Create layered, responsive banners & slideshows like you could do with the Shopware 5 Digital Publishing plugin. The plugin is compatible with PHP version 7.4 and higher.
Are you a happy user of the Advanced Banners plugin? Please consider giving our project a ⭐️ star on Github, or buying the maintainer a cup of ☕️ coffee.
- Banner editor
- Layered banners
- Different layers
- WYSIWYG (text)
- Buttons
- Solid (color)
- Image
- Fully localized
- English
- German
- Dutch
- Translatable content
- Easily extendible
- CMS Elements
- Advanced Banner
- Advanced Banner Slider
composer require runelaenen/shopware6-advanced-banners
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install --activate RuneLaenenAdvancedBanners
The composer install does not come with compiled javascript. You will have to build/compile your administration and storefront javascript.
In case you are using the production template, the command below should do the trick.
composer update runelaenen/shopware6-advanced-banners
bin/console plugin:update RuneLaenenAdvancedBanners
Builing the javascript & css will still be needed.
- Download the latest from the latest release.
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Administration
- Install & Activate the plugin
- Download the latest from the latest release.
- Upload the zip in the Shopware Administration
- Update the plugin
Please help with code, love, shares, feedback and bug reporting.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT licence.