- Challenge 49 - CBC-MAC Message Forgery
- Challenge 50 - Hashing with CBC-MAC
- Challenge 51 - Compression Ratio Side-Channel Attacks
- Challenge 52 - Iterated Hash Function Multicollisions
- Challenge 53 - Kelsey and Schneier's Expandable Messages
- Challenge 54 - Kelsey and Kohno's Nostradamus Attack
- Challenge 55 - MD4 Collisions
- Challenge 56 - RC4 Single-Byte Biases
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/49
We create the CBC-MAC functionality:
class CbcMac:
def sign(msg: bytes, key: bytes, iv: bytes) -> bytes:
c = aes_cbc_encrypt(plaintext=msg, key=key, nonce=iv, add_padding=True)
return c[-AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
def verify(msg: bytes, sig: bytes, key: bytes, iv: bytes) -> bool:
c = aes_cbc_encrypt(plaintext=msg, key=key, nonce=iv, add_padding=True)
return sig == c[-AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
Next, we create the API Server and the web client.
The Server and WebClient share a secret key.
WebClient uses user_id=1 which is the identity of the attacker. That way, the attacker can generate valid messages only for the accounts he controls.
class Server:
def __init__(self, key: bytes):
self._key = key
def process_request(self, request: Request) -> bool:
# verify request
auth = CbcMac.verify(request.msg, request.mac, self._key, request.iv)
if not auth:
print('SERVER: Authentication Failed!')
return False
# execute request
print(f'SERVER: transfer approved - {request.msg.decode()}')
return True
class WebClient:
def __init__(self, key: bytes):
self._key = key
self.user_id = 1 # the attacker ID
def generate_request(self, to: int, amount: int) -> Request:
# generate IV for current request
iv = get_random_bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
# encode the message
msg = f'from=#{self.user_id:02d}&to=#{to:02d}&amount=#{amount}'.encode()
mac = CbcMac.sign(msg=msg, key=self._key, iv=iv)
return Request(msg=msg, iv=iv, mac=mac)
Now, as the attacker, we want to craft legitimate requests with our choice of parameters.
In this case, the attacker has control over the IV, and thus full control over the first block of the message.
def gen_attack_request(web_client: WebClient, req_from: int, req_to: int, req_amount: int):
# create legitimate request
old_request = web_client.generate_request(to=req_to, amount=req_amount)
old_msg = old_request.msg
old_iv = old_request.iv
# modify first block of the message to alter 'from'
idx_start = old_msg.index(b'#')
new_msg = bytearray(old_msg)
new_msg[idx_start:idx_start + 2] = f'{req_from:02d}'.encode()
new_iv = xor_bytes((old_iv, old_msg[:AES_BLOCK_SIZE], new_msg[:AES_BLOCK_SIZE]))
# pack attack request
attack_request = Request(msg=bytes(new_msg), iv=new_iv, mac=old_request.mac)
return attack_request
And the results:
# server and web-client shared key
key = get_random_bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
server = Server(key)
web_client = WebClient(key)
# generate invalid request
attack_request = gen_attack_request(web_client, req_from=3, req_to=1, req_amount=1000000)
# send the fake request to the server
server.process_request(attack_request) # SERVER: transfer approved - from=#03&to=#01&amount=#1000000
Now, the IV is fixed, and the attacker can't use it to forge messages.
We update WebClient and add support for multiple transactions in a single request:
class WebClient:
def __init__(self, key: bytes):
self._key = key
def generate_request(self, user_id: int, transactions: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> Request:
# encode the message
transactions = ';'.join([f'{to:02d}:{amount}' for to, amount in transactions])
msg = f'from=#{user_id:02d}&tx_list=#{transactions}'.encode()
mac = CbcMac.sign(msg=msg, key=self._key, iv=bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE))
return Request(msg=msg, mac=mac)
Our goal is to add a transaction paying the attacker's account 1M spacebucks.
Assume we can capture a valid message from the target user.
The message will have the form: from=#TARGET_ID&tx_list=#{transactions}
As the attacker, we can generate a valid message of the form: from=#ATTACKER_ID_ID&tx_list=#{transactions}
We will use a length extension attack to combine these two messages.
Imagine the target message blocks are:
TM0 | TM1 | TM2
And the corresponding cipher blocks:
CT0 = E(TM0 + IV) | CT1 = E(TM1 + CT0) | MAC_T = CT2 = E(TM2 + CT1)
In the same way, the attacker message and cipher blocks:
AM0 | AM1 | AM2
CA0 = E(AM0 + IV) | CA1 = E(AM1 + CA0) | MAC_A = CA2 = E(TA2 + CA1)
We can forge the following message:
TM0 | TM1 | padd(TM2) | AM0 + MAC_T | AM1 | AM2
And its CBC MAC will be the same as MAC_A.
def gen_attack_request(target_request: Request, attacker_request: Request):
target_msg = pkcs7_pad(target_request.msg, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
attacker_msg = attacker_request.msg
# create new message by length extension
overlap_block = xor_bytes((target_request.mac, attacker_msg[:AES_BLOCK_SIZE]))
new_msg = target_msg + overlap_block + attacker_msg[AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
# pack request
return Request(msg=new_msg, mac=attacker_request.mac)
We can use the attack in the following way:
# server and web-client shared key
key = get_random_bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
server = Server(key)
web_client = WebClient(key)
# capture a valid message from your target user
target_request = web_client.generate_request(user_id=TARGET_ID, transactions=[(6, 789), (9, 321)])
# use length extension to add a transaction paying the attacker's account 1M.
attacker_request = web_client.generate_request(user_id=ATTACKER_ID, transactions=[(ATTACKER_ID, 1000000)])
forged_request = gen_attack_request(target_request, attacker_request)
# send the fake request to the server
## SERVER: transfer approved - b'from=#02&tx_list=#06:789;09:321\x011\xe7\x8aK\x8ar\x83\x8a\x8e1Q;j\x05\xebE=#01:1000000'
As we can see, the overlap_block has no meaning, but we were able to add a transaction to the end of the list.
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/50
We have the following JS snippet: alert('MZA who was that?');
With CBC-MAC = 296b8d7cb78a243dda4d0a61d33bbdd1
Our goal is to create a JS snippet that alerts "Ayo, the Wu is back!" and hashes to the same value.
We can use a length extension attack as we did in the last challenge - building a message that starts with our new message and appending the previous message, such that the MAC is preserved.
We start with the desired snippet (the comment allows us to append the snippet without affecting the execution):
# forged mac
new_msg = b"alert('Ayo, the Wu is back!');" + b'//'
Now, we look for a block to append the msg which will result in ASCII compliance:
while True:
suffix = bytes([random.randint(33, 127) for _ in range(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
tmp_iv = aes_cbc_encrypt(new_msg + suffix, key=key, add_padding=False)[-AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
overlap_block = xor_bytes((tmp_iv, msg[:AES_BLOCK_SIZE]))
except UnicodeDecodeError:
Then, we create the full snippet:
final_msg = new_msg + suffix + overlap_block + msg[AES_BLOCK_SIZE:]
assert CbcMac.verify(final_msg, sig=mac, key=key, iv=bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE))
# alert('Ayo, the Wu is back!');//B_z\qFTES^$%FzFm�2=rf|(v�J@�jG*las that?');
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/51
The challenge is based on the paper BREACH: REVIVING THE CRIME ATTACK.
We create the Compression Oracle.
The Oracle format the data with http header, compress the request, encrypt it and return the resulting length:
class CompressionOracle:
def __init__(self, enc_type: Literal['CTR', 'CBC']):
self.enc_type = enc_type
def gen_request(self, data: str):
# format the request
request = self._format_request(data)
# compress request
request = zlib.compress(request)
# encrypt with random key / IV
key = get_random_bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
nonce = get_random_bytes(AES_BLOCK_SIZE // 2)
if self.enc_type == 'CTR':
request = AesCtr(key=key, nonce=nonce).encrypt(request)
elif self.enc_type == 'CBC':
request = aes_cbc_encrypt(request, key=key, nonce=nonce, add_padding=True)
raise ValueError
# return the byte length of the request
return len(request)
def _format_request(data: str) -> bytes:
""" Format of the request """
request = 'POST / HTTP/1.1\n'
request += 'Host: hapless.com\n'
request += f'Cookie: sessionid={SESSION_ID}\n'
request += f'Content-Length: {len(data)}\n'
request += f'{data}'
return request.encode()
Our target is to evaluate the sessionid.
We use Compression Side Channel Attacks:
In compression algorithms any phrase that is repeated gets stored once. This means that if a certain string of characters is repeated somewhere in the text, it is only stored the first time. The second time it occurs as a reference to the first occurrence, therefore when a text occurs multiple times it is very efficiently compressed so the size is smaller. This characteristic can be used in a compression side-channel attack. (https://www.venafi.com/blog/what-are-compression-side-channel-attacks)
So, when the encryption is a stream cipher, the length of the response reveals the exact plain text length. To decode the sessionid, we loop one byte at a time and look for the shortest encryption. (To avoid outlier cases, we make sure only one byte corresponds to the shortest length):
def decode_session_id(oracle: CompressionOracle):
# consts
prefix = 'sessionid='
alphabet = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '+/=' + '\n'
max_len = 100
max_attempts = 15
# output string
session_id = prefix
# decode each character at a time
for _ in range(max_len):
for shift in range(max_attempts):
# find minimum compression length
len_list = [oracle.gen_request(session_id[shift:] + new_chr) for new_chr in alphabet]
min_len = min(len_list)
chr_list = [alphabet[idx] for idx, comp_len in enumerate(len_list) if comp_len == min_len]
# check uniqueness
if len(chr_list) == 1:
new_chr = chr_list[0]
# assume [session_id] ends with '\n'
if new_chr == '\n':
# update output string
session_id += new_chr
return session_id[len(prefix):]
And it looks like its working:
# stream cipher (CTR)
oracle_ctr = CompressionOracle(enc_type='CTR')
session_id = decode_session_id(oracle_ctr)
assert session_id == SESSION_ID
Now, we use CBC (Block Cipher) to encrypt the response. This time, the response may not be aligned at the end of the block, and the block will hide the exact plain text length.
To deal with it, we align the response to a tipping point, by brute-forcing all possible padding lengths.
The updated decode_session_id become:
def decode_session_id(oracle: CompressionOracle):
# consts
prefix = 'sessionid='
alphabet = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '+/=' + '\n'
max_len = 100
max_shift = 2
# output string
session_id = prefix
# decode each character at a time
for _ in range(max_len):
for shift, pad_len in product(range(max_shift), range(AES_BLOCK_SIZE)):
# find minimum compression length
padding = string.ascii_uppercase[:pad_len]
len_list = [oracle.gen_request(padding + session_id[shift:] + new_chr) for new_chr in alphabet]
min_len = min(len_list)
chr_list = [alphabet[idx] for idx, comp_len in enumerate(len_list) if comp_len == min_len]
# check uniqueness
if len(chr_list) == 1:
new_chr = chr_list[0]
# assume [session_id] ends with '\n'
if new_chr == '\n':
# update output string
session_id += new_chr
return session_id[len(prefix):]
And it works too:
# block cipher (CBC)
oracle_cbc = CompressionOracle(enc_type='CBC')
session_id = decode_session_id(oracle_cbc)
assert session_id == SESSION_ID
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/52
The challenge is based on the paper Multicollisions in iterated hash functions.
We implement Merkle-Damgard hash function:
def merkle_damgard_aes128(msg: bytes, state: bytes, state_size: int) -> bytes:
if len(state) != state_size:
raise ValueError(f'H must have length of {state_size}')
# pad the message
reminder = len(msg) % AES.block_size
if reminder > 0:
msg += bytes(AES.block_size - reminder)
# loop message blocks
for i in range(0, len(msg), AES.block_size):
# pad H to key size
assert len(state) == state_size
state += bytes(AES.block_size - len(state))
# encrypt
msg_block = msg[i:i + AES.block_size]
state = AES.new(state, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(msg_block)
state = state[:state_size]
return state
Now, we need to create a function f(n) that will generate 2^n collisions in this hash function.
According to the Birthday Paradox, The naive approach of brute-forcing the search will result in
To narrow down the search, we use Joux’s multicollision attack.
The idea is to find
The attack: we find the following collisions (total of n collisions) -
Then, the set:
is a
For the attack, we need a function that searches for a single collision in
def find_collision(state: bytes, state_size: int):
Find two messages that collide
:param state: previous state
:param state_size: state size in bytes
:return: (first message, second message, next state)
if len(state) != state_size:
raise ValueError(f'state must have length of {state_size}')
hash_dict = {}
while True:
msg = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
hash_result = merkle_damgard_aes128(msg, state, state_size)
# check for collision
if hash_result in hash_dict:
return msg, hash_dict[hash_result], hash_result
hash_dict[hash_result] = msg
And then, we can use the described method to generate multiple collisions:
def generate_collisions(n: int, state: bytes, state_size: int):
""" Create a 2^n multi collision set """
msg_set = []
for _ in range(n):
y1, y2, state = find_collision(state, state_size)
msg_set.append((y1, y2))
# return msg_set
for i in product([0, 1], repeat=n):
yield b''.join([block[i[idx]] for idx, block in enumerate(msg_set)])
Finally, we can check all the messages indeed collide:
# generate collisions and verify all messages collide
n = 4 # look for 2^n collisions
state_size = 2 # state size in bytes
initial_state = random.randbytes(state_size)
msg_set = generate_collisions(n, initial_state, state_size)
hash_vals = [merkle_damgard_aes128(msg, initial_state, state_size) for msg in msg_set]
all_collide = hash_vals.count(hash_vals[0]) == len(hash_vals)
print(f'{all_collide=}') # all_collide=True
In the second part of the challenge, we need to find collision to h(x) = f(x) || g(x).
Instead of looking for collisions in h(x), we can generate collisions in f(x) (the cheaper hash function) and check for collision in g(x).
We use f(x) with output size of 16 bits, and g(x) with output size of 32 bit:
# define f and g:
b1 = 2 # f state_size
b2 = 4 # g state_size
# initial states
f_initial_state = random.randbytes(b1)
g_initial_state = random.randbytes(b2)
# define h = f|g
def h(msg: bytes):
f = merkle_damgard_aes128(msg=msg, state=f_initial_state, state_size=b1)
g = merkle_damgard_aes128(msg=msg, state=g_initial_state, state_size=b2)
return f + g
# look for collision in h(x) = f(x) || g(x)
found_collision = False
while not found_collision:
# generate colliding messages in f
f_msg_set = generate_collisions(n=b2*3, state=f_initial_state, state_size=b1)
# there's a good chance the message pool has a collision in g - find it
hash_dict = {}
for msg in f_msg_set:
hash_result = merkle_damgard_aes128(msg=msg, state=g_initial_state, state_size=b2)
# check for collision
if hash_result in hash_dict:
m1, m2 = msg, hash_dict[hash_result]
found_collision = True
hash_dict[hash_result] = msg
# verify the hash h(x) collide
is_collision = h(m1) == h(m2)
print(f'{is_collision=}') # is_collision=True
There were 400 calls to the collision function.
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/53
The challenge is based on the paper Second Preimages on n-bit Hash Functions for Much Less than 2^n Work.
We update Merkle-Damgard hash function to have secure padding:
def merkle_damgard_aes128(msg: bytes, state: bytes, state_size: int, add_len_pad: bool = True) -> bytes:
if len(state) != state_size:
raise ValueError(f'H must have length of {state_size}')
# pad the message, use secure padding:
# (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle%E2%80%93Damg%C3%A5rd_construction#Length_padding_example)
reminder = len(msg) % AES.block_size
msg_len = len(msg)
if reminder > 0:
msg += b'\x80' # first bit in padding is 1
msg += bytes(AES.block_size - reminder - 1) # zeros to match block size
if add_len_pad:
# the message length is added in an extra block at the end
msg += msg_len.to_bytes(AES.block_size, 'big')
# loop message blocks
for i in range(0, len(msg), AES.block_size):
# pad H to key size
assert len(state) == state_size
state += bytes(AES.block_size - len(state))
# encrypt
msg_block = msg[i:i + AES.block_size]
state = AES.new(state, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(msg_block)
state = state[:state_size]
return state
For the attack, we need to implement Expandable Message. This is actually a set of messages of length
Using these messages, we can choose a prefix with a length of our own choice with a known hash result.
We start with a function that finds a collision between 1-block message and a message of
Note - this function has to be efficient (birthday paradox), otherwise the whole search would be pointless and we would get stuck here.
For efficiency, we constructs about
def find_collision(state: bytes, k: int, j: int):
Find a collision between a single-block message and a message of 2^(k-j)+1 blocks.
:return: (1-block message, 2^(k-j)+1 block message, next state)
n = len(state) * 8 # state length in bits
one_block_hash = {}
while True:
# constructs about 2^(n/2) messages of length 1
for _ in range(n//2+1):
msg = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
msg_hash = merkle_damgard_aes128(msg, state, len(state), add_len_pad=False)
one_block_hash[msg_hash] = msg
# find collision with messages of length 2^(k-j)+1
prefix = random.randbytes(AES.block_size * (2 ** (k - j)))
prefix_hash = merkle_damgard_aes128(prefix, state, len(state), add_len_pad=False)
for _ in range(n//2+1):
last_block = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
hash_result = merkle_damgard_aes128(last_block, prefix_hash, len(prefix_hash), add_len_pad=False)
# check for collision
if hash_result in one_block_hash:
m1 = one_block_hash[hash_result]
m2 = prefix + last_block
hash_out = hash_result
assert len(m1) == AES.block_size
assert len(m2) == AES.block_size * (2 ** (k-j) + 1)
assert merkle_damgard_aes128(m1, state, len(state), add_len_pad=False) == hash_out
assert merkle_damgard_aes128(m2, state, len(state), add_len_pad=False) == hash_out
return m1, m2, hash_out
Then, we create ExpandableMessage class which generates the discussed set, and produce a message with a length of our own choice:
class ExpandableMessage:
def __init__(self, k: int, initial_state: bytes):
""" Produce a set of messages of length (k, k + 2^k - 1) """
msg_set = []
state = initial_state
for j in range(1, k + 1):
m1, m2, state = find_collision(state, k, j)
msg_set.append((m1, m2))
self.k = k
self.initial_state = initial_state
self.msg_set = msg_set
self.hash = state
def generate_msg(self, num_blocks: int) -> bytes:
""" Generate msg of [n] blocks """
if num_blocks < self.k or num_blocks > (self.k + 2 ** self.k - 1):
raise ValueError('n is out of bounds')
# build the message using binary representation
num_added_blocks = num_blocks - self.k
seq = [1 if digit == '1' else 0 for digit in format(num_added_blocks, f'0{self.k}b')]
msg = b''.join([block[seq[idx]] for idx, block in enumerate(self.msg_set)])
# validate message
assert len(msg)/AES.block_size == num_blocks
return msg
Now, the attack goes like this:
- Save the hash value of intermediate blocks of the message.
- Find a collision between a bridged block to one of the saved hash values from the previous step.
- Build a forged message with the length of the original message. The forged message contains a prefix (which derives from the expandable message), the bridged block, and the second part of the original image.
def preimage_attack(msg: bytes, initial_state: bytes):
# Generate an expandable message
k = math.floor(math.log2(len(msg)/AES.block_size))
expandable_msg = ExpandableMessage(k=k, initial_state=initial_state)
# generate a map of intermediate hash states to the block indices that they correspond to
hash_states = {}
state = initial_state
state_size = len(initial_state)
for i in range(0, len(msg), AES.block_size):
# pad H to key size
state += bytes(AES.block_size - len(state))
# encrypt
msg_block = msg[i:i + AES.block_size]
if len(msg_block) != AES.block_size:
state = AES.new(state, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(msg_block)
state = state[:state_size]
# add state to table
if i >= (k-1) * AES.block_size:
hash_states[state] = i
# find a single-block "bridge" to intermediate state in the map
while True:
bridge_block = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
next_state = merkle_damgard_aes128(bridge_block, expandable_msg.hash, state_size, add_len_pad=False)
if next_state in hash_states:
suffix_idx = hash_states[next_state] + AES.block_size
# generate a prefix of the right length such that len(prefix || bridge || M[i..]) = len(M)
suffix = msg[suffix_idx:]
prefix_len = (len(msg) - len(suffix)) // AES.block_size - 1
prefix = expandable_msg.generate_msg(num_blocks=prefix_len)
# generate the fake message
forged_msg = prefix + bridge_block + msg[suffix_idx:]
# check validity
assert len(forged_msg) == len(msg)
assert merkle_damgard_aes128(msg, initial_state, state_size) ==\
merkle_damgard_aes128(forged_msg, initial_state, state_size)
return forged_msg
Using preimage_attack we can forge preimage for any long message:
# generate source message and hash
k = 8
msg = random.randbytes(AES.block_size * (2 ** k) + 19)
state_size = 4 # state size in bytes
initial_state = random.randbytes(state_size)
msg_hash = merkle_damgard_aes128(msg, initial_state, state_size)
# forge message
forged_msg = preimage_attack(msg, initial_state)
assert merkle_damgard_aes128(forged_msg, initial_state, state_size) == msg_hash
We found a collision for a state of 32-bit long in just a few seconds !!!
Using a naive approach would require
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/54
The challenge is based on the paper Herding Hash Functions and the Nostradamus Attack.
Kelsey and Kohno (2006) described the following hash function property, presented as a game between an attacker and a challenger:
Chosen-target-forced-prefix resistance - An attacker commits to a message digest, z, and is then challenged with a prefix, P. It should be infeasible for the attacker to be able to find a suffix S such that hash(P k S) = z. (source)
In this challenge, we implement an attack that violates CTFP resistance against Merkle-Damgard hash functions (often called a herding attack).
The attack uses a precomputed data structure called a diamond structure:
- A 2^k-diamond structure contains a complete binary tree of depth k.
- Every edge
$e$ in the diamond structure is labeled by a string$σ(e)$ and consist one message block. - Each node
$N$ in the structure correspond to the hash of the concatenated messages on the path from the source node to the node$N$ in the diamond structure. - At any level
$l$ of the structure there are$2^{k−l}$ hash values. - These values must be paired, such that, when the next message blocks are appended,
$2^{k−l−1}$ collisions occur.
We implement the structure computation:
def build_diamond_structure(k: int, state_size: int) -> (list[StateNode], bytes):
Build the diamond structure
:param k: number of levels in the tree
:param state_size: hash func output size
:return: - list of [StateNode] with the tree leaves
- state of root node
# Generate 2^k initial hash states
initial_states = [StateNode(random.randbytes(state_size)) for _ in range(2**k)]
state_list = initial_states
# build the tree one level at a time (starting from leaves)
for _ in range(k):
next_state_list = []
# Pair the states and generate single-block collisions
for idx in range(0, len(state_list), 2):
node1, node2 = state_list[idx], state_list[idx+1]
m1, m2, hash_out = find_collision(node1.state, node2.state)
# update the tree structure
new_node = StateNode(hash_out)
node1.msg, node2.msg = m1, m2
node1.next_node, node2.next_node = new_node, new_node
# update node list for next level
state_list = next_state_list
return initial_states, state_list[0].state
We used the function find_collision which is implemented as follows:
def find_collision(state1: bytes, state2: bytes):
Find a collision between two single-block messages from different initial states
:return: (block message 1, block message 2, next state)
if len(state1) != len(state2):
raise ValueError('both states must have the same length')
n = len(state1) * 8 # state length in bits
block1_hash = {}
while True:
# constructs about 2^(n/2) messages from state1
for _ in range(n//2):
msg1 = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
msg1_hash = merkle_damgard(msg1, state1, len(state1), add_len_pad=False)
block1_hash[msg1_hash] = msg1
# find collision with messages from state2
for _ in range(n//2):
msg2 = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
msg2_hash = merkle_damgard(msg2, state2, len(state2), add_len_pad=False)
# check for collision
if msg2_hash in block1_hash:
m1 = block1_hash[msg2_hash]
m2 = msg2
hash_out = msg2_hash
assert len(m1) == len(m2) == AES.block_size
assert merkle_damgard(m1, state1, len(state1), add_len_pad=False) == hash_out
assert merkle_damgard(m2, state2, len(state2), add_len_pad=False) == hash_out
return m1, m2, hash_out
Back to our problem of proof of a secret prediction:
- We commit to the hash value that appears at the root of the diamond structure (after padding the message length).
- Then, a challenger provides a prefix
$P$ . - We generate glue blocks such that the last block collides with one of the leaves in the tree.
- Finally, we follow the path from the leaf all the way up to the root node, and build the prediction using the message blocks along the way.
class Prognosticating:
def __init__(self, k: int, initial_state: bytes, max_msg_blocks: int):
self.k = k
self.initial_state, self.state_size = initial_state, len(initial_state)
self.max_msg_blocks = max_msg_blocks
self.diamond_leaves, self.root_state = build_diamond_structure(k, self.state_size)
def get_hash_prediction(self):
""" Compute the padded hash value we commit """
# create padding block
prediction_len = (self.max_msg_blocks + 1 + self.k) * AES.block_size
padding_block = prediction_len.to_bytes(AES.block_size, 'big')
# find finale hash
hash_prediction = merkle_damgard(padding_block, self.root_state, len(self.root_state), add_len_pad=False)
return hash_prediction
def generate_prediction(self, prefix: bytes):
""" Generate a prediction containing given [prefix] """
# validate prefix max length
if math.ceil(len(prefix) / AES.block_size) > self.max_msg_blocks:
raise ValueError('prefix is too long')
# pad the prefix to match multiply of block size
reminder = len(prefix) % AES.block_size
if reminder > 0:
prefix += bytes(AES.block_size - reminder)
# find collision with one of the tree leaves
prefix_hash = merkle_damgard(prefix, self.initial_state, self.state_size, add_len_pad=False)
while True:
link_msg = random.randbytes(AES.block_size)
tmp_hash = merkle_damgard(link_msg, prefix_hash, self.state_size, add_len_pad=False)
leaf = next((x for x in self.diamond_leaves if x.state == tmp_hash), None)
if leaf is not None:
# build message
msg = prefix + link_msg
tmp_node = leaf
while tmp_node.next_node is not None:
msg += tmp_node.msg
tmp_node = tmp_node.next_node
return msg
Using Prognosticating, we can fake a secret prediction:
k = 9 # number of levels in the diamond structure
state_size = 4 # state size in bytes
initial_state = random.randbytes(state_size)
# create proof of a secret prediction
prognosticating = Prognosticating(k=k, initial_state=initial_state, max_msg_blocks=2)
hash_prediction = prognosticating.get_hash_prediction()
print(f'Published hash: {hash_prediction}') # Published hash: b'\xdb5e\xa1'
# generate prediction
challenger_prefix = b'Team ABC won with 30 points'
prediction = prognosticating.generate_prediction(challenger_prefix)
print(f'Prediction: {prediction}') # Prediction: b'Team ABC won with 30 points\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00Mij\x85\xed\xdcO}\r6u\x8f\x83\x93\xa1X\x887\x01\xad=\x86lR\xdaA\x91\xd3\x1e&R\x10SK\x07\x19\xa2@\x06\x11ss6\xf3E<\xf7e\x83\xf6lK\xe6\xe5\xbc\xa6_o\xe1\xc2\x0f\xf1v\x0b\xc2c\xa36J\xd1\r\xcf\xfczl\x02%\xca\x87\x1d\xe7\\@6\xe7\xea\xff\x04\xeb\xb9\xeb\xbcl\x81(\x99\xc4Q\x18i\xe3}\x8f\xd2\xc3\x0b(\xe0\xb9\xe0\x9c\x1e\xfeY\xd7\xde\x04=g\xa7/\x05\x9a\x15\xa4\xfeS\xe8\x1b\x081\xa5\xef0?\xd1o\xdd\x1b\x83\x01I\x8d\x9d\xba\x0f\xeaa\x0c\xcfm-\x05\x0c]\x9c9]5\xee'
# verify result
real_prediction_hash = merkle_damgard(prediction, initial_state, state_size)
print(f'Prediction hash: {real_prediction_hash}') # Prediction hash: b'\xdb5e\xa1'
assert real_prediction_hash == hash_prediction
Note that the suffix length is only
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/55
The challenge is based on the paper Cryptanalysis of the Hash Functions MD4 and RIPEMD.
(Fort & Forge wrote an excellent writeup for this challenge)
In this challenge we find MD4 collisions using Wang's attack. Given a message block M, Wang outlines a strategy for finding a sister message block M', differing only in a few bits, that will collide with it. Just so long as a short set of conditions holds true for M.
The attack starts with generating a weak message according to Wang demands (Table. 6 in the paper).
In Round 1, each state variable depends on a different message block, and we can modify each state variable without affecting the others.
For example, we have the following constraints on c1:
c1,7 = 1, c1,8 = 1, c1,11 = 0, c1,26 = d1,26
To enforce these constraints, we follow the steps:
- Compute the original value of c1
- Correct the relevant bits of c1 to match the constraints
- Evaluate the corresponding message block that will reproduce c1
For the implementation of first-round constraints we create some helper functions:
def phi1(a, b, c, d, m, s): return lrot(a + f(b, c, d) + m, s)
def phi1_inv(a, b, c, d, next_a, s): return (rrot(next_a, s) - a - f(b, c, d)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
def phi1_constrained(a, b, c, d, m, m_idx, s, constraints: list[Constraint]):
# eval next a
next_a = phi1(a, b, c, d, m[m_idx], s)
# loop constraints
for con in constraints:
if con.type == 'eq':
next_a ^= (next_a & (1 << con.src_bit)) ^ (b & (1 << con.src_bit))
elif con.type == 'zero':
next_a ^= (next_a & (1 << con.src_bit)) ^ 0
elif con.type == 'one':
next_a ^= (next_a & (1 << con.src_bit)) ^ (1 << con.src_bit)
raise Exception
# fix message block
m[m_idx] = phi1_inv(a, b, c, d, next_a, s) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return next_a
Then we can enforce the constraints like so (for example):
# step 3: c1,7 = 1, c1,8 = 1, c1,11 = 0, c1,26 = d1,26
constraints = [Constraint(type='one', src_bit=6),
Constraint(type='one', src_bit=7),
Constraint(type='zero', src_bit=10),
Constraint(type='eq', src_bit=25)]
c = phi1_constrained(c, d, a, b, m, 2, 11, constraints)
The problem with Round 2 constraints is that they reuse message blocks from Round 1. That way, if we modify the message blocks to hold for Round 2 constraints, the state variables of Round 1 will be changed too.
To deal with that problem, we also modify successive message blocks, such that the following state variables will not change.
For example, to enforce a5 constraints, we need to modify m0.
If we change m0, a1 will also get changed, and so the state variables that depend on it (d1, c1, b1, a2).
The solution is to modify (m1, m2, m3, m4) such that only a1 will get changed, but (d1, c1, b1, a2) will remain the same.
# a5 constraints
a5 = phi2(a, b, c, d, m[0], 3)
a5 ^= (a5 & (1 << 18)) ^ (c & (1 << 18)) # a5,19 = c4,19
a5 ^= (a5 & (1 << 25)) ^ (1 << 25) # a5,26 = 1
a5 ^= (a5 & (1 << 26)) ^ 0 # a5,27 = 0
a5 ^= (a5 & (1 << 28)) ^ (1 << 28) # a5,29 = 1
a5 ^= (a5 & (1 << 31)) ^ (1 << 31) # a5,32 = 1
# fix message block
m[0] = phi2_inv(a, b, c, d, a5, 3)
a_vec[1] = phi1(a_vec[0], b_vec[0], c_vec[0], d_vec[0], m[0], 3)
# update message according to the new state
m[1] = phi1_inv(d_vec[0], a_vec[1], b_vec[0], c_vec[0], d_vec[1], 7)
m[2] = phi1_inv(c_vec[0], d_vec[1], a_vec[1], b_vec[0], c_vec[1], 11)
m[3] = phi1_inv(b_vec[0], c_vec[1], d_vec[1], a_vec[1], b_vec[1], 19)
m[4] = phi1_inv(a_vec[1], b_vec[1], c_vec[1], d_vec[1], a_vec[2], 3)
After we have some weak message, we can use Wang condition to find a collision:
def find_collision():
while True:
# generate weak message
src = generate_weak_message()
src_unpack = list(struct.unpack("<16I", src))
# create collision message
new_msg = src_unpack.copy()
new_msg[1] = (new_msg[1] + (2 ** 31)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
new_msg[2] = (new_msg[2] + (2 ** 31) - (2 ** 28)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
new_msg[12] = (new_msg[12] - (2 ** 16)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
new_msg = struct.pack("<16I", *new_msg)
# check for collision
hash1 = MD4.new(src).digest()
hash2 = MD4.new(new_msg).digest()
if hash1 == hash2:
return src, new_msg, hash1
We run the following lines:
m1, m2, hash_collision = find_collision()
And we find MD4 collision in just a few seconds !!!
Challenge: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7/challenges/56
The challenge is based on the paper On the Security of RC4 in TLS and WPA.
Picture this scenario: you want to steal a user's secure cookie. You can spawn arbitrary requests (from a malicious plugin or somesuch) and monitor network traffic.
To model the scenario, we build an encryption oracle of the form RC4(request || cookie, random-key)
class RC4Oracle:
cookie = base64.b64decode('QkUgU1VSRSBUTyBEUklOSyBZT1VSIE9WQUxUSU5F')
def monitor(cls, request: bytes):
key = get_random_bytes(KEY_SIZE)
data = request + cls.cookie
cipher = ARC4.new(key)
msg = cipher.encrypt(data)
return msg
This attack targets the initial 256 bytes of RC4 ciphertext. It is fixed-plaintext and multisession, meaning that it requires a fixed sequence of plaintext bytes to be independently encrypted under a large number of (random) keys.
The attack exploits statistical biases occurring in the first 256 bytes of RC4 keystream.
For example (as stated in the paper), there is a bias towards the values
We start with obtaining a detailed picture of the distributions of RC4 keystream bytes
That is, for selected values of
where the probability is taken over the random choice of the RC4 encryption key (128-bit keys in our case).
We use the following code to estimate the bias maps for
def build_bias_maps(r_list: list[int], num_repetitions: int) -> np.ndarray:
Estimate distribution of RC4 key stream bytes Zr
:param num_repetitions: number of independent keys for the statistics
:param r_list: list of r, such that r in (1, 256) r-th byte of key stream output by RC4
:return: np.ndarray of dists.
if not all(map(lambda r: 1 <= r <= 256, r_list)):
raise ValueError('r should be in range 1-256')
# store distribution of Zr for all r
hist = np.zeros((len(r_list), 256))
# eval distribution
max_r = max(r_list)
r_list_len = len(r_list)
for _ in tqdm(range(num_repetitions), miniters=1e5):
key = random.randbytes(KEY_SIZE)
cipher = ARC4.new(key)
key_stream = cipher.encrypt(bytes(max_r))
for j in range(r_list_len):
hist[j, key_stream[r_list[j]-1]] += 1
# normalize dist
hist = hist / num_repetitions
return hist
And we get the following distributions for num_repetitions=2^30:
For a fixed position
We have
We can model the distribution as Multinomial Distribution using the biases
- There are
$S$ experiment with 0xFF possible outcomes. - The probabilty for outcome
$j$ is$p_{r,j}$ and is counted as$N_{j}^{(\mu)}$
The probability mass function of this multinomial distribution is:
We wish to estimate
Note that -
for all
We get:
We create a function that estimates
def estimate_byte(cipher_seq, p_rk: np.ndarray) -> int:
Single-byte bias attack
:param cipher_seq: C(j,r); 1≤j≤S - S independent encryption's of fixed plaintext P at byte r
:param p_rk: p(r,k) - list of probabilities of the distribution at position r
:return: estimate for plaintext byte Pr
# distribution of C(j,r)
c_dist = np.zeros(256, dtype=np.uint32)
for c_val in cipher_seq:
c_dist[c_val] += 1
# eval mu using MLE (as discussed in the README)
k_vec = np.arange(256)
mu_hat = np.argmax([np.sum(c_dist[k_vec ^ mu] * np.log10(p_rk)) for mu in range(256)])
return mu_hat
Then, we estimate the entire cookie by shifting its location, and placing the wanted byte at
def bias_attack(bias_maps: np.ndarray, num_rep: int):
oracle = RC4Oracle
cookie_evaluation = []
# Eval bytes 0-15 using Z16
for byte_idx in range(16):
pad_len = 15-byte_idx
req = b'A' * pad_len
cipher_seq = (oracle.monitor(req)[15] for _ in range(num_rep)) # generate Cj,16
byte_estimate = estimate_byte(cipher_seq, bias_maps[0]) # bias_maps of r=16
# Eval bytes 16-30 using Z32
for byte_idx in range(14):
pad_len = 15 - byte_idx
req = b'A' * pad_len
cipher_seq = (oracle.monitor(req)[31] for _ in range(num_rep)) # generate Cj,32
byte_estimate = estimate_byte(cipher_seq, bias_maps[1]) # bias_maps of r=32
return bytes(cookie_evaluation)
Finally, we can decrypt the cookie:
# run single-byte bias attack
cookie = bias_attack(hist, num_rep=int(2**24))
print(f'{cookie=}') # cookie=b'BE SURE TO DRINK YOUR OVALTINE'
And just like that, we have the cookie plaintext !!!