This getting started realizes a scenario such as the following image.
- The user updates the temperature attribute of the Room entity using curl.
- Orion notifies to the as a function in OpenWhisk. (HTTP POST)
- The function writes messages according to the value of temperature to result.
- User can confirm results using wsk.
Install OpenWhisk
cd fiware-meteoroid/docker/openwhisk-devtools/docker-compose
make quick-start
wsk property set --apihost <OPENWHISK API HOST>
ok: whisk API host set to <OPENWHISK API HOST>
Create a Python script named The first argument of the main function is provided POST parameter and function param option.
- temperature: The temperature is given an attribute of Entity as the HTTP request parameter(POST) assumed structures of Orion notification.
- threshold: The threshold is given parameters when creating or updating function as a command line option.
def main(params):
temperature = params['data'][0]['temperature']['value']
threshold = int(params['threshold'])
message = "No problem."
if temperature > threshold:
message = "Dangerous because it’s too hot!"
print(temperature, message)
return {"temperature": temperature, "message": message}
Create a function with the name Thermometer. You can pass parameters to Function with the param option.
wsk action create Thermometer --param threshold 35 --web true -i
ok: created action Thermometer
Create an api with the name hello. For function ID, specify the ID of the Function created in the previous step.
wsk api create room /thermometer post Thermometer -i
ok: created API room/thermometer POST for action /_/Thermometer
Invoke the function with the URL obtained when created endpoint. Request parameter is specified as JSON assuming structures of Orion notification.
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<__EOS__
"data": [{
"temperature": {
"value": 30
"message": "No problem.",
"temperature": 30
Subscription is notified to OpenWhisk by creating an entity. The function is called by Orion subscription.
curl http://localhost:1026/v2/entities -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<__EOS__
"id": "Room1",
"type": "Room",
"temperature": {
"type": "Number",
"value": 25
Create a subscription.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions -X POST -d @- <<__EOS__
"description": "A subscription to get status about Room1",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"id": "Room1",
"type": "Room"
"condition": {
"attrs": [
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": ""
"attrs": [
"throttling": 5
Update the temperature attribute using curl.
curl http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/Room1/attrs -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @- <<__EOS__
"temperature": {
"value": 40
Obtain results of function using wsk. You cannot obtain the latest results unless You execute the following command twice.
wsk activation list -i
wsk activation list -i
Datetime Activation ID Kind Start Duration Status Entity
2020-07-14 17:57:41 fecb0e4e498046ce8b0e4e4980d6ced7 python:3 cold 975ms success guest/Thermometer:0.0.1
2020-07-14 17:28:52 e4956fd59cfb401c956fd59cfb901c73 nodejs:10 cold 157ms success guest/hello:0.0.2
2020-07-14 17:28:42 67af88bf6ec04039af88bf6ec0103962 nodejs:10 cold 102ms success guest/hello:0.0.1
Show a result using the activation ID.
wsk activation result fecb0e4e498046ce8b0e4e4980d6ced7 -i
"message": "No problem.",
"temperature": 30