- fix: update the plots (Rafe) (
- Merge pull request #114 from UBC-MDS/examplefile_plot
fix: update the plots (Rafe) (5a0c322
- fix: Update breakeven_point.py - test on cicd (Chris Gao) (
- Update README.md (
- fix: update(rafe) (
Update ci-cd.yml (
) -
Update ci-cd.yml (
) -
Update README.md (
) -
Update pyproject.toml (
- fix: Delete unneccessary file in workflow (addressed by: Chris Gao) (
- Merge pull request #113 from UBC-MDS/workflow_file_deletion
fix: Delete unneccessary file in workflow (addressed by: Chris Gao) (203a690
Update ci-cd.yml (
) -
Update and rename CI-CD.yml to ci-cd.yml, and reverse back to simple (
) -
Update CI-CD.yml - To adjust to correct publishing websites (
) -
Merge pull request #112 from UBC-MDS/example_formatting
Fix: Example.ipynb more examples and usage of plotting function (b547a26
Fix: Example.ipynb more examples and usage of plotting function (
) -
Merge pull request #110 from UBC-MDS/example_formatting
Fix: Formatting example.ipynb and Latex (ALAN) (3eb613a
- Merge pull request #111 from UBC-MDS/Fix-pyproject-update
Update pyproject.toml (9c8793e
Update pyproject.toml (
) -
Fix: Formatting example.ipynb and Latex (ALAN)
This is a commit to fix the formatting issues in the ROI() example.ipynb usage, as per Meretes comment there was latex and formating issues that made it hard to understand what the function was doing under the hood. (3c97a62
- Merge pull request #109 from UBC-MDS/README_typo_updates
Fix: Typos Update README.md (ALAN) (814da73
- Fix: Typos Update README.md (ALAN)
Fixed some typos in the README specifically names formatting (1300738
- Merge pull request #107 from UBC-MDS/README-functions
Fix: Update functions in README.md (7b07b3f
- Merge pull request #108 from UBC-MDS/publishing_pypi_testpypi
publishing the package (80596d7
publishing the package (
) -
Create CI-CD.yml
Create CI-CD file again to test if it can build properly (0e0280b
- Delete .github/workflows/CI-CD.yml
Delete CI CD and redo it (bb30520
- Create CI-CD.yml
Setting up CI-CD to automate (c9e0ac5
- Create CI.yml
Initial CI file for setting up workflow (dcd6fee
- Update functions in README.md
Hi guys, I updated the README functions based on the peer review to make it cleaner and readable. Please take a look to see if it is ok to be merged. Thanks! (0fd59ab
Update README.md (
) -
Update functions in README.md
As reviewed by meretelutz, it will make the README more readable if we remove input names in the functions here, as the usage already indicated what input the functions will take. (b34cd9d
Update README.md (
) -
Delete src/financial_analyzer/financial_analyzer.py (
) -
Delete tests/test_financial_analyzer.py (
) -
Merge pull request #97 from UBC-MDS/Nicole-Tu97-patch-1
Update README.md (a15d19f
Delete docs/fa_sample_data.csv (
) -
Add status button to README (
) -
Update poetry.lock update 3.0 (
) -
Update poetry.lock update 2.0
Try to solve the issue to correctly build html (e93be80
Update poetry.lock -- modify line 50 (
) -
Update .readthedocs.yml 2.0 : test if could be built (
) -
Merge pull request #88 from UBC-MDS/update_yml
update .readthedocs.yml (4656ded
update .readthedocs.yml (
) -
Merge pull request #87 from UBC-MDS/html_update_1.0
update html file that displays example.ipynb (755c242
- Merge pull request #86 from UBC-MDS/example_image
Example image (d881dbf
update html file that displays example.ipynb (
) -
plot (
) -
plot image (
) -
Update example.ipynb
Fixed formatting for one header (c4b082c
- Merge pull request #85 from UBC-MDS/doc_example_update-1
Type Fix example.ipynb profit function (fbc0b0c
- Type Fix example.ipynb profit function
I noticed I wrote the wrong output for the desired profit function example, it was 1000, but I should have written 1667 units so I just fixed that :) (9813da2
- Merge pull request #84 from UBC-MDS/doc_example_update
with output (3304c34
with output (
) -
Merge pull request #82 from UBC-MDS/doc_example_update
Updated Version of Example File - More Indepth (413a1ea
- Updated Version of Example File - More Indepth
I am uploading a new version of our example.ipynb file. This file now contains more indepth explanations of our functions and use cases, they contain real world examples and context as to how to use the functions, as well as explanations of the input and output values. Will need someone else to run it though and produce the outputs. (2a7f0f4
- Delete old docs/example.ipynb
Dropping our old version of example file, i am replacing it with a much more indepth version (f6e3f91
- Merge pull request #81 from UBC-MDS/readme-update
README Typo and Install Command Update (5a2a86f
- README Typo and Install Command Update
Hey guys just saw some typos in our Readme file that I updated, also wanted to change the conda env instructions because they weren't working without the -n (3a48796
- Merge pull request #80 from UBC-MDS/roi_test_update
doc update (3a85b60
doc update (
) -
Merge pull request #76 from UBC-MDS/example_update
exampole update (1c2820c
exampole update (
) -
Merge pull request #72 from UBC-MDS/rafecchang_fix-typos
Update example.ipynb (43e0ef5
- Update example.ipynb
Uniform the sub titles (c018c78
- Update README.md
Update the installation of pkg (e37671c
- Merge pull request #71 from UBC-MDS/package_install_6.0
Finished: poetry build works well (c3a2b43
Finished: poetry build works well (
) -
Merge pull request #70 from UBC-MDS/package_install_4.2_readdocs
add readthedoc.yml (1008c07
- add readthedoc.yml (
- Merge pull request #69 from UBC-MDS/package_install_4.1
build html file that allows interaction (113f2f8
build html file that allows interaction (
) -
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/UBC-MDS/financial_analyzer (
) -
Merge pull request #68 from UBC-MDS/package_install_4.0
update sphinx and fix mistakes in test func (52f5954
update sphinx and fix mistakes in test func (
) -
Finished the jupyter example (
) -
Merge pull request #66 from UBC-MDS/rafecchang-patch-1
Update test_roi.py (40d6643
Update test_units_for_target_profit.py (
) -
Update test_roi.py (
) -
Merge pull request #63 from UBC-MDS/package_install_2.0
update test_roi, and test_units_for_target_profit paritally (f3b9124
update test_roi, and test_units_for_target_profit paritally (first assertion) (
) -
Merge pull request #61 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-13
Update README.md Structure and Test (01379fe
- Merge pull request #62 from UBC-MDS/package_install_1.0
the first few steps for package installation (68af57d
the first few steps for package installation (
) -
Update README.md Structure and Test
Fixed up the structure of the readme to make it flow better, also updated the test instructions to include a bash text box for the code. (5a856a4
- Merge pull request #60 from UBC-MDS/Nicole-Tu97-patch-2
Added Test instructions to README.md (b8d773b
- Added Test instructions to README.md
Hello guys, I just added the test instructions to README, please take a look to see if it is ok to merge. Thanks! (9de45c3
- Merge pull request #59 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-12
Update README.md - Poetry Install (4150abe
- Update README.md - Poetry Install
Just updated the README to include instructions on how to run our function thus far given that it is not on PyPi. Instructions on how to get the env, and package working is up and should be good :) (3d6eb39
function update to return integer always round up (
) -
function and test update to return integer always round up (
) -
Merge pull request #58 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-11
Drop init of Test test_breakeven_point.py (714b0d5
- Drop init of Test test_breakeven_point.py
Dropping init for pytest to follow what was done in our individual assignment. (379be38
- Merge pull request #57 from UBC-MDS/plot_test_func
Plot test func (5e8f4b7
Add the function for plotting (
) -
2nd update to test function for plot (
) -
1st update of test function (
) -
Merge pull request #52 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-10
Update test_breakeven_point.py - pytest comand (cb8d303
- Merge pull request #54 from UBC-MDS/roi_functionAndTest
create file with initial test code (af15153
- Merge pull request #55 from UBC-MDS/plot_test_func
Update plotting function (d80628c
Update plotting function (
) -
create file with initial test code (
) -
Update test_units_for_target_profit.py (
) -
Update test_breakeven_point.py - pytest comand
Including "# Run the test using pytest
if name == "main":
pytest.main([file])" to initiate the pytest (ee440ed
- Merge pull request #51 from UBC-MDS/Nicole-Tu97-patch-1
Update units_for_target_profit.py (18af2d3
- Update units_for_target_profit.py
Hi guys, I updated the funtion, removing test code and store them in the test file instead. Please take a look to see if it is good to be updated. Thanks! (3313646
- Merge pull request #50 from UBC-MDS/roi_functionAndTest
added function code (a62d51d
- Merge pull request #49 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-9
Update Edge Cases test_breakeven_point.py (38d4741
added function code (
) -
Update Edge Cases test_breakeven_point.py
I am including the edge cases I used to build the final version of breakeven_point(). These are the tests regarding the zero division, negative calculations, and making sure the right type is being inputted into the function. (05a3563
- Merge pull request #48 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-8
Function Edge Cases Update breakeven_point.py (7f72434
- Function Edge Cases Update breakeven_point.py
I have included some raise error cases for the edge cases of this function. Making sure that the right type of input is being put in float/int. I am also making sure no negative values or situations that lead to 0 division will arise. (a065494
- Merge pull request #47 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-7
First Tests breakeven_point() (e0356e7
- First Tests breakeven_ppoint()
Here are the first set of tests to make sure that the general math of the function is working. This does not cover any edge cases yet. (6d85b4c
- Merge pull request #46 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-6
Update Function Code breakeven_point.py (eb30ce2
- Update Function Code breakeven_point.py
Here is the code to my function, it pretty simple I need to work on edge cases given my tests. (434d9a1
- Merge pull request #35 from UBC-MDS/test_unit_for_profit
test file added for unit profit function (b702d5e
test file added for unit profit function (
) -
Merge pull request #34 from UBC-MDS/test_unit_for_profit
unit_for_profit function tests written (6243878
unit_for_profit function tests written (
) -
Merge pull request #33 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-5
Update README.md (High Level Desc + Eco System) (cbc0e12
- Update README.md (High Level Desc + Eco System)
Updated the High Level descriptions of the function, and included Python Ecosystem update + package reference. (1e84b1a
- Update CONDUCT.md
Make the code of conduct more tailored to our mission - Finance! Truth! (e0f9921
- Merge pull request #31 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-4
Update README.md Include Names (contributors) (96e35e8
- Merge pull request #32 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-3
Update README.md (daf568b
- Update README.md Include Names (contributors)
Heres an update I added a Contributors section including all our names in the README :) (586fc49
- Update README.md
Editted README file to follow the new names of our functions and give updated descriptions of the functions :) (90dee96
- Merge pull request #29 from UBC-MDS/update_documentation
Update the content of documentation (05a6188
Update the content of documentation (
) -
Merge pull request #28 from UBC-MDS/rafecchang-roi_doc_update
Update roi.py (d5d5596
- Merge pull request #27 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-2
Update documentation breakeven to follow new name. (a1f41c7
Update roi.py (
) -
Update documentation breakeven to follow new name.
Changing the break even documentation to follow the new function name. (b342833
- Merge pull request #26 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-breakeven-fix
Update and rename plot_break_even_point.py to follow breakeven format (54a3955
- Update and rename plot_break_even_point.py to follow breakeven format
Wanted to make sure that our naming methods are similar between all functions changing break_even to 'breakeven' so that it looks more like the other functions :) (fc06ae8
Update README.md (
) -
Merge pull request #25 from UBC-MDS/rename_plot_file
Update the py file name for plotting function (7f6fc95
Update the py file name for plotting function (
) -
Delete src/financial_analyzer/calculate_roi.py
Delete old ROI file name (e92aecd
- Merge pull request #23 from UBC-MDS/roi+readme
name update (1508e1a
- Merge pull request #24 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-patch-1
Update and rename calculate_break_even_point.py to breakeven_point.py (6bb1f50
- Update and rename calculate_break_even_point.py to breakeven_point.py
Renaming function name to make it shorter (322c960
function renamed again (
) -
name update (
) -
file renamed (
) -
Merge pull request #22 from UBC-MDS/unite-for-profit-function-documentation
unit for profit function documentation (7c22042
- unit for profit function documentation
Calculate the number of units needed to be sold to achieve a desired profit.
Please take a look to see if it is ok to be merge:) (c9be891
Delete src/financial_analyzer/units_for_profit.py (
) -
Merge pull request #20 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-be_calc_func
Completed calculate_break_even_point() Documentation (fd78d5f
- Merge pull request #21 from UBC-MDS/alanpow-roi-duc-update
Updated Format for Plot BE Function Documentation (fb140d1
- Updated Format for ROI Function Documentation
I updated the documentation a little to follow the individual assignment a little closer :) (0d52df0
- Delete src/financial_analyzer/be_plot.py
Making sure I do my update using a branch (2159260
- Add files via upload
Here is the function documentation for the calculate_break_even_point() function along with parameters, results, and examples. (8f20fc1
- Delete src/financial_analyzer/calculate_break_even_point.py
Need to make sure we follow the instructions and commit with new branches so I am redoing this (little rusty after the break). (cc9ccd3
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:UBC-MDS/Financial-Calculations-Package-Group-3 (
) -
Updated documentation for profit function following indiv assignment (
) -
Updated documentation to follow indiv assignment (
) -
Merge pull request #15 from UBC-MDS/roi+readme
ecosystem update (3ff1ff9
ecosystem update (
) -
function documentation and file for break even calculation (
) -
Merge pull request #14 from UBC-MDS/roi+readme
Roi+readme (7a48e90
Add plotting function documentation: visualize break even point (2760390
function file added (
) -
Add plotting function documentation: visualize break even point (
) -
Merge pull request #1 from UBC-MDS/structure_setup
Initial structure setup (602704c