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Mature content (Content quality meet Learn quality criteria)
- Handoff to PDETs for
final PR
at least 5 days before your target publish date(PDETs takes 2 days for internal review, logging bug and to collaborate author for applying fix). #sign-off
on the PR at least 3 days before your target publish date.
- Actual cost for PR review (module): 1.5 -2 hours
- PDETs applying fix directly: 2.5 hours
- PDETs collaborate author applying fix: 2 days (1 day logging bugs and author applying fix in the night, 2nd day for regress and #sign-off)
- Actual cost for PR review (module): 2 - 3 hours
- Resolve feedbacks: a 2nd day after the
- merge to master: a 3rd day after the
- merge to live: a 3rd day after the
Learn SLA Reference:
Best practices
How to create pr
Learn PR Reviewer SLA
click-through the module in git repo to correct things like:
- Check the files name meet following rules:
- Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Don't use space or punctuation characters.
- Words and numbers in the file name must be separated using hyphens.
- Use no more than 80 characters. (Words count tool)
- Don't use unnecessary small words, such as a, or, and, the, and in.
- Avoid unapproved or unnecessary acronyms. For Azure specificially, don't use rm or arm as acronyms anywhare in a file name.
- Check the content of markdown files meet following rules:
- For knowledge check, every question has three options to choose from, one correct, two incorrect.
- For knowledge check, every option has explanation.
- For knowledge check, the content start with
quiz: knowledge check
- For all content, avoid using unnecessary numbered list, numbered list is used only when there are sequence among the items.
- For all content, only H2 and lower headings are allowed, do not allow authors to add H1 headings.
- For all content, all embedded videos must be on RedTiger hosting.
Click-through the module work item to correct things like:
- Check the summary length is 20-25 words; up to 35 words is acceptable.
- Check the summary, learning objectieves to avoid using unnecessary numbered list.
- Update the
to today, and sync the date to all its Unit work items.
Pull request(PR) patterns:
Replace the {pr#} in the patterns, you could get the {pr#} from the Auto Publishing to Learn notification email.
Create a final PR for internal test.
- In general, it will overwrite the existing open PR everytime you click the Publish Module button in git repo.
- If you want to start a New PR, just close the existing PR.
- Click the Publish Module button in git repo.
Go to work item.
In Discussion tab, add a comment to notify author that the final PR is in iternal review.
PR review Test Cases:
Content Review
PR review
Test by Role:
Git source check
PR page review
Preview page check
If the badge for the module is not available when launching the module, use the general badge.
If the trophy for the LP is not available when launching the LP, use the general trophy.
NOTE: Make sure to replace the general badge or general trophy as soon as you received the real one.
- Go to the PR, check Pull request(PR) patterns section.
- Add comment
- Tag the author in the work item.
If the final pr is merged to release branch, (NOW, go to PR2master directly):
After the final pr is merged:
- Go to the release branch, by clicking the
branch in final pr.
- Make sure the release branch is selected, click Create Pull Request.
- When the build is green, tag @asajohnson for merge.
Ashley will do that and let us know when it's live.
Module Url pattern:{module_folder}/
Learning Path Url pattern:{lp_folder}/
NOTE: Replace the {module_folder} or {lp_folder} with real-folder name.
To verify a new module is live:
- Go to the module metadata file in git repos.
- Find the real-folder name, which is the
Target folder in github
. - Construct the docs url using Module Url pattern and real-folder name.
- Open the Browser to try access the module using docs url.
If you could access the module with the docs url, then the module is live.
Else if you get a 404 Error, then the module is not live.
To verify an update module is live:
- Go to the module metadata file in git repos.
- Find the real-folder name, which is the
Target folder in github
. - Construct the docs url using Module Url pattern and real-folder name.
- Open the Browser to try access the module using docs url.
- In the module page, right-click the page, select View Source.
- Select Element -> head ->
<meta name="" content="10/15/2019" />
If the value is latest, then the module is updated.
Else the module update is not live yet.
- Use the same method to verify a new Learning Path is live.
- Use the same method to verify an update Learning Path is live.
- Go to work item.
- In the Discussion tab, add a comment to notify author that the content is live and what the docs url is.
- In the 04-Publishing Team Use Only tab:
- Fill the Published Url with the docs url.
- Fill the Release date with the current date.
- In the Discussion tab:
- Change the Publish stage to
- Change the State to
- Change the Publish stage to
- Create a version (Module Update work item).