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@requestnetwork/smart-contracts is a package part of the Request Network protocol. The package stores the sources and artifacts of the smart contracts deployed on Ethereum. It also exposes a library to get information about the artifacts.


npm install @requestnetwork/smart-contracts

You may need some environment variables. You can create a .env file at the root of this package:

DEPLOYMENT_PRIVATE_KEY=...  # Mandatory to deploy on live blockchains
WEB3_PROVIDER_URL=...       # Mandatory to interact with live blockchains
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=...       # Only used to verify smart contracts code on live blockchains, even for other explorers, except:
BSCSCAN_API_KEY=...         # ... for BSCScan
POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY=...     # ... for PolygonScan
FTMSCAN_API_KEY=...         # ... for FTMScan
SNOWTRACE_API_KEY=...       # ... for Snowtrace
ARBISCAN_API_KEY=...        # ... for Arbiscan
ADMIN_WALLET_ADDRESS=...    # Mandatory to deploy contracts with admin tasks (e.g. ChainlinkConversionPath)
DEPLOYER_MASTER_KEY=...     # Mandatory to deploy the request deployer smart contract on live blockchains
REQUEST_DEPLOYER_LIVE=...   # Must be true to deploy contracts through the request deployer on live blockchains.
NETWORK=...                 # List of network to deploy contracts on with the request deployer. If not set default to all supported chain.


Library usage:

import * as SmartContracts from '@requestnetwork/smart-contracts';
import { erc20FeeProxyArtifact } from '@requestnetwork/smart-contracts';
import { providers } from 'ethers';

const requestHashStorageMainnetAddress =

const requestHashSubmitterRinkebyAddress =

const requestHashStorageABI = SmartContracts.requestHashStorageArtifact.getContractAbi();

const erc20FeeProxyInstance = erc20FeeProxyArtifact.connect(
  // RPC Provider or Signer
  new providers.JsonRpcProvider(),

Smart Contracts

The package stores the following smart contracts:

Smart contracts for request deployment

  • RequestDeployer smart contract to which we delegate our deployment through the function deploy(value, salt, bytecode). It enables to deploy contract with the CREATE2 opcode to easily manage our contract deployment addresses.

Smart contracts for ethereum-storage package

  • RequestHashStorage allows to declare a hash NewHash(hash, submitter, feesParameters). Only a whitelisted contract can declare hashes.
  • RequestOpenHashSubmitter entry point to add hashes in RequestHashStorage. It gives the rules to get the right to submit hashes and collect the fees. This contract must be whitelisted in RequestHashStorage. The only condition for adding hash is to pay the fees.
  • StorageFeeCollector parent contract (not deployed) of RequestOpenHashSubmitter, computes the fees and send them to the burner.

Smart contracts for advanced-logic package

  • TestERC20 minimal erc20 token used for tests.
  • ERC20Proxy used to pay requests with an ERC20 proxy contract payment network
  • EthereumProxy used to pay requests in blockchain native tokens such as ETH on mainnet
  • ERC20FeeProxy used to pay requests in ERC20 with a fee for the builder cf. the payment network ERC20 with fee
  • ERC20ConversionProxy used to process a payment in ERC20 for an amount fixed in fiat, relying on ERC20FeeProxy, cf. the payment network any-to-erc20

Smart contracts for payments with swaps

  • ERC20SwapToPay same as ERC20FeeProxy but allowing the payer to swap another token before paying
  • ERC20SwapToConversion same as ERC20ConversionProxy but allowing the payer to swap another token before paying

Local deployment

The smart contracts can be deployed locally with the following commands:

git clone
cd requestNetwork/packages/smart-contracts
# Install packages
yarn install
# Compile smart contracts, generate types and build the library
yarn build
# Run an instance of Ganache, ready for testing
yarn ganache

And in another terminal, deploy the smart contracts locally with:

yarn run deploy

Live deployment

The request deployer enables multichain deployment of several smart contracts at predefined address. It is based on

The deployer contract should be deployed at 0xE99Ab70a5FAE59551544FA326fA048f7B95A24B2 on live chains.

Be sure to run yarn build:sol before deploying the deployer or a contract.

The contracts implemented are listed in the array create2ContractDeploymentList in Utils.

Deploy the request deployer (once per chain)

Environment variables needed: DEPLOYER_MASTER_KEY

yarn hardhat deploy-deployer-contract --network <NETWORK>

Compute the contract addresses


yarn hardhat compute-contract-addresses

It will compute the addresses of the contracts to be deployed via the request deployer.

Deploy the contracts

Depending on the xdeployer config, this script will deploy the smart contracts on several chain simultaneously Environment variables needed: ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY You will need the request deployer to be deployed. Then run:

To deploy all contracts to one network, use:

NETWORK=<NETWORK> yarn hardhat deploy-contracts-through-deployer

If you want to deploy all contracts on all networks:

yarn hardhat deploy-contracts-through-deployer

To deploy on live chains set REQUEST_DEPLOYER_LIVE to true

This command will output details about each contract deployment on each chain:

  • If successfull: the network, the contract address and block number
  • If already deployed: the network, and the contract address
  • If an error occured: the said error

Verify the contracts

Verify and publish the contract code automatically to blockchain explorers, right after smart contracts compilation. Environment variables needed: ADMIN_... key and wallet, ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, and REQUEST_DEPLOYER_LIVE. Depending on the contracts you're verifying you will need to set up WEB3_PROVIDER_URL. See hardhat.config.ts.

yarn hardhat verify-contract-from-deployer --network <NETWORK>

Verify the contracts manually With Hardhat (legacy)

A more generic way to verify any contract by setting constructor argments manually:

yarn hardhat verify --network NETWORK_NAME DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"

Deprecated payment deployment scripts (legacy)

The goal of this script is to let all our payment contracts be deployed with the same sequence on every chain.

The script also verify deployed contracts.

Be sure that artifacts are up-to-date with most recent deployments


# First check what will be done
yarn hardhat deploy-live-payments --network matic --dry-run

# Run
yarn hardhat deploy-live-payments --network matic

# To test locally
yarn hardhat deploy-live-payments --network private --force
yarn hardhat deploy-live-payments --network private --force --dry-run


After a local deployment:

yarn test


Networks and providers are configured in hardhat.config.ts.

Have a look at the Hardhat documentation.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Read the contributing guide
