(based on Buildroot)
- Installing the calibration file for SSC338Q/SSC30KQ devices
- Updating the device firmware from the SD card
- Take an SD card, delete all partitions on it, create one partition of 1 Gigabyte and format it as FAT32/VFAT.
- Go to the OpenIPC repository sensor-profiles and download the file you need, for example imx335_greg15.bin.
- Create a file named autoconfig.sh in Notepad++ for Windows or text editor in Linux with the following content:( dont forget to change the bin file name if youre using a different one from the example above)
cp /mnt/mmcblk0p1/imx335_greg15.bin /etc/sensors/imx335_greg15.bin
cli -s .isp.sensorConfig /etc/sensors/imx335_greg15.bin
rm /mnt/mmcblk0p1/imx335_greg15.bin
- Place both files on the SD card and insert it into the device.
- If you did everything correctly, the system will see the SD card, write the calibration file and configure Majestic.
- Reboot your device and enjoy.
- You can thank the project via OpenCollective.
- Take an SD card, delete all partitions on it, create one partition of 1 Gigabyte and format it as FAT32/VFAT.
- Go to the OpenIPC repository Builder and download the firmware you need, for example mario-aio.
- Unzip the archive and extract two files from it - rootfs.squashfs.ssc338 and uImage.ssc338q.
- Download a file with commands for the bootloader, which will perform an automatic update firmware.
- Place the three files on the SD card and insert it into the device and reboot it.
- If you did everything correctly, you will be able to see in UART how U-Boot will start updating the firmware when it starts.
- You can thank the project via OpenCollective.