- Added display of help when openfluid command line is launched without any argument
- Added build information in wares signature
- Added display of build information for wares in Builder
- Added display of build information for wares in reports using openfluid command line
- Added compatibility with future 1.0 version of FLUIDhub API, keeping compatibility with current 0.5 version
- Added filtering of available wares to import in DevStudio
- Added cleanPath, absolutePath and renameFile methods in Filesystem class
- Added CMake targets to build all unit tests of a given library
- Added CMake configuration option to allow/disallow network requests during tests
- Added CMake detection of server availability for tests with network requests
- Added ability to display build information using openfluid command line
- Added extended ISO format for datet-ime in CSV observers
- Improved details of build information
- Improved tests
- Updated Devstudio UI/UX for importing wares from remote repositories to ensure FLUIDhub API compatibility
- Updated CMakeLists.txt template for wares to match CMake requirements
- Updated ABI check in plugins manager to strict check
- Updated deprecated usage of QProcess methods
- Updated building process for PDF documentation
- Updated example buddy to display path in error messages
- Updated management of CMake configuration using OPTIONS
- Updated wares plugins interface to match C-linkage
- Updated CI configuration
- Replaced Qt random functions by stdlib random
- Replaced deprecated boost headers in unit tests
- Replaced 7zip by CMake for background management of zip archives
- Fixed display of build information in About dialog
- Fixed Builder crash when cancelling window for ware opening
- Fixed potential wrong project path management in Builder
- Fixed input/output/temp directories in wares environment, now always returned as absolute paths
- Fixed generation of KMZ file archive in KML observer
- Fixed compilation flags for clang compiler
- Fixed of wind usage in Firespread example
- Fixed potential bad alloc error in GNUplot observer
- Fixed display of example installation buddy in CLI mode
- Cleaned source code
- Cleaned main documentation
- Cleaned build configuration and related scripts
- Added colouring of simulators and generators in OpenFLUID-Builder that can be applied to background or border
- Added support of 3D coordinates in map view in Builder
- Added support of 3D coordinates in Builder extension for importing GIS data
- Added display of geometry type in map view in Builder
- Added build and install of documentations for provided examples
- Added ability to open source code of provided examples in Builder
- Added ability to open external tools from Devstudio at workspace, ware and file levels
- Added ability to copy full and relative path of files in Devstudio using the contextual menu
- Added optional JSON format for wares reporting using the command line
- Added ability to set the floating point format in CSV observers
- Added saving of datasets in bindings for programming languages
- Improved UI for memory management in Builder
- Improved detection of geometry types for GIS data
- Improved compatibility with recent OS
- Improved internal compatibility with recent compilers
- Improved internal detection of macOS version
- Improved macOS packaging, in particular for recent versions
- Updated build policy of openfluid-landr library, set to not built by default
- Updated tool for checking coding style
- Updated tests
- Updated docs with extended informations in HTML metadata for better sharing across social media
- Fixed problem with empty values in Builder extension for importing GIS data
- Fixed inconsistent behaviour when saving empty values in parameters
- Fixed "Open in Terminal" action in DevStudio on Windows systems
- Fixed potential problem in path separators when running simulations as external processes in Builder
- Fixed minor build problems
- Cleaned code
- Added command line mode for execution of simulations in Builder as a separate process
- Added observer to produce multi-columns CSV files
- Added configurable auto-save mode in Devstudio
- Added management of path and paths list separators in the Filesystem API, depending on operating system
- Added experimental support of embedded R code in sumlators
- Added automatic build of documentation examples
- Added french translation for completion menu
- Updated management of completion in Devstudio
- Updated completion items in Devstudio for better consistency
- Updated checkstyle tool according to the bracketing coding style
- Updated configuration of external CI services
- Updated documentation
- Updated tests
- Fixed double increment of line width in map view in Builder, occurring on large maps
- Fixed files types detection in Devstudio
- Fixed UI of new ware dialog in Devstudio
- Fixed Preferences menu placement on MacOS system
- Fixed Devstudio window size and placement at startup
- Fixed behaviour of simulation dialogs in Builder
- Fixed keyboard shortcut for completion popup on MacOS system
- Fixed management of internal reference URLs
- Fixed warnings at build type in MHYDAS model
- Fixed possible build error of users builder-extensions, due to missing header file
- Cleaned code
- Added syncing of selection between Builder map and attributes table in spatial tab
- Added multiselection of spatial units in Builder map view and attributes table
- Added customizable line width in Builder map view
- Added management of HiDPI icons
- Added Example of MHYDAS model for surface hydrology applied to Roujan basin (MHYDAS is now bundled with OpenFLUID as an example)
- Improved CMake configuration files to force explicit source code declaration
- Improved internal tool for checking coding style
- Updated command line options for wares reporting
- Updated OpenFLUID official logo, official icons and splash screens
- Updated resources images for better rendering on HiDPI displays
- Updated main documentation
- Updated documentation of various API classes
- Updated IDs of simulators used in examples projects
- Updated scripts for retreival and conversion of icons with standard and HiDPI modes
- Fixed values ranges in various Builder spin boxes
- Fixed display of fill color button for Builder map objects according to the spatial dimension (2D)
- Fixed correctness of colors represented in line/fill buttons of Builder map view
- Fixed dark mode management on MacOS (Mojave) for Builder and Devstudio
- Fixed possible password leak in Git proxy
- Fixed unnecessary binary built for scientific namespace
- Fixed Git proxy tests on Windows systems
- Cleaned code and tests
- Introduced C++14 as the minimal standard for OpenFLUID core and scientific development
- Introduced generic layout for dialogs with messages
- Improved GDAL compatibility macros
- Improved internal tool for checking coding style
- Refactored FluidX descriptors to unify advanced and classic descriptors
- Updated documentation of command line parser class
- Updated CMake configuration files to match new CMake policies
- Fixed crash when closing dialog of a running simulation in Builder
- Fixed weird buttons labels in main toolbar in Builder and DevStudio
- Fixed possible target names collision in CMake configuration for sim2doc
- Cleaned code and tests
- Added ability to display simulators and observers names instead of IDs in Builder when adding to model and monitoring
- Added button in Builder for direct access to documentations associated to simulators (if available)
- Added parallel build option for wares in Devstudio
- Added display of execution time for commands such as configure and build in DevStudio
- Added utilities classes to facilitate bindings with other languages or environments
- Improved generation of simulators documentation with direct access from DevStudio
- Improved UI layout in Devstudio and Builder
- Updated CMake templates for DevStudio
- Updated CI configurations (Travis, AppVeyor)
- Updated Homebrew cask file for Qt dependency
- Fixed ambiguous keyboard shortcuts in Devstudio
- Fixed CSS for documentation layout to match new Doxygen versions
- Fixed CMake configuration of OpenFLUID source code for better management of UI/not UI compilation
- Cleaned code and tests
- Introduced development dashboard in DevStudio to perform batch actions such as configure, build, check, clean
- Introduced parameterization UI for GNUplot observer
- Added numeric version number in binary filenames of wares
- Added handling of HTTP redirections for FluidHub connections (Qt>5.6 only)
- Updated About dialog box with richer information about build, changes, ...
- Improved UI for time period configuration in Builder
- Improved continuous integration process (Travis CI, AppVeyor)
- Improved C++11 usage
- Switched from Qt4 to Qt5 for Linux, as already done for MacOS and Windows
- Deprecated aggregate headers (core.hpp, base.hpp, ...)
- Cleaned code
- Fixed minor bugs : initialization of random generator, potential memory leaks, market paths when disabled, DevStudio crash when closed while building ware, GDAL compatibility on 64bits fields, data types management in GIS export observer
- Introduced run options in Builder, acccording to existing command line options
- Added elapsed execution time for simulations in Builder
- Added menu entry in Builder to open the current project directory in a file explorer
- Added keyboard shortcuts in Builder
- Updated icons sets for Builder and Devstudio, now based on material design
- Modified default behaviour when inserting generators in Builder, now inserted at the beginning of the model
- Modified title for generators widgets in Builder to be more explicit
- Modified writing system of fluidx files to avoid data fragmentation
- Refactored Builder software architecture
- Cleaned code
- Fixed bugs
- Introduced packaging for Mac OSX, depending on homebrew package manager
- Introduced explicit geometry of spatial units, as a technology preview
- Introduced proxies for easier interactions with external programs
- Added git, CMake and GRASS GIS proxies
- Improved dot graph observer with possible selection of data to be displayed in nodes
- Improved DevStudio UI : closing menu for all open wares sources, collapsing of source explorer, git decorations in source explorer, git dashboard, status bar, ability to restart application when required by preferences updates
- Improved Builder UI : status bar, ability to restart application when required by preferences updates
- Ensured compatibility with GDAL for both 1.xx and 2.xx versions of the library
- Cleaned code
- Updated doc content
- Fixed small bugs
- Introduced import of wares from WaresHub sites in OpenFLUID-DevStudio
- Introduced git notifications and minimal tools in OpenFLUID-DevStudio
- Introduced wareshub.json file editor in OpenFLUID-DevStudio
- Introduced console colors in OpenFLUID command line tool
- Introduced global completion system in OpenFLUID-Builder with specific shortcut
- Added tooltips on connections and slots of model graphical view in OpenFLUID-Builder
- Added wares list order in model management, model graphical view and monitoring management in OpenFLUID-Builder
- Added detection of #prettycode tag in checkstyle tool
- Improved use of C++11
- Updated tests naming
- Cleaned code
- Fixed minor bugs : CMake detection from OpenFLUID-DevStudio, LaTeX formatted SI units in sim2doc buddy, not translated strings, temporary files in multi-simulations, uncaught exceptions in OpenFLUID-DevStudio
- Introduced API client for FluidHub services
- Introduced packages for exporting and importing wares sources codes
- Updated UI design for better consistency
- Updated output of command line reporting of wares
- Improved usage of C++11 features
- Improved memory management to avoid potential memory leaks
- Improved build configuration for OSX
- Refactored internal management of run context
- Removed unused dependencies
- Cleaned code
- Fixed bugs
- Introduced OpenFLUID-DevStudio, an integrated development environment for simulators, observers and builder-extensions
- Introduced ghost simulators system
- Introduced parameterization UI for simulators and observers in OpenFLUID-Builder
- Introduced required/used conditions for parameters of simulators
- Introduced ability to provide translations for wares in OpenFLUID-Builder
- Introduced variables in parameters values, giving informations about run environment
- Added splash screen for Builder and DevStudio applications
- Added iterators for VectorValue and MapValue types
- Added new TreeValue structure for tree-like data
- Added basic filesystem tools
- Added command line parser class
- Added API primitive to get a list of spatial units in a given class
- Improved OpenFLUID-LandR library
- Improved OpenFLUID-Builder look'n'feel
- Improved management of attributes, now stored in their native type instead of string
- Modified usage of OpenFLUID command line application
- Renamed classes for better understanding, with compatibility aliases
- Renamed accessor methods according to the evolution of the coding style
- Introduced openfluid::scientific namespace for scientific helpers
- Refactored openfluid::tools namespace with the introduction of the openfluid::scientific namespace
- Refactored management of literal representations for OpenFLUID values
- Removed wares dependencies to boost libraries
- Updated OpenFLUID applications icons
- Updated documentation
- Fixed name mangling for Fortran90 modules in Fortran/C interface
- Fixed potential conflicts in headers guards
- Fixed minor errors in documentation
- Fixed minor bugs
- Cleaned source code
- Introduced management of multiple workspaces
- Added geographic file format observer based on GDAL, in order to export simulations variables in geographic vector files
- Updated simulation dialog in GUI applications with control buttons and enhanced informations
- Renamed information file of projects from openfluid.prj to openfluid-project.conf
- Refactored UI components namespaces and organization
- Modified constraints on events appending from simulators, now allowed in PREPAREDATA stage and later stages
- Refactored main packaging configurations
- Removed unwanted QtNetwork dependency from tools.hpp header
- Fixed header guard of config.hpp file
- Fixed minor bugs
- Added display of points, multipoints and multilines in map view of OpenFLUID-Builder
- Added application icon for win32 systems
- Improved display of paths with correct paths separators
- Improved management of file formats for geospatial data in OpenFLUID-Builder datastore and extension for geospatial data import
- Fixed project consistency checking in OpenFLUID-Builder, now takes into account dynamic landscape creation and extra files add and delete
- Fixed storage of XML special characters in parameters when saving in .fluidx files
- Fixed resizing problemsin OpenFLUID-Builder
- Fixed crash in Builder spatial import extension when missing filename extension in selected file to import
- Cleaned code
- Updated simulation engine for variable time coupling, including scheduling system with constraints
- Added monitoring system with observers
- Removed deprecated results output system
- Added observers for exporting simulation results to csv files, kml/kmz files (Google Earth), GNUplot charts, dot graphs
- Added the openfluid-landr library for spatial data processing
- Added raster spatial data as accepted data for the datastore
- Renamed simulation functions into simulators
- Renamed spatial inputdata into attributes (according to the OGC reference model)
- Renamed openfluid-engine command line program to openfluid
- Updated and improved data generators
- Added CMake OpenFLUID module
- Added CMake macros for easier build of simulators and observers
- Redesigned and improved simulators signatures macros
- Redesigned simulators C++ class for robustness improvement
- Provided new examples projects, with easy access from OpenFLUID-Builder
- Provided OpenFLUID-Builder extensions for spatial graph view and spatial data import
- Redesigned model and monitoring tabs in OpenFLUID-Builder
- Updated binary names of OpenFLUID plugins (simulators and observers)
- Improved OpenFLUID plugins recognition and management system
- Removed pass-by-pointer values in OPENFLUID_* primitives
- Added OPENFLUID_* primitives for accessing variables in many ways
- Improved checking of primitives usage regarding the current simulation stage
- Updated standard fields names for external spatial data
- Added observers and datasets as packages for OpenFLUID-market deployment system
- Updated doc as a completely rewritten manual for usage and simulators development
- Reorganized storage of wares in user directory
- Added workspace directory for future development system of wares
- Added environment variables for overriding default user and temp paths
- Switched to version 3 of the Boost filesystem library
- Refactored OpenFLUID source code, with many internal improvements
- Improved internal test system
- Fixed bugs
- Added ROpenFLUID package for using OpenFLUID within the GNU R environment
- Added improved macros for spatial units loops, as a preview of future releases
- Improved management of simulation functions plugins
- Refactored pkg-config configuration files, now splitted into openfluid, openfluid-gui and openfluid-other for better build configuration of simulation functions and builder extensions
- Improved CMake configuration for RelWithDebInfo build type
- Fixed various bugs : external call of GNUplot, duplicate layers in MapView, output files headers
- Added map view component in OpenFLUID-Builder, for spatial geometry vizualization
- Added datastore system for unstructured or complex data (e.g. cartographic layers). This system should be extended in future releases
- Refactored model instantiation in order to avoid initialization problems
- Added deprecation notification system at build time (gcc only)
- Deprecated ScalarValue type
- Deprecated specific events handling methods
- Upated build and tests configuration
- Updated installation packages dependencies
- Cleaned source code and tests
- Fixed various bugs
- Added definitions of value types for OpenFLUID data : DoubleValue, IntegerValue, BooleanValue, StringValue, VectorValue, MatrixValue, MapValue, NullValue
- Modified data type for variables, now can be any of defined value types
- Modified data type for input data, functions parameters and events informations, now stored as StringValue that can be converted to any other value type.
- Modified plugins management, now using Glib::module (glibmm)
- Updated OpenFLUID-Builder GUI labels
- Checked and cleaned inclusion of header files in source code
- Updated OpenFLUID API
- Fixed small bugs
- Released OpenFLUID-Builder application (GUI), as a preview release
- Released OpenFLUID::guicommon API, as a preview release
- Added OpenFLUID Market system
- Added OpenFLUID projects management, embedding simulation input and output datasets
- Added automatic parallelization capabilities based on spatial independancy (using multi-threading)
- Added simulation profiling capabilities
- Added new generator for injection of already time-interpolated data
- Added header types for output files
- Updated .fluidX files I/O
- Removed .xml file extensions as standard file extension for input dataset
- Updated OpenFLUID API
- Fixed various bugs
- Fixed bug in spatial loops when units class does not exist
- Added getSeconds() method in SimulationStatus, giving the number of simulated seconds since the beginning of the simulation
- Updated documentation
- Refactored framework architecture
- Introduced global process order (transverse to units classes)
- Added primitives methods in order to modify the spatial domain graph
- Added primitives methods in order to add input data from simulation functions
- Removed "progressive output" feature, replaced by circular memory manager and files buffers
- Refactored structure for outputs savings
- Added log system for simulation functions messages
- Added actions listeners
- Added FluidXWriter feature for writing FluidX files from an instanciated simulation
- Cleaned and reorganized source code
- Fixed some bugs
- Added data generators useable in models descriptions
- Introduced global parameters for models descriptions
- Added ability to use strings and integers as input data, in addition to double precision values
- Introduced parents/children relationships for spatial units
- Introduced FluidX format for input datasets, now with ability to use single or many files
- Introduced precision setting for output of floating point values
- Added environment variable OPENFLUID_FUNCS_PATH (path to search for simulation functions)
- Added environment variable OPENFLUID_INSTALL_PREFIX (overriding automatic prefix path, useful on win32 platforms)
- Updated OpenFLUID user directory on win32 platforms, now %APPDATA%\openfluid\engine (OPENFLUID.IN, OPENFLUID.OUT, functions)
- Removed variable names checking
- Updated console display
- Replaced TinyXML library with LibXML2
- Refactored internal model description and model instance management
- Refactored internal IO management
- Refactored internal messaging management
- Cleaned source code
- Improved development tests
- Fixed bug in comparison functions for floating point values
- Fixed bug in plugged simulation functions manager
- Fixed bug in variable existence checking methods
- Fixed various small bugs
- Fixed major bug in OPENFLUID_Is*VariableExist() primitives
- Introduced buddies tools : dataset conversion tools (1.3 to 1.4), function documentation (func2doc), generation of empty dataset , generation of function source code
- Added methods to generate events from simulation functions
- Renamed DistributedEvent class into Event class
- Added --show-paths command line option
- Removed links to wxWidgets libraries
- Introduced boost libraries
- Introduced custom dynamic library loader
- Fixed some small bugs
- Cleaned some code
- Improved win32 and MacOSX compatibility
- Added many tests, in order to improve software quality
- Introduced new "generic units" feature
- Introduced new "progressive output" feature (on data and execution messages)
- Modified data handling primitives (OPENFLUID_xxxx)
- Modified declaration of functions signatures
- Added macros for units lists loops, according to the "generic units" features
- Added tool for floating point values equality check
- Added string conversion methods in openfluid::tools
- Removed PluggableFunction derivation from wxObject (obsolete)
- Modified hash tables type (from wxHashMap to std::map)
- Replaced wxString by std::string where possible
- Updated ofefunc2doc tool, according to the new declaration of signatures
- Added functions reporting command line option, using wildcard-based pattern matching (-u, --matching-functions-report)
- Added pkg-config config file for ofelib
- Fixed memory allocation bug in Vector
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Cleaned source code
- Added more tests for validation
- Added quick reference manual
- Modified management of errors (now uses exceptions)
- Fixed bug in Vector.h (VectorValue)
- Added functions docs building and installing
- Modified packaging
- Switched to CMake as build system
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Changed names to OpenFLUID
- Modified date and time management
- Modified vector values management
- Modified xml files tags
- Fixed some bugs
- Modified simulation period configuration, now with a begin and end date
- Removed rain from required data for simulation
- Added simulation functions for distribution and interpolation of rain on SU and RS
- Modified existing simulation functions to take into account the new access method to rain
- Added detailed display command line option (--verbose, -v)
- Updated TinyXML version (2.5.3)
- Fixed some bugs
- Cleaned source code
- Added loading of distributed discrete events
- Modified formats of distributed properties and initial conditions files
- Modified format of rain sources file
- Fixed various bugs
- Updated TinyXML version (2.5.3)
- Fixed bug in the name of generated trace files (trace mode only)
- Fixed bug in error messages for distributed properties and initial conditions
- Fixed requirement of output.xml file even if results saving is disabled (-z command line option)
- Added vector and scalar variables saving
- Modified output.xml syntax : "column" attribute is now replaced by "vars" attribute
- Added development status (experimental, beta, stable) in reports (comand line options -r or -x)
- Cleaned signatures of standard simulation functions
- Fixed case error in domain name of the HayamiRSGU function
- Modified messages when wrong variable production (Engine)
- Added save of vector variables in trace mode
- Added HayamiRSGU simulation function
- Modified variables and simulation functions names, according to the brand new MHYDAS names nomenclature
- Fixed bug in column text file read method. Double empty lines at the end of files are not needed anymore
- Fixed bug in simulation engine
- Modified engine for handling of vector simulation variables
- Fixed bug in hayamirs simulation function
- Added data production consistency checking for NaN values
- Update rebuild taking into account SDK modifications
- Fixed bug in Hayami tools used by hayamisu and hayamirs
- Modified file name for rain distribution on SU
- Added file loading for rain distribution on RS
- Modified rain distribution consistency checking
- Fixed -c command line option behaviour
- Fixed segmentation fault during results saves
- Modified code taking into account last SDK modifications
- Fixed error in consistency checking for updated simulation variables
- Fixed output directory creation when only the simulation report is saved
- Added variable production control during simulation
- Removed display of warning messages for unfinished simulations
- Modified default user data dir, now
$(HOME)/.mhydas/engine instead of $ (HOME)/.mhydas - Added checking consistency system, with extra files, rain and vars produced at a previous time step
- Modified simulation functions reports, according to consistency checking system modifications
- Modified stdplugs simulation functions, according to SDK modifications
- Modified mm/h to m/s rain intensity transformation method
- Modified model.xml file format, file and ID attributes of the function elements are merged into a fileID attribute
- Modified domain of in signature of stdplugs
- Modified filenames of simulation functions binaries
- Modified XML output when using -x command line option
- Modified simulation functions signatures according to SDK modifications
- Added display of SDK version number used to build the simulation functions
- Added -k and -v command line options for versions numbers (resp. SDK and application)
- Modified display output of -f command line option
- Modified display output of -h command line option
- Fixed very long time for saving warning messages
- Fixed the simulation report was always saved when an error occurs during simulation, even if --no-simreport option was used
- Added -t command line option to enable trace mode
- Added -m command line option to give a specific trace output directory