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Poseidon for EVMMAX

Implementation of Poseidon for EVMMAX.

Poseidon is a family of ZK-friendly hash functions used in rollups such as Starknet. A precompile for the Ethereum Virtual Machine has been proposed in EIP-5988.

EVMMAX is an extension of the EVM with optimised modular arithmetics. It has been proposed in EIP-5843 and EIP-6601.

We compare in this repository different possible solutions for implementing poseidon for the EVM or EVMMAX.

Description of Poseidon

Poseidon inputs and outputs are elements of a given finite field. Our implementations use a prime field; in that case, elements are integers modulo a (large) prime number.

We will use fixed-width hash functions. They receive rate field elements as input and produce rate field elements as output. Internally, it pads the input to a state vector S of length size (rate < size), permutes it using a permutation P and outputs rate elements of the permuted input vector P(S).

Poseidon's permutation is constructed by applying many rounds of a simpler permutation. This simpler permutation in turn is the composition of 3 basic operations:

  1. Ark: round constants are added to S (different for each round)
  2. S-Box: elements of S are taken to a power a
  3. Mix: the state S is multiplied by a fixed MDS-matrix M

For efficiency purposes, most rounds are actually partial. Partial rounds differ in that the S-Box is applied to a single element only instead of all state elements.


We use the following parameters, the whole set being avaible in params. The 256bits modulus is always: 2^251 + 2^196 + 2^192 + 1

Variant Rate Size S-Box N-full N-partial
Poseidon2 2 3 3 8 83

Number of Modular Operations

Permutations use additions and multiplications:

  • Ark: size additions
  • S-Box: 2 multiplications per element for power = 3
  • Mix: size^2 multiplications + (size - 1) * size additions
Variant Round Add Mult
Poseidon2 Full 9 15
Poseidon2 Partial 9 11
Poseidon2 Total 819 1'049

Note that with EVMMAX, we need to use 2 * rate multiplications to convert inputs and outputs from and to Montgomery's form.

Implementation variants

Deploiement costs can be taken as negligible given that we target many millions of calls to the hash function. Hence we aim at exploring different implementation with the goal of reducing the most the gas cost of a call, but we are also interested in execution time.

The following variants qualifiers describe implementation choices:

  • std : uses standard modular arithmetic op codes.
  • max : uses EVMMAX modular arithmetic op codes.
  • rs : uses poseidon-rs precompile.
  • cst : modulus, round constants and mds-matrix are included directly in code and pushed to the stack as needed.
  • mem : modulus and mds-matrix are kept in memory and loaded on the stack as neeeded.
  • unwind : rounds are concatenated one after the other in the code.
  • func : rounds are function call-like to reduce code size, but imply 2 jumps per round.

Note that for EVMMAX, operations happen directly in memory, so we are obliged to load constants in memory.


Here are some stats of executing poseidon hash

Variant Implementation CodeSize (B) Timing (ms) GasCost N-ops
Poseidon2 std-cst-unwind
Poseidon2 std-mem-unwind 21'914 1.446 38'687 9'793
Poseidon2 std-mem-func
Poseidon2 max-unwind 17'950 0.540 5'549 2'721
Poseidon2 max-func
Poseidon2 rs


EVMMAX brings gas savings of the order of 80% compared to a standard implementation. However, we note that the majority of these savings come from EVMMAX operation model and not from the modular arithmetic costs themselves. Indeed, we save on the numerous operations (PUSH, MLOAD, MSTORE) aiming at bringing constants to the stack for modular arithmetics. This is due to the fact that in EVMMAX, modular arithmetics happen directly in memory, and the arguments are given as immediate indices in the code.

This can be seen in the following profiling of Op Codes

Variant Implementation MSTORE MLOAD PUSH DUP SWAP GasCost
Poseidon2 std-cst-unwind
Poseidon2 std-mem-unwind 555 1'911 2'754 2'066 653 23'817
Poseidon2 std-mem-func
Poseidon2 max-unwind 285 0 577 0 0 2'586
Poseidon2 max-func
Poseidon2 rs

Note that modular arithmetics gas costs are incompressible, and are given by

Variant Implem cost add cost mul cost set TotalGas
Poseidon2 standard 8 x 819 8 x 1'049 -- 14'816
Poseidon2 EVMMAX 1 x 819 2 x 1'053 1 x 90 2'925

Thus we have the following gas savings distribution for EVMMAX

Variant Implem Stack Savings Arith Savings Total Savings
Poseidon2 unwind 21'231 (64%) 11'891 (36%) 33'138