Project 5 - First blog built with PHP
In order to install third party libraries, run composer install
Packages used in this project :
- Nikic FastRoute to handle routing
- Twig as template engine
- Slugify to generate slugs for blog posts
- PhpMailer to send emails
This project is developed with Docker.
To install this project on your local machine, simply clone this repository.
The stack is composed of 4 containers :
- nginx
- php
- mysql
- phpMyAdmin
Then launch the dev stack with Docker : docker-compose up -d
The homepage is available on : blog.localhost:8080
Database configuration example is available in db-config.yaml.example
In order to have a working connection, copy and paste the content of db-config.yaml.example
in a file called db_config.yaml
This file will be parsed to get the data needed by the PDOFactory to connect to the database.
When using Docker, the name of the database host
is not localhost
, but the name of the container, which by default is mysql
An SQL dump file with sample data is available in the dumps
The phpMyAdmin container url is blog.localhost:8000
with root
login and admin
password. This can be changed in the docker-compose
In order to have a fully functional blog, the SQL file contains :
3 users with different states :
- an admin user with
login email andAdmin1234!
password. This user has role admin and can create blog posts, and handle users, comments and social networks in admin dashboard. - a simple user with
login email andUser1234!
password. This user can post comments on blog posts. - a deleted user. This user has role disabled, personal data are anonymised and user can't connect to the blog.
- an admin user with
5 blog posts. 3 posts per page are displayed with pagination.
5 comments created by various users and in different states (pending, rejected and approved).
Emails are sent with php mailer
package. To send emails, create mail.yaml
configuration file. An example configuration is available in mail.yaml.example
Links to code quality tools used for this project:
- Codeclimate :
- SonarCloud :