NOTE: Please disable debug for the production version of the app.
Allows merchants to enable / disable logs to the console during the app execution. This might be helpful during the implementation / debugging process.
Payu.debug = true;
enum Environment {
Sandbox is an almost identical copy of PayU production system. It can be used for integration and testing purposes. To use the sandbox you need a register separately in one quick step. After you are registered, you can set up own companies / shops / point of sale. For more details please visit overview
An identifier used to select a user's language and formatting preferences.
Payu.locale = const Locale('en');
Point of sale that accepts payments. Most service parameters are defined at POS level. A single Shop may operate a few POSs.
Payu.pos = const POS(id: '300746');
void main() async {
Payu.debug = true;
Payu.locale = const Locale('en');
Payu.environment = Environment.sandbox;
Payu.pos = const POS(id: '300746');
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect from the package authors, and more.