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Orderly Broker UI Template

This template provides a quick way to set up a customized trading UI for Orderly Network brokers, built with Remix and deployable on GitHub Pages.

Quick Start

  1. Fork the Repository

    Fork this repository to your GitHub account to create your broker's UI.

  2. Clone Your Fork

git clone
cd broker-template
  1. Install Dependencies
yarn install

Configuration Steps

1. Broker Configuration

Edit the .env file to set up your broker details:

VITE_ORDERLY_NETWORK_ID=mainnet  # or testnet for testing

2. Theme Customization

  1. Visit the Orderly Storybook Trading Page
  2. Customize your preferred theme using the controls
  3. Export the generated CSS
  4. Replace the contents of app/styles/theme.css with your exported CSS

3. UI Configuration

Edit app/utils/config.tsx to customize your UI:

  • Footer Links: Update footerProps with your social media links
  • Logos: Replace the main and secondary logos in the appIcons section
  • PnL Sharing: Customize the PnL poster backgrounds and colors in sharePnLConfig

Required assets:

  • Place your logos in the public directory:
    • Main logo: public/orderly-logo.svg
    • Secondary logo: public/orderly-logo-secondary.svg
    • Favicon: public/favicon.png
  • PnL sharing backgrounds: public/pnl/poster_bg_[1-4].png


Run the development server:

yarn dev


  1. Build the application:
yarn build
  1. Base URL Configuration:

The base URL configuration depends on your deployment method:

  • For GitHub Pages subdirectory deployment ( Keep the basename configuration in vite.config.ts:

    // vite.config.ts
      basename: "/your-repo-name",  // Change this to match your repository name
      // ... other options
  • For custom domain deployment ( Remove the basename configuration in vite.config.ts:

    // vite.config.ts
      // basename: "/your-repo-name",  // Remove or comment out this line
      // ... other options
  1. Deploy to GitHub Pages:
    • Enable GitHub Pages in your repository settings
    • Set the build and deployment source to branch (not GitHub Actions)
    • Select the branch you want to deploy (typically gh-pages or main)
    • For custom domain setup, follow the GitHub Pages custom domain configuration guide

Additional Resources