This sample shows how to write an enclave in Python, in particular to how integrate PyTorch to create enclaves which can do machine learning (ML). We are using torchvision to do image classification using a pre-trained model.
Note, Python support is a work in progress feature, which is only available on the latest master build of the Conclave SDK. This is not ready for production yet!
Several packages are required to run this sample, including Java and Python:
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/gramine-keyring.gpg
echo 'deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gramine-keyring.gpg] focal main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gramine.list
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] focal main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] focal main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/msprod.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk-headless python3-pip gramine libsgx-quote-ex libsgx-dcap-ql az-dcap-client
You will need the JAVA_HOME
environment variable pointing to the Java installation directory. If this isn't
already set then run:
export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:/bin/java::")
pip3 install jep torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
There are three actors in this sample:
- The enclave. This will have the image classification model provisioned into it, and then users can securely submit images to have their images classified.
- The ML model owner. This is a client of the enclave who owns the private ML model and wishes that it only be used in an enclave environment to ensure it's kept confidential, both from the operator of the enclave and the other users.
- Image submitters. This is the second category of enclave clients. They will submit their images to the ML enclave for classification. Neither the enclave operator nor the ML model owner will see the images submitted for classification
The enclave is represented by the enclave
and host
modules, with the former containing the
actual Python code, and the later a thin Sping Boot wrapper for communicating
with the client.
The two client actors are represented by a single client
application, which is written in Kotlin. This
application runs in one of two modes, provision
and classify
, representing the ML model owner and image
submitters respectively.
To build the enclave/host in simulation mode:
./gradlew host:bootJar -PenclaveMode=simulation
To run the enclave:
java -jar host/build/libs/host-simulation.jar
Once the enclave has loaded you will see ouput similar to this:
2022-12-13 11:20:44.592 INFO 11346 --- [ main] : Enclave com.r3.conclave.python.PythonEnclaveAdapter started
2022-12-13 11:20:44.602 INFO 11346 --- [ main] : Remote attestation for enclave FA640B535EF2158B345956976A4E55A29C88A93E7F0B5E9DD512D0457A3693BE:
- Code signer: A322D25EFD20BE8C9C07690AF7A2EA565CE2FA06BB7DF733E2119EE222D4B81F
- Session signing key: 302A300506032B6570032100E7955625898FBF5EFCD9794CFA42672722F8A52195A06C65BB8AA44432DE60A7
- Session encryption key: DDD4CA639AAD4DAD33A60187FB5152A0600A472B592844F80B3E316B2EDC3E7D
- Product ID: 1
- Revocation level: 0
Assessed security level at 2022-12-13T11:20:37.470920290Z is INSECURE
- Enclave is running in simulation mode.
2022-12-13 11:20:44.790 INFO 11346 --- [ main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
2022-12-13 11:20:44.800 INFO 11346 --- [ main]$Companion : Started EnclaveWebHost.Companion in 9.288 seconds (JVM running for 9.555)
To build the client application:
./gradlew client:shadowJar
To run as the ML model owner and provision the enclave with the private image classification model, run with the
java -jar client/build/libs/client.jar \
"http://localhost:8080" \
"C:FA640B535EF2158B345956976A4E55A29C88A93E7F0B5E9DD512D0457A3693BE SEC:INSECURE" \
provision \
~/ \
Let's explain the arguments to this command:
URL to the Spring Boot webserver running the enclave. In this case we are running the client from the same machine as the enclave and so use the loopback address.
This is the enclave constraints which confirms to the client that it is actually connecting to the correct image classification enclave, and not just something that's pretending to be one. It also ensures the machine the enclave is running on is patched with the latest security updates. In this example we're using the code hash of the enclave, which you can pick up from build output of the enclave.
Note, the code hash may end up being different, so you will need to use the value from your build output.
command -
Path to the pre-trained image classification model. In this example we are using the AlexNet model, which can be downloaded to your home directory with the following Python script:
from torchvision import models import torch from pathlib import Path alexnet = models.alexnet(pretrained=True), f"{Path.home()}/")
Path to the classes (or labels) for the model, which are available in this sample.
Provisioning the model into the enclave may take a short while since it's around 230MB in size.
Once the enclave has been provisioned, other users can now confidentially submit their images to be classified:
java -jar client/build/libs/client.jar "http://localhost:8080" "C:FA640B535EF2158B345956976A4E55A29C88A93E7F0B5E9DD512D0457A3693BE SEC:INSECURE" classify
This will bring up a simple console where can specify local files or URLs of images. These will be securely sent to the enclave to be classified, which will respond back with the closest matched label.
Enter path or URL of image:
tiger cat (74.9%)
Enter path or URL of image:
The above example used simulation mode, which is insecure, but lets you test the enclave on a non-SGX machine. To use the full privacy of SGX, build and run the enclave in release mode:
./gradlew host:bootJar -PenclaveMode=release
java -jar host/build/libs/host-release.jar
You can find out more information on the Python API here, if you wish to create your own Python enclave. As this is a work-in-progress feature, there are some limitations which are documented. Also remember the API isn't stable yet and is not ready for production.