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File metadata and controls

98 lines (79 loc) · 4.26 KB


This document describes the architecture of the fish-ai plugin.

The primary audience is any developer who wants to contribute to the project.


Even though this is a plugin for fish, most of the business logic lives in a Python module. Many AI vendors provide Python packages for interacting with their services and I wanted to dive deeper into the Python ecosystem, so it felt like a natural fit.

This is a list of the most important files and directories in the repository:

  • conf.d/ Registers the key bindings and contains hooks invoked by the fisher package manager.
  • functions/ Entrypoint when pressing Ctrl + Space.
  • functions/ Entrypoint when pressing Ctrl + P.
  • src/fish_ai: Directory containing the fish_ai Python module with most of the business logic.

How the plugin is installed

The plugin is intended to be installed using the fisher package manager. As explained here, when a user runs fisher install, fisher will copy the functions and conf.d directories to the user's home directory and invoke the _fish_ai_install hook in conf.d/

The install hook will then create a virtual environment using venv and run pip to install the fish_ai module directly from the git repository here on GitHub.

The virtual environment is created in the ~/.fish-ai directory. It will contain the fish_ai module along with its dependencies.

The configuration file ~/.config/fish-ai.ini is the only file that lives outside this virtual environment, so the user can remove the plugin without their configuration disappearing.

How the Python module is structured

The Python module is located in the src/fish_ai directory. It contains the backend code for constructing the prompt, reading configuration values and making API calls. It also bundles fzffor showing autocompletions.

Here are the most important files and directories:

  • src/fish_ai/tests: Contains the unit tests which can be executed using pytest.
  • src/fish_ai/ Contains the core logic of the plugin, such as constructing the system prompt and making API calls.
  • src/fish_ai/ Constructs the prompt for creating completions and displays the fuzzy finder window.
  • src/fish_ai/ Constructs the prompt for fixing the commandline.
  • src/fish_ai/ Constructs the prompt for codifying the commandline.
  • src/fish_ai/ Constructs the prompt for explaining the current commandline.
  • src/fish_ai/ Contains the logic for redacting sensitive information from the prompt.
  • src/fish_ai/ Contains logic for parsing the contents of fish-ai.ini.

How the key bindings work

The key bindings are registered using bind when the shell starts. When pressing Ctrl + Space or Ctrl + P, the corresponding function in the functions directory is called. This function will grab the contents of the commandline buffer and pass it to the fish_ai module which is doing the actual API call.

Here is what it looks like:

flowchart TD
    KeyPress((fa:fa-user Key press)) -->|Ctrl+P| CodifyOrExplain(fa:fa-fish _fish_ai_codify_or_explain)
    KeyPress -->|Ctrl+Space| AutocompleteOrFix(fa:fa-fish _fish_ai_autocomplete_or_fix)
    CodifyOrExplain --> Comment?{"Comment?"}
    Comment? -->|Yes| Codify(fa:fa-fish _fish_ai_codify)
    Comment? -->|No| Explain(fa:fa-fish _fish_ai_explain)
    Codify -->|Comment| PythonCodify(fa:fa-python codify)
    Explain -->|Command| PythonExplain(fa:fa-python explain)
    AutocompleteOrFix --> Empty?{"Empty commandline buffer?"}
    Empty? -->|Yes| Fix(fa:fa-fish _fish_ai_fix)
    Empty? -->|No| Autocomplete(fa:fa-fish _fish_ai_autocomplete)
    Fix -->|Command + Error message| PythonFix(fa:fa-python fix)
    Autocomplete -->|Command + Cursor position| PythonAutocomplete(fa:fa-python autocomplete)
    PythonFix -->|Messages| Engine(fa:fa-python engine)
    PythonAutocomplete -->|Messages| Engine(fa:fa-python engine)
    PythonCodify -->|Messages| Engine(fa:fa-fish engine)
    PythonExplain -->|Messages| Engine(fa:fa-python engine)
    Engine --> Api[/API/]
    Engine -->|Read config| Config("fish-ai.ini")