Welcome to the Poisot Lab of Quantitative and Computational Ecology! In this lab, we study a variety of habitats, taxa and processes, with the core elements of using data, math and computational techniques to gain better understanding of ecological systems. We're committed to applying what we learn to making the world a better place- by supporting sustainability and productivity in working ecosystems, by making the work we do accessible to the broader community, and by drawing in diverse viewpoints to enhance mutual understanding of science, scientists, and the needs of the world.
First and foremost, the Poisot Lab is an open science lab. There are several major facets to this, but the core is: the way this lab operates is grounded in my personal belief that participation in science is a public act, and done in the public good. Science allows us to be part of something bigger, and to foster a healthy, collaborative and truly inclusive scientific enterprise, it's essential that we give back at least as much as we take from the community. I could get down into the weeds about specific tools and techniques that we use in our open science infrastructure here, but those tools are used to support these values, they themselves are not the values. What we commit to do, as open scientists, is:
Make supporting research data freely available whenever possible, to support future use in meta-analyses, reviews, and revisitations of our work.
Respect privacy and confidentiality in cases where data or research products contain sensitive information. Do no harm.
Produce and share reproducible, re-usable data manipulation and analysis code, so people can understand our assumptions and workflows, and so future scientists can learn from our efforts without duplicating them.
Publish final manuscripts AND intermediate research products in the most accessible formats available to us.
Seek out expertise from conventional and unconventional stakeholders in our work. Invite comment and participation. Welcome feedback.
Acknowledge contributions to our work. Provide territorial acknowledgements. Cite the ideas of others. Don't pretend we work in a vacuum.
Act as ambassadors of open science, and science in general, to the broader scientific community and the world. Help people see what we do, but respect the constraints others must work under.
A really useful metaphor for the open science universe is described by Danielle Robinson in this post.