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Releases: Qalculate/qalculate-gtk

Preview of the first official Windows version of Qalculate! released

09 Aug 18:09
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Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK+ and CLI).

Qalculate! has long been available for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X, but now it is finally also compatible with Microsoft Windows (although there is a fork by Cheng Sun with Windows compatibility, which has contributed code to this version). This pre-release version is likely not as stable as version 1.0.0 (although it does include some important bug fixes), but you are nevertheless invited to try it, report any issues you find and share your impressions.

Download the installer for Windows here:

The installer includes both the GUI and the CLI program, and requires at least Windows Vista or later. All dependencies are included.

Qalculate! version 1.0 (GUI)

24 Jul 14:24
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Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK+ and CLI).

Qalculate! version 1.0 includes the following changes:

  • Increased efficiency and stability. Slow calculations can in most cases now be terminated in a controlled manner and the application should no longer potentially crash when trying to calculate extremely large numbers.
  • Enhanced factorization.
  • Revised temperature unit handling.
  • Enhanced automatic unit conversion, including a new default mode which keeps original non-SI units if no better alternative (that uses fewer units and exponents) is found.
  • A long list of bug fixes and minor feature enhancements.

For a list of changes specific for the GUI see the git log.

Download the source code here:

Download the source code of libqalculate version 1.0.0 here:

For more information visit the website at

Qalculate! version 0.9.12 (GUI)

29 May 13:16
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Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK+ and CLI).

Qalculate! version 0.9.12 includes fixes to unit parsing in adaptive parsing mode, build fixes and other minor bug fixes. The fork with support for Microsoft Windows has been merged (compilation on Windows has however not been tested).

Download the source code here:

Download the source code of libqalculate version 0.9.12 here:

For more information visit the website at

Qalculate! version 0.9.11 (GUI)

06 Mar 09:32
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Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK+ and CLI).

Qalculate! version 0.9.11 includes both some important bug fixes and a number of new features. Among other things, a new enhanced history view and mixed units conversion have been added. The RPN functionality has received much needed attention and should now be more usable.


  • Updated history view. The calculation log is now presented in an actual list. Buttons and functions have been added for calculation with previous expression and results
  • Enhanced RPN stack manipulation (swap, rotation and copy) and arithmetics buttons next to stack list and combine RPN options in a single menu
  • Calculation of text in spinboxes for integer function arguments
  • Option to use multiple instances by default
  • Mixed units conversion (e.g. "15 in = 1 ft + 3 in" and "3,2 h = 3 h + 12 min")
  • Fixes to unit conversion (e.g. "1/(1 ns) to GHz")
  • Fix slow calculation of exponentiations with big numerators in exponents (e.g. "2^0.333333333")
  • Critical fixes for RPN syntax
  • Fix degree sign
  • Fix transformation of last arguments to vector, when only one last argument (fixes function("1+\x"; 1))
  • Various other minor enhancements and bug fixes...

Download the source code here:

Download the source code of libqalculate version 0.9.11 here:

For more information visit the website at

Qalculate! version 0.9.9 (GUI)

26 Jul 13:00
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Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK+ and CLI).

Qalculate! version 0.9.9 is a minor release with some important bug fixes, as well as a few new features.


  • Only a single instance of the application will run by default (use command line switch '-n' for old behaviour)
  • The application will no longer cause segmentation faults when using a locale unsupported by the users system
  • Parsing of "today" fixed and "tomorrow" and "yesterday" added
  • Qalculate! now compiles, without errors and warning, using clang

Download the source code here:

Download the source code of libqalculate version 0.9.9 here:

For more information visit the website at

Qalculate! version 0.9.8 (GUI)

15 Jun 14:30
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After almost a decade of very little development, the project has been revived and during the last two months many improvements have been made, until it is now time to release a new version.

Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK+ and CLI).

Qalculate! version 0.9.8 includes many bug fixes, but due to limited testing some new bugs have probably been introduced.


  • Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements
  • The GTK+ UI has been ported to GTK+ 3 and has been polished in the process.
  • The convert dialog has been transformed into a tab page in the main window, with auto-selection of unit category and continuous conversion.
  • Less obtrusive display of errors and warnings. They are now shown as tooltips for an icon next to the expression entry.
  • Spinning animations show calculation/display activity and an icon in the expression entry halts the process, instead of a message dialog.
  • A tooltip for the result display will show the result in text format less open to interpretation.
  • Automatic on demand updates of exchanges rates.
  • Better resizing of main windows. Tabs will be resized instead of result display and keypad view will remember size independently of the history view.
  • 'to' can now not only be used for conversion to unit expressions. "to bin", "to oct", "to hex" and "to bases" changes number base displayed, "to factors" factorizes, "to fraction" displays as fraction, and "to base" and "to optimal" auto-converts units.
  • Three different parsing modes can be chosen from (providing mainly different handling of implicit multiplication). The default 'adaptive' mode has been enhanced.
  • By default prefixes will not be added to for example imperial units.
  • Changed handling of degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. Conversion will take place already during parsing.
  • When converting to unit without prefix, no prefix will be added to the result unless the unit expression is prepended with '?' ('0' works in the opposite direction).
  • Option to ignore commas in numbers (for use as thousands separator).
  • New function: fibonacci (Qalculate! can now tell you that the millionth fibonacci number is approximately 1,953282129 * 10^208987, although for obvious reasons the exact number cannot be displayed).
  • New units: Hartree, Rydberg, Dalton (same as u)
  • Currencies have been updated to reflect the available data from ECB.
  • Use ~/.local and ~/.conf to store configuration and definitions
  • The KDE UI has been abandoned for now and is not included in this release.

Download the source code here:

Download the source code of libqalculate version 0.9.8 here:

For more information visit the website at