Day #12: Zebulan's Nightmare
- Difficulty: 7 kyu
- Solution Class:
- Test Class:
- Solved: Sunday, May 1st, 2016
Zebulan has worked hard to write all his python code in strict compliance to PEP8 rules. In this kata, you are a mischevious hacker that has set out to sabatoge all his good code.
Your job is to take PEP8 compatible function names and convert them to camelCase. For example:
zebulansNightmare('camel_case') == 'camelCase'
zebulansNightmare('zebulans_nightmare') == 'zebulansNightmare'
zebulansNightmare('get_string') == 'getString'
zebulansNightmare('convert_to_uppercase') == 'convertToUppercase'
zebulansNightmare('main') == 'main'