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40 lines (33 loc) · 3.22 KB


This project generates new lyrics which did'nt exist before of your favourite artists , using Recurrent-Neural-Networks (RNNs) from a data-set created by web scrapping The GENIUS website using its API.

After vectorizing the text and creating training examples and targets , a four layer model was used. The Four layers used are :

1. Embedding layer -> The input layer. A trainable lookup table that will map the numbers of each character to a vector with embedding_dim dimensions

2. GRU layer -> A type of RNN with size units=rnn_units (Birectional-LSTM could also be used here.)

3. Dense layer -> The output layer, with vocab_size outputs and 'RELU' as the activation fuction

4. Dropout layer -> Benifits regularisation and prevents overfitting

The final prediction loop for text generation works as follows

Image of something

Steps to implement this project :

1. Fork the repository.

3. Head over to , create your GENIUS account and then generate a client api and get your 'CLIENT ACCESS TOKEN'.

4. Install 'lyricsgenius' module in your local terminal. Execute for each individual artist , to fetch their songs from The GENIUS website in a JSON file. (number of songs , title , popularity and be mentioned). Repeat execution for many artists.

5. Execute to parse the JSON files which selects just the 'lyrics' key. It also creates the dataset named 'lyrics_dataset.txt' after doing some data-cleansing.

6. Run the Lyrics_Generation.ipynb notebook (preferably in Google Collab with GPU support for faster execution) , uploading the 'lyrics_dataset.txt' file , getting the new lyrics being generated.

7. Tweak the hyper-parameters according to "YOUR" best results

My dataset used to train and get the output is => lyrics_dataset.txt

Some lyrics generated :

Love in the world
Happens each time to keep me warm
Love in the rain
And we'll stop eating food and I'll say the words that I want in this cold
I don't have to think that I want to do
I can't think of anyone, anyone else
And we gotta save ourselves
If we want it to be
I'll be taking my time
As she looks lovely in the wood

This model can be used for any type of text prediction , not being limited to only lyrics.

Scope for improvements :

1. Using a LSTM-GAN based model, it has the best potential for most coherent output.

2. Adding another layer of Birectional-LSTM and lowering the EPOCHS keeping the loss within 1.5 to 1.1 , for most meaningful text generated.