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Hub Labeling

Author: Patrick Steil

This repository implements a hub labeling algorithm for reachability queries on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). It does not compute or store shortest path distances.

Build Instructions

To build the project, run the provided script:


Alternatively, to build only the release version:

mkdir -p build-release
cd build-release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

The project supports three build configurations:

  • Release: Optimized for performance.
  • Debug: Includes debug symbols and error checks.
  • Sanitize: Uses sanitizers for runtime error detection.

To build and run the release version:

cd build-release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
./DAGHL -h

Output File Format

The output file contains hub labels for all vertices in the graph. Each vertex has exactly two lines:

  • o line – outgoing hubs (forward labels).
  • i line – incoming hubs (backward labels).

File Structure

  1. First line contains V followed by the number of vertices.
  2. Outgoing Hubs (o line)
    • Starts with o.
    • Followed by the vertex ID.
    • Followed by hubs reachable in the forward direction.
    • Example: o 0 1 3 → Vertex 0 has outgoing hubs 1 and 3.
  3. Incoming Hubs (i line)
    • Starts with i.
    • Followed by the vertex ID.
    • Followed by hubs reachable in the backward direction.
    • Example: i 0 2 4 → Vertex 0 has incoming hubs 2 and 4.
  4. Each vertex contributes exactly two lines to the file (o and i).
  5. The total number of lines is 2 × number of vertices + 1.

Example Output

For a graph with the following labels:

  • Vertex 0: Outgoing: [1, 3], Incoming: [2, 4]
  • Vertex 1: Outgoing: [2], Incoming: [0, 3]

The output file:

V 5
o 0 1 3
i 0 2 4
o 1 2
i 1 0 3

Example Execution

Parallel Version

Using the bitset scheme and tail parallelism with 4 threads:

./DAGHL -s -i ../data/kvv.dimacs -t 4 -c -b

Example Output:

Reading graph from DIMACS ... done [2627ms]
Forward Graph Statistics:
  Number of vertices: 2527390
  Number of edges:    7955735
  Min degree:         0
  Max degree:         15
  Average degree:     3.14781
Reversing Graph ... done [103ms]
Initializing data structures ... done [191ms]
Computing HLs ... done [39661ms]
Computing hub permutation ... done [2450ms]
Sorting labels ... done [592ms]
Forward Labels:
  Min Size:     1
  Max Size:     240
  Avg Size:     78.5583
Backward Labels:
  Min Size:     1
  Max Size:     227
  Avg Size:     69.6271
FWD # count:    198547362
BWD # count:    175974860
Both # count:   374522222
Total memory usage: 2188.12 MB
10000 random queries: total time 180436 ms, avg time 18.0436 ns

Sequential PLL Version (Single Threaded)

./PLL -s -i ../data/kvv.dimacs -c -b

Example Output:

Reading graph from DIMACS ... done [2627ms]
Forward Graph Statistics:
  Number of vertices: 2527390
  Number of edges:    7955735
  Min degree:         0
  Max degree:         15
  Average degree:     3.14781
Reversing Graph ... done [106ms]
Computing HLs ... done [105986ms]
Computing hub permutation ... done [2444ms]
Sorting labels ... done [407ms]
Forward Labels:
  Min Size:     1
  Max Size:     240
  Avg Size:     78.5563
Backward Labels:
  Min Size:     1
  Max Size:     227
  Avg Size:     69.6233
FWD # count:    198542389
BWD # count:    175965342
Both # count:   374507731
Total memory usage: 2149.45 MB
10000 random queries: total time 180408 ms, avg time 18.0408 ns


This project is based on:

  • "Fast Exact Shortest-Path Distance Queries on Large Networks by Pruned Landmark Labeling" – Akiba et al. ArXiv
  • "Robust Exact Distance Queries on Massive Networks" – Delling et al. Microsoft