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234 lines (198 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

234 lines (198 loc) · 12.3 KB


The usual process for adding new examples, making changes or adding corrections is to submit an issue for discussion and initial evaluation of changes or example additions. When there is a consensus at a meeting about the contribution, the issue will be brought forward for voting at the OpenMP Language Committee meetings and you will be asked to submit a pull request.

Of course, if your contribution is an obvious correction, clarification, or note, you may want to submit a pull request directly.

The OpenMP Examples document

The OpenMP Examples document is in LaTeX format. Please see the main LaTeX file, openmp-examples.tex, for more information.


OpenMP Examples Subcommittee For a brief revision history, see Changes.log in the repo.

Git procedure

  • Fork your own branch of the OpenMP examples-internal repo
  • Clone your fork locally
  • If you are working on generic or old-version updates, create a branch off main.
  • If you are working on an example for a release candidate for version #.#, create a branch off work_#.#.
    1. git clone --branch <main|work_#.#><my_account>/examples-internal
    2. git checkout -b <branch_name>
    3. ... add, commit
    4. git push -u origin <branch_name>
    5. make or make diff will create a full-document pdf or just a pdf with differences (do this at any point).
  • git status and git branch -a are your friends
  • Submit an issue for your work (usually with a diff pdf), and then you will be asked to submit a pull request
  • Create a pull request

Processing source code

  • Prepare source code (C/C++ and Fortran) and a text description (use similar styles found in recent examples)
  • Determine the example name <ename>, sequence identifier <seq-id> and compiler suffix <csuffix> for the example
    • The syntax is: <ename>.<seq-id>.<csuffix> (e.g. affinity_display.1.f90)
    • The example name may be a Section name (e.g. affinity), or a Subsection name (affinity_display)
    • If you are creating a new Chapter, it may be the chapter name.
  • New examples are usually added at the end of a Section or Subsection. Number it as the next number in the sequence numbers for examples in that Section or Subsection.
  • The compiler suffix <csuffix> is c, cpp, f, and f90 for C, C++ and Fortran (fixed/free form) codes.
  • Insert the code in the sources directory for each chapter, and include the following metadata:
  • Metadata Tags for example sources:
      @@name:        <ename>.<seq-no>
      @@type:        C|C++|F-fixed|F-free
      @@operation:   view|compile|link|run
      @@expect:      success|ct-error|rt-error|unspecified
      @@version:     [pre_]omp_<verno>
      @@env:         <environment_variables>
      @@depend:      <source_code_name>
    • name
      • is the name of an example
    • type
      • is the source code type, which can be translated into or from proper file extension (C:c,C++:cpp,F-fixed:f,F-free:f90)
    • operation
      • indicates how the source code is treated. Possible values are:
        • view - code for illustration only, not compilable;
        • compile - incomplete program, such as function or subroutine;
        • link - complete program, but no verification value;
        • run - complete program with verification value.
    • expect
      • indicates some expected result for testing purpose.
        • success means no issue;
        • ct-error applies to the result of code compilation;
        • rt-error is for a case where compilation may be successful, but the code contains potential runtime issues (including race condition);
        • unspecified could result from a non-conforming code or is for code that is viewable only.
    • version
      • indicates that the example uses features in a specific OpenMP version, such as "omp_5.0". The prefix pre_ indicates that the example uses features prior to a specific version, such as "pre_omp_3.0".
    • env
      • specifies any environment variables needed to run the code. This tag is optional and can be repeated.
    • depend
      • specifies a source code file on which the current code depends. This tag is optional and can be repeated.
    • For env and depend, make sure to specify a proper skipping number <s> in the LaTeX macros described below to match with the number of env and depend tags.

Process for text

  • Create or update the description text in a Section/Subsection file under each chapter directory, usually <chap_directory>/<ename>.tex
  • If adding a new Subsection, just include it in the appropriate subsection file (<subsection>.tex)
  • If adding a new Section, create an <section>.tex file and add an entry in the corresponding chapter file, such as Chap_affinity.tex
  • If adding a new Chapter, create a Chap_<chap_name>.tex file with introductory text, and add a new <section>.tex file with text and links to the code. Update Makefile and openmp-examples.tex to include the new chapter file.
  • Commit your changes into your fork of examples-internal
  • Summit your issue at OpenMP Examples internal repo, and include a PDF when ready.
  • Examples subcommittee members can view meeting schedule and notes
  • Shepherd your issue to acceptance (discussed at weekly Examples meeting and in issue comments)
  • When it is in a ready state, you should then submit a pull request.
  • It will be reviewed and voted on, and changes will be requested.
  • Once the last changes are made, it will be verified and merged into an appropriate branch (either the main branch or a working branch).

LaTeX macros for examples

The following describes LaTeX macros defined specifically for examples.

  • Source code with language h-rules
  • Source code without language h-rules
  • Language h-rules
  • Macros for keywords in text description
  • Other macros
  • See openmp.sty for more information

Source code with language h-rules

   \cexample[<verno>]{<ename>}{<seq-no>}[<s>]     % for C/C++ examples
   \cppexample[<verno>]{<ename>}{<seq-no>}[<s>]   % for C++ examples
   \fexample[<verno>]{<ename>}{<seq-no>}[<s>]     % for fixed-form Fortran examples
   \ffreeexample[<verno>]{<ename>}{<seq-no>}[<s>] % for free-form Fortran examples

Source code without language h-rules


Optional <verno> can be supplied in a macro to include a specific OpenMP version in the example header. This option also suggests one additional tag (@@version) line is included in the corresponding source code. If this is not the case (i.e., no @@version tag line), one needs to prefix <verno> with an underscore '_' symbol in the macro.

The exception is macro \srcnexample, for which the corresponding source code might not contain any @@ metadata tags. The ext argument to this macro is the file extension (such as h, hpp, inc).

The <s> option to each macro allows finer-control of any additional lines to be skipped due to addition of new @@ tags, such as @@env. The default value for <s> is 0.

Language h-rules

   \cspecificstart, \cspecificend
   \cppspecificstart, \cppspecificend
   \ccppspecificstart, \ccppspecificend
   \fortranspecificstart, \fortranspecificend
   \begin{cspecific}[s] ... \end{cspecific}
   \begin{cppspecific}[s] ... \end{cppspecific}
   \begin{ccppspecific}[s] ... \end{ccppspecific}
   \begin{fortranspecific}[s] ... \end{fortranspecific}

Use of the structured \begin{} .. \end{} environments is the preferred way of specifying language-dependent text over the unstructured approach of using \*specificstart and \*specificend. The option [s] to each of the environments can specify a vertical shift for the beginning rule, such as when followed by a section header.

The macro \topmarker puts a dashed blue line floater at top of a page for "Lang (cont.)" where Lang can be C/C++, C++, Fortran.

Macros for keywords in text description

A partial list:

  • \kcode{} - for OpenMP keywords, such as directives, clauses, environment variables, API routines. Support direct use of '_' (underscore) and ' ' (space)
  • \scode{} - OpenMP specifier with special chars, such as '$' in "!$omp"
  • \bcode{} - base language keywords (such as ASSOCIATE in Fortran)
  • \vcode{} - values of a keyword, such as TRUE, FALSE, VERBOSE
  • \plc{} - OpenMP concept, such ICV names; \splc{} - escape '_' (underscore)
  • \example{} - example names, such as \example{taskloop_reduction.1}
  • \docref{} - chapter or section name of a document, such as the spec
  • \ucode{} - program variables, procedure names, or expression in examples codes. Support direct use of '_' (underscore) and ' ' (space).
  • \pout{} - program outputs


  • \kcode{declare reduction} for declare reduction
  • \scode{!$omp} sentinel, however, \kcode{\#pragma omp}
  • \kcode{map(iterator(\ucode{i=0:n}), tofrom: \ucode{p[i]})} for map(iterator(i=0:n), tofrom: p[i])
  • Fortran \bcode{IMPLICIT NONE} statement
  • The \vcode{VERBOSE} value for \kcode{OMP_DISPLAY_ENV}
  • OpenMP \plc{directives}, the \plc{num-threads} ICV
  • This is an example name \example{taskloop_reduction.1}
  • (\ucode{x,y,z}) argument for procedure \ucode{a_proc_name}
  • structure constructor \ucode{point($\ldots$)}
  • This is a code output "\pout{x = 1}"

Other macros

   \cchapter{<Chapter Name>}{<chap_directory>}

The \cchapter macro is used for starting a chapter with proper page spacing. <Chapter Name> is the name of a chapter and <chap_directory> is the name of the chapter directory. All section and subsection files for the chapter should be placed under <chap_directory>. The corresponding example sources should be placed under the sources directory inside <chap_directory>.

A previously-defined macro \sinput{<section_file>} to import a section file from <chap_directory> is no longer supported. Please use \input{<chap_directory>/<section_file>} explicitly.

The two macros \hexentry and \hexmentry are defined for simplifying entries in the feature deprecation and update tables. Option [ext1] is the file extension with a default value of c and option [ext2] is the file extension for the associated second file if present. <earlier_tag> is the version tag of the corresponding example in the earlier version. \hexentry assumes no name change for an example in different versions; \hexmentry can be used to specify a prior name if it is different.

The two macros \examplesref and \examplesblob are for referencing a specific version of or a file in the github Examples repository.


For copyright information, please see omp_copyright.txt.