Package name: peterbrain/magento2-terms-conditions
- Display all terms and conditions (Magento built-in feature) of the respective store view on a page.
- Add this page to Sitemap.
- Display specific terms and conditions within a page or block with a widget.
Widget code:
{{widget type="PeterBrain\TermsConditions\Block\Widget\Tc" agreement_id="<id>"}}
or use the Magento integrated GUI for widgets.
Widget to display specific terms and conditions:
Admin configuration:
composer require peterbrain/magento2-terms-conditions
- Unzip the zip file in
This extension requires PeterBrain Core. Ensure that you have it installed prior to installing this module. Use Composer to install it automatically with this module.
bin/magento module:enable PeterBrain_TermsConditions
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento cache:flush
- Enable module ouptut in
Stores > Configuration > PeterBrain Extensions > Terms & Conditions > General Configuration
- In Magento 2 admin, navigate to
Stores > Configuration > Sales > Checkout
and setEnable Terms and Conditions
. Module status provides you with a short summary. - If not done already, add a new condition at
Stores > Terms and Conditions
- Every condition meeting the scope of your current store view will be displayed at
and your custom url.
- Every condition meeting the scope of your current store view will be displayed at
- The url to the terms and conditions is automatically added to the sitemap the next time it is generated. If a user-defined url is specified, only this url will be added to the sitemap.
Required system configuration:
Credits go to Abdul from for the inspiration. See: