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Make custom bonuses maps

This module contains additional custom bonuses.

This document explain how to use them to make maps.

Edit a map

I recommend using miceditor to create custom bonus maps.

To insert a custom bonus, add a new circle ground (13), with the folowing properties:

  • Foreground: ☐ false
  • Invisible: ☑ true
  • Collision with mice: ☐ false
  • Collision with grounds: ☐ false
  • Color: use a color from the type table

The bonus type will depend on the bonus color.

Test a map with the script

To run the script in your tribehouse:

  • Go to your tribehouse.
  • Ensure you have, or request the permission from your tribe leaders, to run scripts in your tribehouse.
  • Type /lua in the chat to open a text area to paste scripts in.
  • Copy this script to the test area, then click confirm

Then you have two ways to run the map:

  • Run a map you exported:
    • Use the !skip @mapcode command.
  • To run a map from miceditor:
    • In miceditor, click on the robot icon on the right of the xml text box.
    • Click the tribehouse tab, click on Start session, enter your name, and use the provided command to invite the bot in your tribehouse (do not load the script provided on miceditor).
    • Finaly click Check to run the map in your tribehouse.

You may have to use !shaman <on/off> [player_name] to test your maps.

Bonus Type table

from pshy_bonuses_basic.lua:

Color Name Behavior Type Effect
F00000 BonusShrink standard Makes the player smaller.
0000F0 BonusGrow standard Makes the player bigger.
008080 BonusAttachBalloon standard Attach a balloon to the player.
F080F0 BonusShaman shared Turns the first player to grab into a shaman.
804020 BonusTransformations standard Gives transformation powers.
8080F0 BonusFreeze standard Freeze the mice.
4040F0 BonusIce standard Turns the mice into an ice block.
101010 BonusStrange standard Turns the mice into strange bonuses (rare bonus, use only if you have a good idea).
F0F000 BonusCheese standard Turns players into a cheese.
00F000 BonusTeleporter standard Teleport players randomly.
00F001 Teleporter remain Teleport players randomly. Can be reused.
F05040 BonusCircle standard Catch the mice inside itself (rare bonus, use only if you have a good idea).
F08080 BonusMarry standard Creates pairs of soulmates.
F08081 BonusDivorce standard Release soulmates.
202020 BonusCannonball shared Shoots a cannonball when the first player takes it.
F06000 BonusFish standard Summons loads of fishes when the first player takes it.
E04040 BonusDeath remain Kills players.

from pshy_bonuses_checkpoints.lua:

Color Name Behavior Type Effect
E0E0E0 BonusCheckpoint standard Save the current player location and cheese state.
E0E0E1 BonusSpawnpoint standard Save the current player location as his spawn.

from pshy_bonuses_speedfly.lua:

Color Name Behavior Type Effect
F0F0F0 BonusFly standard Allow the player to fly.
F04040 BonusHighSpeed standard Gives the player a massive acceleration boost.

from pshy_bonuses_misc.lua:

Color Name Behavior Type Effect
805040 MouseTrap shared Mouse trap that kills the first player to go on it and summon a used trap as a little plank.
E00000 GoreDeath remain Invisible bonus that kills players and display red particles.
D0D000 PickableCheese shared Pickable cheese, can be taken by only one player.
D0F000 CorrectCheese standard Cheese that kills the player and display a red cross when taken.
F0D000 WrongCheese standard Cheese that displays a green check when the player takes it.
? Hole remain Behave like a hole.
? Cheese remain Behave like a cheese.

from pshy_bonuses_mario.lua:

Color Name Behavior Type Effect
4D6101 MarioCoin standard Change the player name's color when they grabbed enough coins.
4D6102 MarioMushroom respawn Makes the player bigger and gives him 1 health point.
4D6103 MarioFlower standard Allows the player to shoot fireballs.
4D6104 MarioCheckpoint - (undetermined)

Bonus Behavior Types

Bonuses have 4 different behavior types:

Behavior Type Effect
standard Can be taken once per player.
shared Can only be taken once and disapear from other players.
remain Never disapear but does its effect on players passing on it.
respawn Same as standard but respawns when the player respawn.

Optimal placement

Maps objects are ordered acording to their Z property. To improve the script performances, you should order the bonuses in a specific way:

  • Group standard and shared bonuses first, the more numerous group first (lowest Z).
  • Order the bonuses in those groups depending on the order in wich they are likely to be taken.
  • Put respawn (respawning) and remain bonuses at the end (highest Z).

Submit your maps

Before submitting the maps you want to be added to the script, please ensure the folowing:

  • Your map follows game rules applicable to maps.
  • Your map does not rely on bugs or undefined/unspecified behaviors.
  • Your map have at least 1 spawn, and it does not overlap with the hole (do not rely on the game using the hole as a spawn when you do not put one).
  • Your map have a shaman spawn if and only if it is supposed to be a shaman map.
  • Your map is interresting, it have original gameplay or something, it is not just a random map with random bonuses added on it.
  • Your map looks good and have decorations if appropriate.
  • The bonuses are ordered as specified in the "Optimal placement" section.
  • You have tested your map with the script and it works as expected.
  • Your map does not cause warning or error messages in #lua.