diff --git a/src/header.ps1 b/src/header.ps1
index 83ab257..52f27ac 100644
--- a/src/header.ps1
+++ b/src/header.ps1
@@ -6,36 +6,25 @@ function New-TemporaryDirectory {
$TEMPDIR = New-TemporaryDirectory
-$PREFIX = ""
-$VERBOSE = $false
-$QUIET = $false
$USAGE = @"
-usage: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) [options]
-Unpacks an environment packed using pixi-pack
--h, --help Print this help message and exit
--o, --output-directory
Where to unpack the environment
--s, --shell Sets the shell [options: bash, zsh, xonsh, cmd, powershell, fish, nushell]
--v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
--q, --quiet Decrease logging verbosity
+Usage: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) [OPTIONS]
+ Path to an environment packed using pixi-pack
+ -o, --output-directory Where to unpack the environment. The environment will be unpacked into a subdirectory of this path [default: env]
+ -e, --env-name Name of the environment [default: env]
+ -s, --shell Sets the shell [options: bash, zsh, xonsh, cmd, powershell, fish, nushell]
+ -v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
+ -q, --quiet Decrease logging verbosity
+ -h, --help Print help
-# Parse command-line arguments
-$InputArgs = $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
-for ($i = 0; $i -lt $args.Count; $i++) {
- switch ($InputArgs[$i]) {
- "-o" { $PREFIX = $InputArgs[++$i] }
- "--output-directory" { $PREFIX = $InputArgs[++$i] }
- "-s" { $UNPACK_SHELL = $InputArgs[++$i] }
- "--shell" { $UNPACK_SHELL = $InputArgs[++$i] }
- "-v" { $VERBOSE = $true }
- "--verbose" { $VERBOSE = $true }
- "-q" { $QUIET = $true }
- "--quiet" { $QUIET = $true }
- "-h" { Write-Output $USAGE; exit 0 }
- "--help" { Write-Output $USAGE; exit 0 }
+foreach ($arg in $args) {
+ if ($arg -eq "-h" -or $arg -eq "--help") {
+ Write-Output $USAGE
+ exit 0
@@ -91,27 +80,9 @@ try {
# Build the command with flags
$arguments = @("unpack")
+$arguments += $args | Join-String -Separator ' '
-# Use $PREFIX for output directory if it is provided
-if ($PREFIX) {
- $arguments += "--output-directory"
- $arguments += $PREFIX
-# Handle verbosity/quiet flags
-if ($VERBOSE) {
- $arguments += "--verbose"
-} elseif ($QUIET) {
- $arguments += "--quiet"
-# Add shell flag if provided
- $arguments += "--shell"
- $arguments += $UNPACK_SHELL
-# Finally, add the path to the archive
+# Add the path to the archive
$arguments += $archivePath
& $pixiPackPath @arguments
diff --git a/src/header.sh b/src/header.sh
index 6761bdc..65dbedc 100644
--- a/src/header.sh
+++ b/src/header.sh
@@ -2,67 +2,27 @@
set -euo pipefail
TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
-usage: $0 [options]
-Unpacks an environment packed using pixi-pack
--h, --help Print this help message and exit
--o, --output-directory Where to unpack the environment
--s, --shell Sets the shell [options: bash, zsh, xonsh, cmd, powershell, fish, nushell]
--v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
--q, --quiet Decrease logging verbosity
+Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]
+ Path to an environment packed using pixi-pack
+ -o, --output-directory Where to unpack the environment. The environment will be unpacked into a subdirectory of this path [default: env]
+ -e, --env-name Name of the environment [default: env]
+ -s, --shell Sets the shell [options: bash, zsh, xonsh, cmd, powershell, fish, nushell]
+ -v, --verbose Increase logging verbosity
+ -q, --quiet Decrease logging verbosity
+ -h, --help Print help
-# Parse command-line arguments
-while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case "$1" in
- -h)
- echo "$USAGE"
- exit 0
- ;;
- -v)
- shift
- ;;
- -o)
- if [[ -n "$2" && "$2" != -* ]]; then
- PREFIX="$2"
- shift 2
- else
- echo "Option -o requires an argument" >&2
- echo "$USAGE" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -s)
- if [[ -n "$2" && "$2" != -* ]]; then
- shift 2
- else
- echo "Option -s requires an argument" >&2
- echo "$USAGE" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- -q)
- shift
- ;;
- -*)
- echo "Invalid option: $1" >&2
- echo "$USAGE" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- *)
- # Stop parsing options when encountering a non-option argument
- break
- ;;
- esac
+# Check for help flag
+for arg in "$@"; do
+ if [ "$arg" = "-h" ] || [ "$arg" = "--help" ]; then
+ echo "$USAGE"
+ exit 0
+ fi
archive_begin=$(grep -anm 1 "^@@END_HEADER@@" "$0" | awk -F: '{print $1}')
@@ -93,21 +53,7 @@ fi
chmod +x "$TEMPDIR/pixi-pack"
-[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && VERBOSITY_FLAG="--verbose"
-[ "$QUIET" = "1" ] && VERBOSITY_FLAG="--quiet"
-[ -n "$PREFIX" ] && OUTPUT_DIR_FLAG="--output-directory $PREFIX"
-if [ -n "$UNPACK_SHELL" ]; then
- CMD="$CMD --shell $UNPACK_SHELL"
-CMD="$CMD \"$TEMPDIR/archive.tar\""
+CMD="\"$TEMPDIR/pixi-pack\" unpack $@ \"$TEMPDIR/archive.tar\""
# Execute the command
eval "$CMD"