diff --git a/versions/1.0.0.md b/versions/1.0.0.md
index be57c15..e28b65b 100644
--- a/versions/1.0.0.md
+++ b/versions/1.0.0.md
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ Field Name | Type | Description
summary | `string` | A summary of the purpose or objective of the workflow.
description | `string` | A description of the workflow. [CommonMark syntax](https://spec.commonmark.org/) MAY be used for rich text representation.
inputs | `JSON Schema` | A JSON Schema 2020-12 object representing the input parameters used by this workflow.
+dependsOn | [`string`] | A list of workflows that MUST be completed before this workflow can be processed. The values provided MUST be a `workflowId`. If the workflow depended on is defined within the current Workflow Document, then specify the `workflowId` of the relevant local workflow. If the workflow is defined in a separate Workflows Document then the workflow MUST be defined in the `sourceDescriptions` and the `workflowId` MUST be specified using a [runtime expression](#runtime-expressions) (e.g., `$sourceDescriptions..`) to avoid ambiguity or potential clashes.
steps | [[Step Object](#step-object)] | **REQUIRED**. An ordered list of steps where each step represents a call to an API operation or to another workflow.
outputs | Map[`string`, {expression}] | A map between a friendly name and a dynamic output value. The name MUST use keys that match the regular expression: `^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$`.