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Bresicode edited this page Jan 18, 2021 · 13 revisions

Produce RDF file for Fuseki GeoSPARQL server.

java -classpath <your-jdbc-driver.jar> -jar OHDMConverter.jar -r rendering_parameter -f <filename.ttl>

This command will produce a RDF turtle file with your chosen filename. This file can than be used in the Fuseki GeoSPARQL server.

Setting up the Fuseki GeoSPARQL Server with your RDF turtle file

  1. Clone the Fuseki GeoSPARQL server
  2. Move your rdf.ttl into the /jena-fuseki-geosparql directory
  3. run java -jar jena-fuseki-geosparql-VER.jar -rf <filename.ttl>

This will start your server with the default settings, you can add more arguments for further customization. Values you probably want to change are port(default: 3030), dataset name(default: ds) and loopback only(default true). For that refer to the official Fuseki GeoSPARQL documentation

To update your dataset you will have to restart the server with a new RDF turtle file following steps 2. and 3.