Re-initialize the message with a new size. The current contents will be lost. See zmq_msg_init_size(3).
msg:set_size(size) -- re-initialize message if size is different from current size.
local buf = msg:data() -- get buffer to fill message with new contents.
Change the message contents. See zmq_msg_data(3).
msg:set_data(data) -- replace/set the message contents to `data`
Get a lightuserdata pointer to the message contents. See zmq_msg_data(3).
local data = msg:data() -- get the message contents
Get the size of the message contents. See zmq_msg_size(3).
local size = msg:size()
Free the message contents and invalid the zmq_msg_t userdata object. See zmq_msg_close(3).
msg:close() -- free message contents and invalid `msg`
The poller object wraps zmq_poll() to allow polling of events from multiple ZMQ Sockets and/or normal sockets.
Construct a new poller object. The optional pre_alloc
parameter is to pre-size the poller
for the number of sockets it will handle (the size can grow dynamically as-needed).
local poller = zmq.poller(64)
Add a ZMQ Socket or fd to the poller. callback
will be called when one of the events
in events
is raised.
poller:add(sock, zmq.POLLIN, function(sock) print(sock, " is readable.") end)
poller:add(sock, zmq.POLLOUT, function(sock) print(sock, " is writable.") end)
poller:add(sock, zmq.POLLIN+zmq.POLLOUT, function(sock, revents)
print(sock, " has events:", revents)
Change the events
or callback
for a socket/fd.
-- first wait for read event.
poller:add(sock, zmq.POLLIN, function(sock) print(sock, " is readable.") end)
-- now wait for write event.
poller:modify(sock, zmq.POLLOUT, function(sock) print(sock, " is writable.") end)
Remove a socket/fd from the poller.
-- first wait for read event.
poller:add(sock, zmq.POLLIN, function(sock) print(sock, " is readable.") end)
-- remove socket from poller.
Wait timeout
milliseconds [1] for events on the registered sockets (timeout = -1, means
wait indefinitely). If any events happen, then those events are dispatched.
poller:poll(1000) -- wait 1 second for events.
[1] For zmq 2.x timeout
is in microseconds. For versions 3.x or higher timeout
will be in milliseconds.
poller:poll(1000 * zmq.POLL_MSEC) -- backwards/forwards compatible
Start an event loop waiting for and dispatching events.
Stop the event loop.