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Building Noname ROM

Jostein Kjønigsen edited this page Aug 20, 2013 · 1 revision

Building Noname ROM

Noname ROM is a Cyanogenmod-based ROM with some very small modifications to make it run well on the TF101 and TF101G.

Following and understanding the general Cyanogenmod build-instructions is very much recommended.

Setting up a build-environment.

Follow the general guidelines, but initialize the build-root using the following command instead:

repo init -u git:// -b cm-10.2

After synching up, and getting prebuilts, setting up build-environemnt etc. Do not breakfast tf101. Instead manually add the required repos:

croot mkdir .repo/local_manifests nano -repo/local_manifests/noname.xml


In nano add the following XML to the file you've just created:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <project name="NonameROM/device_asus_tf101" path="device/asus/tf101" remote="github" revision="jellybean_4.3" /> <project name="timduru/tf101-katkernel" path="kernel/asus/tf101" remote="github" revision="master" /> </manifest>


In nano add the following XML to the file you've just created:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <project name="NonameROM/device_asus_tf101g" path="device/asus/tf101g" remote="github" revision="jellybean_4.3" /> <project name="NonameROM/katkernel_asus_tf101g" path="kernel/asus/tf101g" remote="github" revision="dev" /> </manifest>

Moving on

Get the newly added repos using another repo sync.

Get the required binaries from your device with ADB enabled using the provided scripts:

croot cd device/asus/tf101 ./

If you've already extracted the files to one build-root and is setting up anotehr, you can fetch the files from there:

croot cd device/asus/tf101 ./ OTHER_BUILD_ROOT

Now you should be able to run a build using either brunch tf101 or brunch tf101g depending on your device.

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