This repository is meant for submission of the assignments of the XUVI_Astro Summer Project offered by the Astronomy Club, IITK.The assignments will be released on a weekly basis through the official AstroClubiitk repository and the submission are expected to be made through this repository.
Firstly, fork this repository and clone it on your local machine using git clone
git clone<your_github_username>/XUVI_Astro.git
Then create a directory in the repository and the name of directory should be kept as <Roll_no>_<First_name>_<Surname>
Inside your name create folders named Week<week_number> and make upload respective solutions to the assignments that will be released weekly.
For now, add a inside your respective directory, the content of which must be:
Name : <Your_name>
Roll no.: <Your_roll_no>
The folder structure should look like this
├── Week_1.pdf
├── Week_2.pdf
├── Week_3.ipynb
├── Week_4.ipynb
└── Week_5.ipynb
Inorder to add your files
git add <filename>
git commit -m <Commit_message>
git push origin master
Click on Pull requests on your forked repository and then click on new pull request. Make the heading of every pull request to be Added Submission for Week#number.
Once your assignments have been checked, the pull request will be accepted and your files will be merged here. If some error is found during the submission process, the same will be updated via a comment on the pull request.