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⚡️Encourage players to @ each other in the game!⚡️

✨Introduction to plugins✨

BuddyNotify is a plugin designed for Minecraft servers, aimed at encouraging more interaction and communication between players. By using the BuddyNotify plugin, you can make your server more social and friendly, allowing players to communicate with each other and share their gaming experiences.

The main function of this plugin is to alert players in the chat box when they are mentioned with "@ [player name]," similar to the tagging feature on social media. When a player types "@ [player name]" in the chat box, the player mentioned will receive a notification informing them that someone has mentioned them.

BuddyNotify also includes additional features such as customized notification messages.

Furthermore, BuddyNotify is very easy to install and use. Simply download and add it to your server's plugin directory. Then, you can configure the plugin according to your needs and immediately start enjoying a more social and friendly Minecraft gaming experience.

In summary, if you want to increase interaction and socialization between players, BuddyNotify is a great plugin choice. It can make your server more interesting and friendly, and help your players easily connect with each other.

✨Plugin functionality✨

  • Players can be individually mentioned using the "@" symbol (a notification will appear in the chat box to inform players who has been mentioned).
  • Players can be mentioned collectively using "@" symbol followed by "all" (a notification will appear in the chat box to inform everyone that they have been mentioned). Ops can use this feature up to 10 times per day, while non-ops can use it up to 3 times per day.
  • A notification sound will play when a player is mentioned using "@" symbol, to alert the player.

✨Additional features of the plugin✨

  • All notification messages and sounds can be customized, and placeholders (%player% and %target_player%) are provided. %player% refers to the player who used the "@" symbol to mention another player, while %target_player% refers to the player being mentioned.
  • The plugin provides language files by default, including Chinese, English, and German. If your desired language is not available, you can customize the language file according to the instructions in the configuration file

✨How to use the plugin✨

  • To mention a player using "@" symbol, you can type "@ [player name]" in the chat box.
  • To mention all players using "@" symbol, you can type "@ all" in the chat box.

✨Plugin commands✨

  • /bnreload -- Reload configuration file

✨Plugin permissions✨

  • BuddyNotify.command.bnreload
    • description: Permissions to overload the config file
    • default: op

✨Configuration file✨

  • config.yml:
    #The plugin has three built-in languages: Chinese, English and German
    #If you don't have the language you want, you can also customize the language
    #1.Copy one from the built-in language file
    #2.Change its file name to the name you want
    #3.Change file content
    #4.Go to "config.yml" and change the "language" to your language file
    language: 'english'
    #Enable plugin logo.
    logo: true
    #Enable update detection.
    update: true
    #Notification for players after being mentioned (@).
      #Content of notification for players after being mentioned (@).
      message: '&l&b>>  &rPlayer &l&d%player% &rmentioned &l&e%target_player% &r(@)'
      #Notification content after a player mentions all players (@all)
      all_message: '&l&b>>  &rPlayer &l&d%player% &rmentioned &r&l&eall players &r(@all)'
      #Notification sound for players after being mentioned (@).
        #Volume of the notification sound.
        volume: 1.0
        #Pitch of the notification sound.
        pitch: 2.0
        #Type of notification sound, please search for ID on your own.

✨Some pictures of the plugin✨

QQ图片20230427144842 QQ图片20230427144915

Finally, if you find any bugs with the plugin or have any features you would like to suggest, you can leave a comment on GitHub or Spigot.