All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
v1.6.0 at 2024-11-14
- Tip of the Day: shown upon launch daily + Like/Dislike buttons
v1.5.0 at 2024-11-7
- Notification Permission Request for API 33 and above
- Target API and Gradle Update
v1.4.0 at 2021-03-14
- Google Lens Integration: identify your plants
- Pulse Animation on NewPlant to force to change icon
- Fancy image on main when there are 0 plants with ViewStub
- Play Store Screenshots improved (green background version)
- Improved AboutUs and Licenses dialogs
v1.3.0 at 2021-03-06
- "Tip Of the Day" section with 7 tips.
- "Rate on the Play Store" button
- Firebase events
- New/Edit Plant Activities layout reworked. Now the Icon is the central main focus, and they are scrollable.
- MainActivity now has a slider as middle button.
v1.2.0 at 2021-02-28
- Firebase integration
- Third onBoarding Screen
v1.1.0 at 2021-02-25
- Explanations of time pickers on New/Edit Plant Activities
- Onboarding tutorial
- Typing Intro on keyboard hides it on New/Edit Plant Activities
v1.0.1 at 2021-02-21
- Start a Changelog
- README included
- QuickFix: PlantList stored in SharedPreferences using JSON and not GSON (deprecated)
v1.0.0 at 2021-02-21
This is the initial version released on Play Store.
- List of plants sorted by remaining days for watering
- Add/Edit new plants
- Daily notifications
- Remind Later and Water actions on notifications
- Settings:
- Notifications on/off
- Notification hour
- Remind later timing
- Delete all plants
- Licenses
- About us