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Mocha based testing for Helm packages!


What does it do?

Helm is a great tool for packaging and templating your kubernetes definitions. However as your templates grow in complexity, and you start to introduce conditionals and other logic it becomes increasingly easy to unwittingly break them.

I wanted to take some of the tooling that I use when coding, and create a simple cli to test the manifest files that helm generates. helm-test will run helm to generate your manifests and then parse the results into JSON for you to perform assertions against.

How to use it


helm-test is distributed as a command line interface, simply type npm install -g helm-test. Once you've got that installed, you just need to write some tests.

Writing tests

Tests should be placed in the root of your helm chart, in a tests/ folder like so:


Your test specification follows the popular Mocha layout. You can see an example here

There are some global helper variables defined for use in your tests:


This is the root context and exposes the following functions:

  • withValueFile(path, [chartName]): Specify a value file to use when running helm, relative to the root of your chart. You can call this multiple times
  • set(key, value): Allows you to override a specific value, for example set('service.port', '80') would do --set service.port=80 when running helm
  • go(done, [chartName]): Run a helm template generation and parse the output
  • lint(done, [chartName]): Run a helm lint

chartName is an optional parameter but if you want to run helm-test on main folder (against all charts), you need to define 'chartName'


This global helper function allows you to parse yaml using yamljs. This is useful for scenarios like a configmap containing a string block which sub contains yaml, that you wish to assert on.


const json = yaml.parse(results.ofType('ConfigMap')[0];'some-manifest');


After running helm.go, the results variable will be populated, and it exposes the following:

  • length: The number of manifest files
  • ofType(type): Get all manifests of a given type

Running your tests

Is a simple as doing helm-test:

❯ helm-test
  helm-test [info] Welcome to helm-test v0.1.6! +0ms
  helm-test [info] Testing... +0ms

  Helm Chart
    ✓ should have three manifests
    The Service
      ✓ should have standard labels
      ✓ should have valid
      ✓ should be a LoadBalancer
      ✓ should be on an internal ip
      ✓ should have a single http-web port
      ✓ should select the right pods
    The StatefulSet
      ✓ should have the right name
      ✓ should have standard labels
      ✓ should have a serviceName
      ✓ should have a single replica
      ✓ should be a RollingUpdate strategy
      ✓ should have matching matchLabels and template labels
        ✓ should have two containers
          ✓ should use the right image
          ✓ should limit 2gig of ram
          ✓ should limit 1.8 CPU
          ✓ should have a http-web port
    The ConfigMap
      ✓ should have standard labels
      ✓ should have valid metadata
      ✓ should have a docker-host key

  21 passing (123ms)

  helm-test [info] Complete. +443ms

Constantly running tests and watching for changes

You can have helm-test run every time it detects a change in your chart by simply doing helm-test --watch

Running tests against all helm charts

You can have helm-test run on main folder to test all charts in subfolder by helm-test --all on main folder

Generate report for CI

You can have helm-test run on ci and display report by helm-test --reporter <name>


Copyright (c) 2017 Karl Stoney Licensed under the MIT license.