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Bat Shotgun Metagenomic Flow-work

This is the repository for supplementary materials for the upcoming publication

Densoviruses 🦠


  • 📑 04_Lab_journal.ipynb - laboratory journal with commands to reproduce pipeline
  • ⚙️ VirExtr_pipeline - snakemake pipeline to extract densoviral sequences from MAGs using custom BLAST database, scripts/ script and VirSorter2
  • ⚙️ GA_pipeline - snakemake pipeline to annotate densoviral genomes using prokka
  • 📁 scripts - folder with miscellaneous scripts used for data analysis:
    • 📝 - script to extract longest alignment sequences according to BLAST results from filtered MAGs
    • 📝 - script to rename sequences from >NODE_632_length_4705_cov_657475.178280 to Densovirinae_sp._isolate_RBHC_VM_# etc.
    • 📝 - script that fixes prokka output by adding space between seq name and seq length making it eligable for input in Proksee
    • 📝 - script to root phylogenetic tree at mid point
  • 📁 BLAST_vs_Densoviruses - folder with BLAST outputs of running filtered MAGs against custom BLAST database containing densoviruses complete genomes from RefSeq
  • 📑 denso.yaml - conda environment
  • 📑 vs2.yaml - conda environment


  • Create new environment denso
conda env create -f denso.yaml
  • Create new environment vs2
conda env create -f vs2.yaml

For running lab journal use denso.yaml environment. vs2.yaml environment will be automatically used when running VirExtr_pipeline snakemake pipeline


This part of work was done using:

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 (WSL2 on Windows 11 22H2)
  • RAM: 32GB (16 for WSL2)
  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2670v3