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Data Analytics


09:00 - 09:30 09:30 - 10:10 10:20 - 11:30 11:40 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:45 13:45 - 15:00 15:00 - 18:00
Warm up Lab Review/Lecture 10 mins Break Lecture 10 mins Break Lab Lunch Break Lecture Lab

πŸ‘‰ Β  Table of Contents

πŸ“… Β  Week 1

Week 1 | Day5 Key Objectives:

  • Map function
  • Intro to Pandas.
  • Weekly Recap

    Week 1 | Day4 Key Objectives:

    • Programming Tips and coding efficiency.
    • Lambda functions.
    • Data Analysis Intro and Process
    • Numpy Arrays

      Week 1 | Day3 Key Objectives:

      • Python functions
      • Python List comprehension
      • Pre-work review

        Week 1 | Day2 Key Objectives:

        • Conda: Package and Environment Manager
        • Python Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, dictionaries, Sets
        • Python String Operations

          Week 1 | Day1 Key Objectives:

          • Housekeeping Issues and Bootcamp Expectation
          • Command Line
          • Git & GitHub
          • Jupyter Notebooks and Markdown
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Presentation] Intro

[Activity] Command Line

[Presentation] Git

[Presentation] Jupyter Notebooks

[Cheat Sheet] Mac Command

[Cheat Sheet] Windows Command Line

[Cheat Sheet] Git Cheat Sheet

[Cheat sheet] Markdown Cheat Sheet

[LAB] Git

[LAB] Jupyter Notebook

[LAB] (Optional) Bash

[Presentation] Conda

[Activity] Conda Environment

[Cheat Sheet] Conda Cheat Sheet

[Presentation] Python Built-In Data Structures

[Notebook] Python Built-In Data Structures

[Presentation] Python String Operations

[Notebook] Python String Operations

[Lab] Python Built-In Data Structures

[Lab] Python Strings

[Presentation] Python Functions

[Notebook] Python Functions

[Presentation] Python Lists Comprehension

[Notebook] Python Lists Comprehension

[Lab] Pre-Work Review

[Presentation] Programming Tips

[Presentation] Programming Code Simplicity

[Presentation] Lambda Function

[Presentation] Data Analysis Intro

[Presentation] Data Analysis Process

[Presentation] Numpy Arrays

[Cheat Sheet] Numpy Arrays

[Notebook] Numpy Arrays

[Lab] Numpy Arrays

[Presentation] Python Map

[Presentation] Intro to Pandas

[Code Along] Intro to Pandas

Weekly Recap

Weekly Retro

[Lab] Pandas Exercises

πŸ“… Β  Week 2 - EDA

πŸ“… Β  Week 2

Week 2 | Day1 Key Objectives:

  • Pandas continued (filtering,applying functions, concatenating, IO operations)
  • HealthCare For All Case Study
  • Data Cleaning using Pandas

    Week 2 | Day2 Key Objectives:

    • HealthCare For All Case Study
    • Data Cleaning using Pandas
    • Statistics basics ( samples, probability, distributions, random variables, samples, measures of central tendency and dispersion).

      Week 2 | Day3 Key Objectives:

      • Correlation and correlation Matrix
      • Plotting using Matplotlib and seaborn
      • Exploratory Data Analysis

        Week 2 | Day4 Key Objectives:

        • Data Pipelining
        • Linear Regression

          Week 2 | Day5 Key Objectives:

          • Weekly Recap
          • Pandas Group By
          • Pandas Merging
          • Pandas Best Practices
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Code Along] Pandas_Part_2

[Healthcare For All Case Study]

[Code_Along] Healthcare For All Case Study

[Lab] EDA_Round_1

[Presentation] Basic Statistical Concepts

[Lab] EDA_Round_2

[Presentation] Correlation of Numerical Features

[Presentation] EDA with plotting

[Notebook] EDA with plotting

[Cheat Sheet] Matplotlib

[Cheat Sheet] Seaborn

[Lab] EDA_Round_3

[Linear Regression Overview]

[Code_Along] Data_Pipelining

[Lab] EDA_Round_4

[Presentation] Pandas Joining, Grouping

[Notebook] Pandas contd

Weekly Recap

Weekly Retro


[Case Study Presentations]

[Lab Pandas Group By]

πŸ“… Β  Week 3 - Databases - Visualizations

πŸ“… Β  Week 3

Week 3 | Day 5 Learning Objectives:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Tableau
  • Weekly Recap

    Week 3 | Day 4 Learning Objectives:

    • Having clause
    • Temporary Table
    • Data Warehousing
    • Data Visualization
    • Intro Tableau

      Week 3 | Day 3 Learning Objectives:

      • Subqueries

        Week 3 | Day 2 Learning Objectives:

        • ERDs
        • Joins

          Week 3 | Day 1 Learning Objectives:

          • Relational Databases
          • SQL Queries
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Presentation] Relational Databases

[LAB] Lab | SQL Intro

[LAB] Lab | SQL Queries

[Presentation] Joins & ERD

[Lab] Sql Join two tables

[Lab] (Optional) Sql Join multiple tables

[Activity ERD]

[Presentation] SQL Sub Queries

[Lab] SQL Sub Queries

[SQL Having clause]

[Presentation] Data Warehousing

[Presentation] Temporary Table/ Views

[Presentation] Intro to Tableau

[LAB] Tableau

[Lab] (Optional) SQL Group By

[Presentation] Tableau

[Presentation] Business Intelligence

[Activity] KPIs

Weekly Recap

Weekly Retro

[LAB] Tableau Dashboard

πŸ“… Β  Week 4 - Stats - Regression

πŸ“… Β  Week 4

Week 4 | Day 5 Learning Objectives:

  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Mid term project briefing
  • Recap

    Week 4 | Day 4 Learning Objectives:

    • Model Validation
    • Revisit StandardScaler fit and transform functions
    • Using the model to predict on a new unseen record.
    • Hypothesis Testing

      Week 4 | Day 3 Learning Objectives:

      • Linear Regression.
      • Model Validation.

        Week 4 | Day 2 Learning Objectives:

        • Linear Regression.
        • Model Validation.

          Week 4 | Day 1 Learning Objectives:

          • Storytelling with Data
          • Data Visualization
          • Machine Learning Intro.
          • Data Transformation.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Presentation] Data Visualization

[Presentation] Storytelling with Data]

[Presentation] Intro to Machine Learning

[Presentation] Probability Distributions

[Presentation] Data Processing

[LAB] Lab | Data Transformation

[Lab] [Optional] Resume using Tableau

[Presentation] Linear Regression

[Notebook] Linear Regression

[LAB] Lab | Model Fitting and Evaluating

[Presentation] Improving Model Accuracy

[Notebook] Linear Regression

[LAB] Model Evaluation and Improving

[Presentation] Sampling Distributions

[Presentation] Hypothesis Testing

[Notebook] Hypothesis One Sample Test

[LAB] Model Evaluation and Improving

[Lab] Hypothesis Testing


[Presentation] A/B Testing

[Notebook] A/B Testing

Weekly Recap

Weekly Retro

Midterm Project Intro/ Briefing

[Lab] Hypothesis Testing

πŸ“… Β  Week 5 - Mid Term Project

πŸ“… Β  Week 5

πŸ“… Β  Mid-Term Project

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

Submitting project plans Work on the project Work on the project Work on the project Work on the project
Work on the project Presentations
πŸ“… Β  Week 6 - Song Recommender Product

Week 6

Week 6 | Day 5 Learning Objectives:

  • Working on the product

    Week 6 | Day 4 Learning Objectives:

    • Unsupervised Learning
    • K-means Algorithm
    • Saving/Loading Model using Pickle

      Week 6 | Day 3 Learning Objectives:

      • APIs.
      • Spotify API.
      • JSON format overview.
      • Restful APIs

        Week 6 | Day 2 Learning Objectives:

        • Web Scraping multiple pages
        • Python modules

          Week 6 | Day 1 Learning Objectives:

          • Git ignore
          • Web Scraping
          • HTML, CSS
          • Beautiful Soup
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Case Study] Gnod Song Recommender

[Presentation] Web Scraping

[Activity] CSS Selector

[Notebook] Web Scraping Code Along

[Presentation] Project Roadmap

[LAB] Song Recommender Project

[Notebook] Web Scraping Multiple Pages Code Along

[LAB] Song Recommender Project

[Presentation] APIs

[Presentation] Spotipy

[Notebook] APIs

[Notebook] Spotipy

[LAB] Song Recommender Project

[Presentation] Clustering using K-means

[Presentation] K-Means with Scikit-Learn

[Notebook] K-Means Code Along

[LAB] Song Recommender Project

[Presentation] Weekly Recap

[LAB] Song Recommender Project

Song Recommender Presentations

πŸ“… Β  Week 7 - Machine Learning - Advanced

Week 7

Week 7 | Day 5 Learning Objectives:

  • Random Forest
  • Hyper Parameter Tuning
  • ML Frequent Problems
  • Recap

    Week 7 | Day 4 Learning Objectives:

    • Cross Validation
    • Handling Imbalanced Data
    • Bias and Variance Tradeoff

      Week 7 | Day 3 Learning Objectives:

      • Decision Trees

        Week 7 | Day 2 Learning Objectives:

        • KNN
        • Logistic regression
        • Evaluating Classification models

          Week 7 | Day 1 Learning Objectives:

          • Feature Selection
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Presentation] Feature Selection

[Notebook] Feature Selection

[Notebook] Feature Selection using P-Value

[LAB] Model_Comparison

[Presentation] KNN

[Presentation] Logistic Regression

[Presentation] Evaluating Classification Models

[Notebook] KNN

[Notebook] Logistic Regression

[LAB] Logistic Regression

[Presentation] Decision Trees

[Notebook] Decision Trees

[Lab] Decision_Trees

[Presentation ] Cross Validation

[Presentation] Bias & Variance

[Notebook] Cross Validation

[Notebook] Handling Imbalanced Data sets

[Data] Imbalanced Data Set

[Lab] Cross Validation & Resampling


[Presentation] ML Frequent Problems

[Presentation] Ensemble Methods

[Presentation] Weekly Recap

[Notebook] Random Forest

[Notebook] Hyper Parameter Tuning

[Weekly Retro]

[Lab] Random Forest & Hyper Parameter Tuning

Final Project Kick off

πŸ“… Β  Week 8 - Advanced-ML & Final Project

Week 8

Week 8 | Day 1 Learning Objectives:

  • Agile
  • Final Project Presentation Example.
  • NLP
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

It is Friday!! πŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽβœŒοΈ

[Presentation] Agile/ Project Management

[Presentation] Natural Language Processing

[Notebook] NLP

[Data] NLP Data

Final Project Research Final Project Elevator Pitches Daily Standup

Final Project Plan Submission

Daily Standup
πŸ“… Β Week 9 - Final Project - Hackshow