A docker image with gitlab-runner
, gcloud
and kubeclt
, this image can use for build, push image to GCloud registry, update pods image in Kubernetes or Cloud Run.
- with
:- Build image:
docker build --tag local/gloud-gitlab-runner .
- Run container
docker run -d -v $(pwd)/data/gitlab-runner:/etc/gitlab-runner -v $(pwd)/data/scripts:/scripts --name gcloud-gitlab-runner --restart=always local/gcloud-gitlab-runner /scripts/init_script.sh
- Build image:
- or with
:docker-compose up --build -d
Both command with overwrite default CMD with custom script init_script.sh
mount from host
Login and register runner with gitlab:
docker exec -ti gcloud-gitlab-runner /bin/bash gitlab-runner register # note: choose `shell` as executor
Auth with Google Cloud using key file:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/path/to/key.json
Set project:
gcloud config set project your-project-name
Set cluster:
gcloud config set container/cluster your-cluster-name
Set compute/zone:
gcloud config set compute/zone your-computer-zone
Config auth using plugin:
Load cluster credential:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials your-cluster-name
Now, build and deploy new image for your app:
- Build and submit image:
gcloud builds submit --gcs-log-dir gs://deploy-logs/demo-app-test --tag gcr.io/your-project-name/demo-app-test:0.1.1 .
- Deploy image:
kubectl set image deployment demo-app-test-deploy demo-app-test-deploy=gcr.io/your-project-name/demo-app-test:0.1.1 -n default
- Build and submit image: