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This doc helps SMAPI mod authors use Content Patcher's token strings in their own mods.

To add custom tokens for content packs to use, see the extensibility API. See the main README for other info.



Content Patcher has a token system which lets content packs make complex strings using contextual values. For example:

"My favorite season is {{Season}}." // If a save is loaded, {{Season}} will be replaced with the current season.

Other SMAPI mods can use this token system too. They essentially create a string with the tokens they want to have evaluated and call the API below to get a 'managed token string' object, then use that to manage the token string.

Access the API

To access the API:

  1. Add Content Patcher as a required dependency in your mod's manifest.json:
    "Dependencies": [
       { "UniqueID": "Pathoschild.ContentPatcher", "MinimumVersion": "2.5.0" }
  2. Add a reference to the Content Patcher DLL in your mod's .csproj file. Make sure you set Private="False", so the DLL isn't added to your mod folder:
      <Reference Include="ContentPatcher" HintPath="$(GameModsPath)\ContentPatcher\ContentPatcher.dll" Private="False" />
  3. Somewhere in your mod code (e.g. in the GameLaunched event), get a reference to Content Patcher's API:
    var api = this.Helper.ModRegistry.GetApi<ContentPatcher.IContentPatcherAPI>("Pathoschild.ContentPatcher");

Parse token strings

Note: see caveats before calling this API.

Now that you have access to the API, you can parse token strings.

  1. Create a string to evaluate. This can use Content Patcher features like tokens. For example:

    string rawTokenString = "The current time is {{Time}} on {{Season}} {{Day}}, year {{Year}}.";
  2. Call the API to parse the string into an IManagedTokenString wrapper. The formatVersion matches the Format field described in the author guide to enable forward compatibility with future versions of Content Patcher.

    var tokenString = api.ParseTokenString(
       manifest: this.ModManifest,
       rawValue: rawTokenString,
       formatVersion: new SemanticVersion("2.5.0")
  3. Get the parsed string from the Value property. For example:

    string value = tokenString.Value; // The current time is 1430 on Spring 5, year 2.

If you want to allow custom tokens added by other SMAPI mods, you can specify a list of mod IDs to assume are installed. You don't need to do this for your own mod ID or for mods listed as required dependencies in your mod's manifest.json.

var tokenString = api.ParseTokenString(
   manifest: this.ModManifest,
   rawValue: rawTokenString,
   formatVersion: new SemanticVersion("2.5.0"),
   assumeModIds: new[] { "spacechase0.JsonAssets" }

Manage token strings

The IManagedTokenString object you got above provides a number of properties and methods to manage the parsed token string. You can check IntelliSense in Visual Studio to see what's available, but here are some of the most useful properties:

property type description
IsValid bool

Whether the token string was parsed successfully (regardless of whether its tokens are in scope currently).

ValidationError string

When IsValid is false, an error phrase indicating why the token string failed to parse, formatted like this:

'seasonz' isn't a valid token name; must be one of <token list>

If the token string is valid, this is null.

IsReady bool

Whether the token string's tokens are all valid in the current context. For example, this would be false if the token string uses {{Season}} and a save isn't loaded yet.

Value string?

If IsReady is true, the evaluated string.

If IsReady is false, Value will be null.

And methods:

method type description
UpdateContext bool

Updates the token string based on Content Patcher's current context, and returns whether Value changed. It's safe to call this as often as you want, but it has no effect if the Content Patcher context hasn't changed since you last called it.


The token string API isn't available immediately.

The token string API is available two ticks after the GameLaunched event (and anytime after that point). That's due to the Content Patcher lifecycle:

  1. GameLaunched: other mods can register custom tokens.
  2. GameLaunched + 1 tick: Content Patcher initializes the token context (including custom tokens).
  3. GameLaunched + 2 ticks: other mods can use the token string API.
Token strings should be cached.

Parsing token strings through the API is a relatively expensive operation. If you'll recheck the same token string often, it's best to save and reuse the IManagedTokenString instance.

Token strings don't update automatically.

When using a cached IManagedTokenString object, make sure to update it using tokenString.UpdateContext() as needed.

Note that token string updates are limited to Content Patcher's update rate. When you call tokenString.UpdateContext(), it will reflect the tokens as of Content Patcher's last internal context update.

Token strings handle split-screen automatically.

For example, Value returns the value for the current screen's context. The exception is UpdateContext, which updates the context for all active screens.

See also