Releases: Open-EO/openeo-processes-dask
Releases · Open-EO/openeo-processes-dask
What's Changed
- add latest submodule by @ValentinaHutter in #247
- flexible crs in geometries dict in aggregate_spatial by @ValentinaHutter in #245
- add load_url draft by @ValentinaHutter in #246
- Update pyproject.toml by @ValentinaHutter in #248
Full Changelog: 2024.3.0...2024.4.0
What's Changed
- add docs for aggregate_spatial by @ValentinaHutter in #230
- update random forest tests by @ValentinaHutter in #241
- Contribution guidelines by @ValentinaHutter in #236
Full Changelog: 2024.2.5...2024.3.0
What's Changed
- Fix resample spatial by @clausmichele in #233
- Update pyproject.toml by @ValentinaHutter in #234
Full Changelog: 2024.2.4...2024.2.5
What's Changed
- Update specs to use datacube instead of rastercube by @ValentinaHutter in #232
Full Changelog: 2024.2.3...2024.2.4
What's Changed
- labelled arrays by @clausmichele in #155
- Bug in apply kernel by @SerRichard in #231
Full Changelog: 2024.2.2...2024.2.3
What's Changed
- Update to 2024.2.1 openeo-processes by @ValentinaHutter in #224
- Tests for constants pi and e by @m-mohr in #209
- clip: throw exception is min > max by @m-mohr in #208
- Clip correctly in linear_scale_range when inputMax < inputMin by @m-mohr in #206
- extrema: skipna => ignore_nodata, ensure dtype is available by @m-mohr in #202
- Add array_append by @m-mohr in #210
- Spatila agg xvec by @masawdah in #217
- update version by @ValentinaHutter in #225
Full Changelog: 2024.1.3...2024.2.2
Full Changelog: 2024.1.3...2024.2.1
What's Changed
- Bug in mask polygon by @SerRichard in #220
- bump submodule to include new process specs by @SerRichard in #221
Full Changelog: 2024.1.1...2024.1.2
What's Changed
- feat: add mask and fix resample_cube_spatial by @clausmichele in #165
- dimension_labels should return a list, datetimes should be ISO formatted by @m-mohr in #207
- first/last: Convert to numpy if list is provided by @m-mohr in #212
- Apply kernel by @VincentVerelst in #186
- Fix: Apply dim exceptions by @GeraldIr in #218
New Contributors
- @m-mohr made their first contribution in #207
- @VincentVerelst made their first contribution in #186
Full Changelog: 2023.11.6...2024.1.1