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Medical Camp Management System

****** Organizer ******
Organizers username: Viewer
Organizers email:
Password: test1212

Live site URL :

Bullet points featuring the website:
****** Best Features ******

  1. Users can paid by stipe .
  2. In this webSite, Organizers have differant opportunities from as User Management, Camp Management . etc.
  3. Organizer can update the role of user .

****** Others ******

  1. User can search and sort by camp fees, name or other options .
  2. User Can Analyses his registered camps , paid fees , etc.
  3. User can delete his registered camps before pay.
  4. User can also update his profile but without email.
  5. Organizer Can delete user , Camps , Registered camps before payment .
  6. Organizer can add Camps .
  7. Every privet route are protected by JWT .

To run localy :

# npm pakage
1. axios
2. react icons
3. material-tailwind
4. react-rating
5. stripe
6. tanstack/react-query
7. aos
8. firebase
9. react-helmet-async
10. react-hook-form
11. react-parallax
12. react-responsive-carousel
13. react-select
14. recharts
15. sweetalert2
16. swiper

Secret Key

VITE_apiKey= {firebase}
VITE_authDomain= {firebase}
VITE_projectId= {firebase}
VITE_storageBucket= {firebase}
VITE_messagingSenderId= {firebase}
VITE_appId= {firebase}
VITE_PHOTO_HOSTING_KEY= {Photo hosting Key}
VITE_PAYMENT_PK={Payment Method Key}

****** Technologies ******

React.js || Firebase || Stripe || Material Tailwind || TanStack Query || Axios || JWT

Server Side

Server Side Repository :