Releases: PANTHEONtech/lighty
Welcome to 19.1.0!
This release maintains compatibility with OpenDaylight Potassium SR1 release. We recommend to everyone who is using 19.x to update to this release to enjoy updated OpenDaylight components and various improvements.
These are the highlights delivered into this release, enjoy!
- Fixes #1632: Bump iana-if-type to 2023-01-26 by @ihrasko in #1631
- Update GNMI device simulator readme by @Tobianas in #1647
What's Changed
- Prepare next dev phase 19.1.0-SNAPSHOT by @Tobianas in #1557
- Bump simulator to 19.0.0 by @ihrasko in #1572
- Bump jcasbin to 1.40.0 by @ihrasko in #1575
- Bump commons-io to 2.14.0 by @ihrasko in #1600
- Bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013 by @ihrasko in #1604
- Bump jcasbin to 1.41.0 by @ihrasko in #1612
- Bump spring to 3.1.5 by @ihrasko in #1607
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 12.0.8 by @Tobianas in #1614
- Introduce variable to store simulator version by @Tobianas in #1594
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 13.0.6 by @ihrasko in #1618
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.4 by @ihrasko in #1624
- Bump log4j-api to 2.21.0 by @ihrasko in #1630
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.59.0 by @ihrasko in #1639
- Bump log4j-api to 2.21.1 by @ihrasko in #1643
- Bump com.typesafe:config to 1.4.3 by @ihrasko in #1646
- Bump commons-io to 2.15.0 by @ihrasko in #1653
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.25.0 by @ihrasko in #1658
- Bump spring to 3.2.0 by @ihrasko in #1665
- Bump spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations to 4.8.1 by @ihrasko in #1669
- Bump to odlparent 13.0.7 versions by @Tobianas in #1672
- Bump to odlparent 13.0.7 versions by @Tobianas in #1673
- Sync 3rd party dependencies with odlparent 13.0.7 by @ihrasko in #1674
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.25.1 by @ihrasko in #1685
- Bump commons-lang3 to 3.14.0 by @ihrasko in #1689
- Bump log4j-slf4j2-impl to 2.22.0 by @ihrasko in #1690
- 19.1.0 Release preparations by @Tobianas in #1676
Full Changelog: 19.0.0...19.1.0
Welcome to 17.4.0!
This is the final release of 17.x release stream to maintain compatibility with OpenDaylight (2022-09) Chlorine. 17.4.0 includes more recent versions than OpenDaylight (2022-09) Chlorine SR3 (SR4 has been never released).
This release contains some important fixes and is recommended for everyone who is still on 17 (OpenDaylight (2022-09) Chlorine). 17.4.0 adopts the following OpenDaylight components
- odlparent-11.0.7
- infrautils-4.0.8
- yangtools-9.0.10
- mdsal-10.0.9
- controller-6.0.10
- aaa-0.16.10
- netconf-4.0.9
- bgpcep-0.18.9
For more details please visit
What's Changed
- Bump to use latest 17.3.0 simulator by @Tobianas in #1353
- Bump alpine to 3.18.2 by @ihrasko in #1456
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.2 by @ihrasko in #1458
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.3 by @ihrasko in #1463
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.56.0 by @ihrasko in #1465
- Bump commons-io to 2.13.0 by @ihrasko in #1467
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.4 by @ihrasko in #1470
- Bump jcasbin to 1.33.1 by @ihrasko in #1473
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.56.1 by @ihrasko in #1486
- Bump spring-boot to 2.7.14 by @Tobianas in #1491
- Add cache to .gitignore by @Tobianas in #1494
- Bump grpc-protobuf from to 1.57.0 by @ihrasko in #1505
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.57.1 by @ihrasko in #1507
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.0 by @ihrasko in #1510
- Bump jcasbin to 1.37.1 by @ihrasko in #1517
- Bump GPG plugin to 3.1.0 by @ihrasko in #1532
- Bump grpc-netty to 1.57.2 by @ihrasko in #1530
- Bump protobuf-java-util to 3.24.1 by @ihrasko in #1527
- Bump alpine to 3.18.3 by @ihrasko in #1539
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.2 by @ihrasko in #1545
- Bump jcasbin to 1.38.0 by @ihrasko in #1543
- Bump spring-boot to 2.7.15 by @ihrasko in #1548
- Bump spring to 2.7.16 by @ihrasko in #1549
- Bump slf4j-api to 2.0.9 by @ihrasko in #1560
- Switch all scripts to use Temurin by @ihrasko in #1562
- Bump grpc-stub to 1.58.0 by @ihrasko in #1569
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.3 by @ihrasko in #1567
- Bump jcasbin to 1.40.0 by @ihrasko in #1576
- Bump commons-io to 2.14.0 by @ihrasko in #1598
- Bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013 by @ihrasko in #1602
- Bump spring to 2.7.17 by @ihrasko in #1608
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 12.0.8 by @Tobianas in #1588
- Bump jcasbin to 1.41.0 by @ihrasko in #1610
- Introduce variable to store simulator version by @Tobianas in #1595
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.4 by @ihrasko in #1622
- Bump log4j-api to 2.21.0 by @ihrasko in #1628
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.59.0 by @ihrasko in #1637
- Adopt odlparent 11.0.7 versions by @Tobianas in #1640
- Bump log4j-api to 2.21.1 by @ihrasko in #1641
- Bump com.typesafe:config to 1.4.3 by @ihrasko in #1644
- Update GNMI device simulator readme by @Tobianas in #1649
- Bump commons-io to 2.15.0 by @ihrasko in #1651
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.25.0 by @ihrasko in #1660
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies to 2.7.18 by @ihrasko in #1661
- Remove netty-bom dependency override by @ihrasko in #1662
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 11.0.7 by @Tobianas in #1666
Full Changelog: 17.3.0...17.4.0
Welcome to 18.3.0!
This release maintains compatibility with OpenDaylight Argon SR3 release. We recommend to everyone who is using 18.x to update to this release to enjoy updated OpenDaylight components and various improvements.
What's Changed
- Bump GPG plugin to 3.1.0 by @ihrasko in #1533
- Bump grpc-netty to 1.57.2 by @ihrasko in #1529
- Bump protobuf-java-util to 3.24.1 by @ihrasko in #1528
- 18.3.0-SNAPSHOT Bump simulator by @Tobianas in #1479
- Bump alpine to 3.18.3 by @ihrasko in #1540
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.2 by @ihrasko in #1546
- Bump jcasbin to 1.38.0 by @ihrasko in #1544
- Bump spring-boot to 3.1.3 by @ihrasko in #1550
- Bump slf4j-api to 2.0.9 by @ihrasko in #1561
- Switch all scripts to use Temurin by @ihrasko in #1563
- Bump grpc-stub to 1.58.0 by @ihrasko in #1570
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.3 by @ihrasko in #1568
- Bump jcasbin to 1.40.0 by @ihrasko in #1574
- Bump 18.x to odlparent 12.0.8 versions by @Tobianas in #1581
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 12.0.8 by @Tobianas in #1582
- Bump commons-io to 2.14.0 by @ihrasko in #1599
- Bump org.json:json from 20230227 to 20231013 by @ihrasko in #1603
- Bump spring to 3.1.5 by @ihrasko in #1606
- Bump jcasbin to 1.41.0 by @ihrasko in #1611
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 12.0.9 by @Tobianas in #1617
- Introduce variable to store simulator version by @Tobianas in #1596
- Bump to odlparent 12.0.10 versions by @Tobianas in #1621
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.4 by @ihrasko in #1623
- Bump log4j-api to 2.21.0 by @ihrasko in #1629
Full Changelog: 18.2.0...18.3.0
Welcome to 19.0.0!
These are the highlights delivered into this release, enjoy!
- OpenDaylight 2023-09 Potassium adaptation
- Remove swagger2 by @Tobianas in #1383
- Rename swagger package to openapi by @Tobianas in #1385
- Rename swagger to openapi in logs by @Tobianas in #1386
- Rename classes from swagger to openapi by @Tobianas in #1391
- Rename swagger to openapi in configuration by @Tobianas in #1387
- Rename swagger to openapi in README files by @Tobianas in #1388
- Rename all swagger usages to openapi by @Tobianas in #1389
- Change apidoc URLs to openapi + potassium by @Tobianas in #1502
- Add possibility to change base path by @Tobianas in #1497
What's Changed
- Bump simulator to 18.0.0 by @ihrasko in #1326
- Bump alpine to 3.16.5 by @Tobianas in #1329
- Bump alpine to 3.17.3 by @Tobianas in #1330
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by @snyk-bot in #1341
- Fix AAALighty stop procedure by @Tobianas in #1046
- Add configuration for not deployed profile by @Tobianas in #1345
- Use EnableMethodSecurity annotation by @ihrasko in #1360
- [Snyk] Upgrade com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery-kubernetes-api_2.13 from 1.1.4 to 1.3.0 by @snyk-bot in #1359
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 1.1.4 to 1.3.0 by @snyk-bot in #1357
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.casbin:jcasbin from 1.32.2 to 1.32.3 by @snyk-bot in #1356
- Bump spring-boot to 3.0.6 by @Tobianas in #1369
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-stub from 1.54.0 to 1.54.1 by @snyk-bot in #1376
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.22.2 to 3.22.3 by @snyk-bot in #1379
- Remove swagger2 by @Tobianas in #1383
- Bump simulator to 18.1.0 by @ihrasko in #1390
- Rename artifactId from swagger to openapi by @Tobianas in #1384
- Rename swagger package to openapi by @Tobianas in #1385
- Rename swagger to openapi in logs by @Tobianas in #1386
- Rename classes from swagger to openapi by @Tobianas in #1391
- Bump spring-boot to 3.0.7 by @Tobianas in #1392
- Bump spring-boot to 3.1.0 by @Tobianas in #1393
- Rename swagger to openapi in configuration by @Tobianas in #1387
- Rename swagger to openapi in README files by @Tobianas in #1388
- Rename all swagger usages to openapi by @Tobianas in #1389
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.22.3 to 3.22.4 by @snyk-bot in #1398
- Bump grpc to 1.55 by @Tobianas in #1402
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.22.4 to 3.23.0 by @snyk-bot in #1411
- [Snyk] Upgrade commons-io:commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 by @snyk-bot in #1420
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.23.0 to 3.23.1 by @mmiklus in #1426
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.casbin:jcasbin from 1.32.3 to 1.32.4 by @snyk-bot in #1431
- Sync with odlparent 13.0.0 versions by @Tobianas in #1433
- [Snyk] Upgrade com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery-kubernetes-api_2.13 from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1 by @ihrasko in #1439
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 1.3.0 to 1.4.1 by @ihrasko in #1440
- Bump jcasbin from to 1.33.0 by @ihrasko in #1449
- Bump Netty to 4.1.94 by @ihrasko in #1452
- Bump akka to 2.6.21 by @ihrasko in #1450
- Bump alpine to 3.18.2 by @ihrasko in #1454
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.23.1 to 3.23.2 by @ihrasko in #1457
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.23.2 to 3.23.3 by @ihrasko in #1462
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-protobuf from 1.55.1 to 1.56.0 by @ihrasko in #1461
- [Snyk] Upgrade commons-io:commons-io from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0 by @ihrasko in #1460
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.4 by @ihrasko in #1472
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.casbin:jcasbin from 1.33.0 to 1.33.1 by @mmiklus in #1469
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-protobuf from 1.56.0 to 1.56.1 by @ihrasko in #1484
- Bump spring-boot to 3.1.2 by @Tobianas in #1489
- Add cache to .gitignore by @Tobianas in #1492
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 13.0.3 by @Tobianas in #1498
- Bump third party dependencies by @Tobianas in #1500
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-protobuf from 1.56.1 to 1.57.0 by @mmiklus in #1503
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-protobuf from 1.57.0 to 1.57.1 by @mmiklus in #1506
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.23.4 to 3.24.0 by @mmiklus in #1509
- Change apidoc URLs to openapi + potassium by @Tobianas in #1502
- Code refactor after review by @ihrasko in #1512
- Add possibility to change base path by @Tobianas in #1497
- Remove netty dependency override by @ihrasko in #1513
- Bump upstreams by @ihrasko in #1514
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.casbin:jcasbin from 1.36.0 to 1.37.1 by @ihrasko in #1516
- Refactor IdentifierUtils class by @ihrasko in #1519
- Bump GPG plugin to 3.1.0 by @ihrasko in #1531
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.24.0 to 3.24.1 by @ihrasko in #1526
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-netty from 1.57.1 to 1.57.2 by @ihrasko in #1525
- Sync dependencies with odlparent 13.0.4 by @Tobianas in #1536
- Bump alpine to 3.18.3 by @Tobianas in #1537
- Bump ODL upstreams by @ihrasko in #1538
- Fix Pottasium integration issues by @Tobianas in #1535
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.casbin:jcasbin from 1.37.1 to 1.38.0 by @mmiklus in #1542
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.24.1 to 3.24.2 by @mmiklus in #1541
- Bump spring-boot to 3.1.3 by @ihrasko in #1547
- Bump upstreams by @ihrasko in #1551
- Refactor code to improve readability and maintainability by @Tobianas in #1534
- [Snyk] Upgrade org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9 by @mmiklus in #1552
- Switch all scripts to use Temurin by @ihrasko in #1564
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.24.2 to 3.24.3 by @mmiklus in #1566
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-stub from 1.57.2 to 1.58.0 by @ihrasko in #1565
- 19.0.0 release preparations by @Tobianas in #1553
Full Changelog: 18.0.0...19.0.0
Welcome to 18.2.0!
This release maintains compatibility with OpenDaylight Argon SR2 release. We recommend to everyone who is using 18.x to update to this release to enjoy updated OpenDaylight components and various improvements.
These are the highlights delivered into this release, enjoy!
What's Changed
- Bump to use 18.1.0 simulator by @Tobianas in #1374
- Bump spring-boot to 3.0.7 by @Tobianas in #1396
- Bump spring-boot to 3.1.0 by @Tobianas in #1397
- Bump protobuf to 3.22.4 by @ihrasko in #1400
- Bump grpc to 1.55 by @Tobianas in #1403
- Bump protobuf to 3.23.0 by @ihrasko in #1413
- Bump commons-io to 2.12.0 by @ihrasko in #1425
- Bump protobuf to 3.23.1 by @ihrasko in #1428
- Bump jcasbin from to 1.32.4 by @ihrasko in #1435
- Sync with odlparent 12.0.5 versions by @Tobianas in #1432
- Bump akka-discovery-kubernetes-api_2.13 to 1.4.1 by @ihrasko in #1443
- Bump akka-management-cluster-http_2.13 to 1.4.1 by @ihrasko in #1442
- Bump jcasbin from to 1.33.0 by @ihrasko in #1447
- Bump Netty to 4.1.94 by @ihrasko in #1451
- Bump alpine to 3.18.2 by @ihrasko in #1455
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.2 by @ihrasko in #1459
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.3 by @ihrasko in #1464
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.56.0 by @ihrasko in #1466
- Bump commons-io to 2.13.0 by @ihrasko in #1468
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.23.4 by @ihrasko in #1471
- Bump jcasbin to 1.33.1 by @ihrasko in #1474
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.56.1 by @ihrasko in #1485
- Bump spring-boot to 3.1.2 by @Tobianas in #1490
- Bump to odlparent 12.0.7 versions by @Tobianas in #1495
- Add cache to .gitignore by @Tobianas in #1493
- Sync third-party dependencies with odlparent 12.0.7 by @Tobianas in #1496
- Bump grpc-protobuf from to 1.57.0 by @ihrasko in #1504
- Bump grpc-protobuf to 1.57.1 by @ihrasko in #1508
- Bump protobuf-java to 3.24.0 by @ihrasko in #1511
- Bump jcasbin to 1.37.1 by @ihrasko in #1518
Full Changelog: 18.1.0...18.2.0
Welcome to 17.3.0!
This release maintains compatibility with OpenDaylight Chlorine SR3 release. We recommend to everyone who is using 17.x to update to this release to enjoy updated OpenDaylight components and various improvements.
What's Changed
- Bump simulator to 17.2.0 by @ihrasko in #1231
- Bump org.springframework.boot to 2.7.9 by @ihrasko in #1239
- Update broken link in README file by @ihrasko in #1238
- Bump jcasbin to 1.32.2 by @ihrasko in #1237
- Add Java 17 support to lighty-controller-springboot by @ihrasko in #1243
- Fix incorrect time measurement in closeLightyModule function by @ihrasko in #1241
- Remove actor provider from default akka by @ihrasko in #1251
- Bump protobuf and grpc by @ihrasko in #1252
- Bump Akka to 2.6.20 by @ihrasko in #1259
- [17.x] Bump checkstyle to 10.8.1 by @Tobianas in #1276
- Bump maven plugins by @ihrasko in #1269
- [17.x]Bump surefire to 3.0.0 by @Tobianas in #1271
- Upgrade protobuf-java from 3.21.12 to 3.22.0 by @ihrasko in #1279
- [17.x]Fix SpotBugs output configuration by @Tobianas in #1274
- Bump third-party dependencies by @ihrasko in #1286
- Refactor after spotbugs reported bugs are fixed in 577e5f0. by @ihrasko in #1292
- [17.x]Bump spring-boot to 2.7.10 by @Tobianas in #1295
- Bump grpc to 1.54.0 by @ihrasko in #1296
- Updated akka management versions to 1.1.4 by @ihrasko in #1303
- Bump protobuf-java-util by @ihrasko in #1311
- Mark mockito as test dependecny and remove unused proto import by @ihrasko in #1313
- Bump protobuf-java from 3.22.1 to 3.22.2 by @ihrasko in #1322
- Drop support for version 16 by @ihrasko in #1323
- Bump alpine to 3.16.5 by @ihrasko in #1333
- Bump alpine to 3.17.3 by @ihrasko in #1335
- Upgrade org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by @ihrasko in #1346
- Bump ODL upstreams by @Tobianas in #1350
- Fix AAALighty stop procedure by @ihrasko in #1355
- Fix CertificateManagerConfig usage by @ihrasko in #1368
- Bump jcasbin to 1.32.3 by @ihrasko in #1367
- Bump akka-management-cluster-http_2.13 to 1.3.0 by @ihrasko in #1364
- Bump akka-discovery-kubernetes-api_2.13 to 1.3.0 by @ihrasko in #1362
- Bump spring-boot to 2.7.11 by @Tobianas in #1371
- Bump io.grpc:grpc-stub to 1.54.1 by @ihrasko in #1378
- Bump to 3.22.3 by @ihrasko in #1381
- Bump spring-boot to 2.7.12 by @Tobianas in #1394
- Bump protobuf to 3.22.4 by @ihrasko in #1399
- Bump grpc to 1.55 by @Tobianas in #1404
- Bump protobuf to 3.23.0 by @ihrasko in #1414
- Bump commons-io to 2.12.0 by @ihrasko in #1424
- Bump protobuf to 3.23.1 by @ihrasko in #1427
- Bump ODL upstreams by @Tobianas in #1421
- Bump jcasbin from to 1.32.4 by @ihrasko in #1434
- sync with odlparent 11.0.6 versions by @Tobianas in #1430
- Bump akka-discovery-kubernetes-api_2.13 to 1.4.1 by @ihrasko in #1444
- Bump akka-management-cluster-http_2.13 to 1.4.1 by @ihrasko in #1441
- Bump jcasbin from to 1.33.0 by @ihrasko in #1448
- Bump Netty to 4.1.94 by @ihrasko in #1453
Full Changelog: 17.2.0...17.3.0
Welcome to 18.1.0!
This release maintains compatibility with OpenDaylight Argon SR1 release. We recommend to everyone who is using 18.x to update to this release to enjoy updated OpenDaylight components and various improvements.
What's Changed
- Bump simulator to 18.0.0 by @ihrasko in #1327
- Bump alpine to 3.16.5 by @ihrasko in #1334
- Bump alpine to 3.17.3 by @ihrasko in #1336
- Upgrade org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by @ihrasko in #1347
- Fix AAALighty stop procedure by @ihrasko in #1354
- Bump ODL upstreams by @Tobianas in #1361
- Bump akka-management-cluster-http_2.13 to 1.3.0 by @ihrasko in #1365
- Bump jcasbin to 1.32.3 by @ihrasko in #1366
- Bump akka-discovery-kubernetes-api_2.13 to 1.3.0 by @ihrasko in #1363
- Bump spring-boot to 3.0.6 by @Tobianas in #1370
- Bump io.grpc:grpc-stub to 1.54.1 by @ihrasko in #1377
- Bump to 3.22.3 by @ihrasko in #1380
Full Changelog: 18.0.0...18.1.0
Welcome to 16.4.0!
This is the final release of 16.x release stream to maintain compatibility with OpenDaylight (2022-03) Sulfur. 16.4.0 includes more recent versions than OpenDaylight (2022-03) Sulfur SR3 (SR4 has been never released).
This release contains some important fixes and is recommended for everyone who is still on 16 (OpenDaylight (2022-03) Sulfur).
Please follow OpenDaylight components release notes for details
odlparent 10.0.6
infrautils 3.0.5
yangtools 8.0.10
mdsal 9.0.8
controller 5.0.9
aaa 0.15.9
netconf 3.0.9
bgpcep 0.17.10
What's Changed
- Bump simulator to 16.3.0 by @ihrasko in #1198
- [16.x]Add GitHub token to actions-setup-minikube by @Tobianas in #1205
- [16.x]Fix variable name of github token by @Tobianas in #1207
- [16.x] Bump checkstyle to 10.8.1 by @Tobianas in #1277
- Bump maven plugins by @ihrasko in #1268
- [16.x]Bump surefire to 3.0.0 by @Tobianas in #1272
- Upgrade protobuf-java from 3.21.12 to 3.22.0 by @ihrasko in #1278
- [16.x]Fix SpotBugs output configuration by @Tobianas in #1280
- [16.x, 16.1.x, 15.x]Bump spring-boot by @Tobianas in #1267
- Bump spring-boot-starter-parent to 2.7.9 by @ihrasko in #1281
- 16.x bumps by @ihrasko in #1282
- 16.x grpc by @ihrasko in #1283
- Update broken link in README file by @ihrasko in #1284
- Bump third-party dependencies by @ihrasko in #1285
- Refactor after spotbugs reported bugs are fixed in 577e5f0. by @ihrasko in #1290
- Bump spring-boot to 2.7.10 by @ihrasko in #1298
- Bump grpc to 1.54.0 by @ihrasko in #1297
- Bump Akka to 2.6.20 by @ihrasko in #1287
- Updated akka management versions to 1.1.4 by @ihrasko in #1302
- Bump protobuf-java-util by @ihrasko in #1310
- Mark mockito as test dependecny and remove unused proto import by @ihrasko in #1314
- Bump protobuf-java from 3.22.1 to 3.22.2 by @ihrasko in #1321
- Drop support for version 16 by @ihrasko in #1324
- Remove jetty-bom override by @Tobianas in #1328
- Bump alpine to 3.17.3 by @ihrasko in #1332
- Bump ODL upstreams to Sulfur SR4 by @Tobianas in #1316
Full Changelog: 16.3.0...16.4.0
Welcome to 18.0.0!
These are the highlights delivered into this release, enjoy!
- OpenDaylight 2023-03 Argon adaptation
- Fix converting path to YIID in gNMI by @PeterSuna in #971
- Use eclipse-temurin:17-jre-alpine by @ihrasko in #1173
- Set call-home SSH port to 4334 by @ihrasko in #1180
- Enable Split-Brain Resolver by @Tobianas in #1204
- Migrate Spring to 3.0.1 by @Tobianas in #1220
- Bump org.springframework.boot to 3.0.3 by @ihrasko in #1235
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies by @Tobianas in #1293
- Tune eos gossip/notification intervals by @Tobianas in #1212
- Bump simulator to 17.2.0 by @ihrasko in #1232
- Bump Akka to 2.6.20 by @ihrasko in #1258
What's Changed
- Bump gRPC version by @Tobianas in #1146
- Set to Java 17 by @ihrasko in #1147
- Add missing jaxb-runtime dependency by @Tobianas in #1137
- Bump simulator to 17.0.0 by @ihrasko in #1151
- Update Dockerfile maven version by @Tobianas in #1152
- Bump org.json to 20220924 by @rovarga in #1157
- Test simulator 17.0.1 RC by @ihrasko in #1170
- Bump simulator to 17.0.1 by @ihrasko in #1171
- Bump alpine to 3.16.2 by @ihrasko in #1167
- Switch to maven:3.8-eclipse-temurin-17-alpine by @ihrasko in #1156
- Use eclipse-temurin:17-jre-alpine by @ihrasko in #1173
- Set call-home SSH port to 4334 by @ihrasko in #1180
- Bump actions-setup-minikube by @Tobianas in #1189
- Bump actions-setup-minikube to v2.7.2 by @ihrasko in #1194
- [master] Bump TestNG version by @Tobianas in #1191
- Enable Split-Brain Resolver by @Tobianas in #1204
- Add GH token to actions-setup-minikube by @ihrasko in #1209
- Revert "Explicitly allow java serialization of akka messages" by @ihrasko in #1202
- Revert "add default akka discovery method to fix failing tests" by @ihrasko in #1203
- Tune eos gossip/notification intervals by @Tobianas in #1212
- Bump simulator to 17.1.0 by @ihrasko in #1218
- Bump maven plugins by @Tobianas in #1221
- Bump third-party dependencies by @Tobianas in #1223
- Migrate Spring to 3.0.1 by @Tobianas in #1220
- Bump plugins by @ihrasko in #1224
- Bump simulator to 17.2.0 by @ihrasko in #1232
- [main] Argon integration by @Tobianas in #1225
- Update broken link in README file by @Tobianas in #1234
- Bump jcasbin to 1.32.2 by @ihrasko in #1236
- Bump org.springframework.boot to 3.0.3 by @ihrasko in #1235
- Fix incorrect time measurement in closeLightyModule function by @Tobianas in #1240
- Add Java 17 support to lighty-controller-springboot by @Tobianas in #1242
- Fix converting path to YIID in gNMI by @PeterSuna in #971
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.21.7 to 3.21.12 by @mmiklus in #1250
- [Snyk] Upgrade io.grpc:grpc-stub from 1.50.0 to 1.53.0 by @mmiklus in #1249
- Remove actor provider from default akka by @Tobianas in #1246
- Fix SchemaContextHandler closing by @Tobianas in #1248
- Bump Akka to 2.6.20 by @ihrasko in #1258
- Bump maven plugins by @Tobianas in #1265
- [main]Bump checkstyle to 10.8.1 by @Tobianas in #1275
- [Main] Bump surefire to 3.0.0 by @Tobianas in #1270
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.21.12 to 3.22.0 by @snyk-bot in #1264
- [main]Fix SpotBugs output configuration by @Tobianas in #1273
- Bump third-party dependencies by @Tobianas in #1266
- Refactor after spotbugs reported bugs are fixed in 577e5f0. by @ihrasko in #1291
- Bump spring-boot-dependencies by @Tobianas in #1293
- [Snyk] Security upgrade io.grpc:grpc-netty from 1.53.0 to 1.54.0 by @mmiklus in #1294
- Bump odl Upstreams by @Tobianas in #1245
- Updated akka management version to 1.1.4 by @Tobianas in #1299
- Bump protobuf-java-util by @Tobianas in #1309
- Refactor dependency placement by @Tobianas in #1306
- Mark mockito-inline as test dependency by @ihrasko in #1312
- Remove unused import statement in file.proto by @Tobianas in #1305
- Bump aaa to 0.17.7, netconf to 5.0.4 and bgpcep to 0.19.3 by @Tobianas in #1307
- Drop support for version 16 by @Tobianas in #1318
- [Snyk] Upgrade from 3.22.1 to 3.22.2 by @snyk-bot in #1317
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 17.0.0...18.0.0
Welcome to 17.2.0!
This release maintains compatibility with OpenDaylight Chlorine SR2 release. We recommend to everyone who is using 17.x to update to this release to enjoy updated OpenDaylight components and various improvements.
What's Changed
- Bump simulator to 17.1.0 by @ihrasko in #1217
- [17.x] Bump upstreams to Chlorine SR2 by @Tobianas in #1226
Full Changelog: 17.1.0...17.2.0