If you encounter "device unauthorized" after you disabled all sunmi apps on the device, this might help you. I assume you got root, if not use the image or https://github.com/JunioJsv/mtk-easy-su
Starting point for this guide is a factory reset device. Accept the terms and tap the "Experience" button when the device asks for a Wifi.
You'll be in "Experience Mode" with a countdown bubble - you get 30 minutes to do the following:
This is still a workaround until we find a way to get ADB working as intended.
Connect your device to your PC and do adb shell
to test the connection. There should appear a toast "Debugging success".
Exit the shell afterwards.
https://f-droid.org/de/packages/jackpal.androidterm/ https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.martinmimigames.simplefileexplorer/
The Terminal is used to enable ADB because you will loose ADB after disabling all sunmi packages. The file explorer is needed as soon as you disable all sunmi packages or you wont be able to browse files without a explorer!
Doable via adb install
or USB-Stick (if you plug one in there should be an notification about a drive - use "View" to browse the content)
3. use pm disable
or even better pm uninstall --user 0
for all com.sunmi.* packages as well as woyou.market
Do this via adb shell
on your PC or in the terminal app
The countdown bubble should disappear and you can relax, no more time pressure.
After reboot you should not have any sunmi trash left and you'll get the ADB error about being unauthorized. This is expected!
This will keep ADB working until reboot. After reboot just repeat step 6 to 8.
Download both from F-Droid (Imortant: Use only one source for termux and its add-ons! I suggest F-Droid) Instructions for Termux:Boot can be found here: https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Termux:Boot
Create a script with su -c setprop ro.sundmi.welcome 1