This project was created with Create React App. To get acquainted and configure additional features refer to documentation.
Выполни рефакторинг кода приложения «Книга контактов» добавив управление состоянием при помощи библиотеки Redux Toolkit. Пусть Redux-состояние выглядит следующим образом.
"contacts": [],
"filter": ""
- Создай хранилище с 'configureStore()'
- Используй функцию 'createSlice()'
- Создай действия сохранения и удаления контакта, а также обновления фильтра
- Свяжи React-компоненты с Redux-логикой при помощи хуков бибилиотеки react-redux
- Используй библиотеку Redux Persist для сохранения массива контактов в локальное хранилище
- Make sure you have an LTS version of Node.js installed on your computer. Download and install if needed.
- Clone this repository.
- Change the folder name from
to the name of your project. - Create a new empty GitHub repository.
- Open the project in VSCode, launch the terminal and link the project to the GitHub repository [according to the instructions] ( #changing-a-remote-repositorys-url).
- Install the project's base dependencies with the
npm install
command. - Start development mode by running the
npm start
command. - Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser. This page will automatically reload after saving changes to the project files.
The production version of the project will automatically be linted, built, and
deployed to GitHub Pages, in the gh-pages
branch, every time the main
is updated. For example, after a direct push or an accepted pull request. To do
this, you need to edit the homepage
field in the package.json
replacing your_username
and your_repo_name
with your own, and submit the
changes to GitHub.
"homepage": ""
Next, you need to go to the settings of the GitHub repository (Settings
) and set the distribution of the production version of files from the
folder of the gh-pages
branch, if this was not done automatically.
The deployment status of the latest commit is displayed with an icon next to its ID.
- Yellow color - the project is being built and deployed.
- Green color - deployment completed successfully.
- Red color - an error occurred during linting, build or deployment.
More detailed information about the status can be viewed by clicking on the
icon, and in the drop-down window, follow the link Details
After some time, usually a couple of minutes, the live page can be viewed at the
address specified in the edited homepage
property. For example, here is a link
to a live version for this repository
If a blank page opens, make sure there are no errors in the Console
related to incorrect paths to the CSS and JS files of the project (404). You
most likely have the wrong value for the homepage
property in the
If your application uses the react-router-dom
library for routing, you must
additionally configure the <BrowserRouter>
component by passing the exact name
of your repository in the basename
prop. Slashes at the beginning and end of
the line are required.
<BrowserRouter basename="/your_repo_name/">
<App />
- After each push to the
branch of the GitHub repository, a special script (GitHub Action) is launched from the.github/workflows/deploy.yml
file. - All repository files are copied to the server, where the project is initialized and linted and built before deployment.
- If all steps are successful, the built production version of the project
files is sent to the
branch. Otherwise, the script execution log will indicate what the problem is.