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Hi 👋, here we have the ChiM (Childcare Manager)

Developed this platform in the fourth semester of the faculty.

Here we have the requirement:

(RO) Sa se dezvolte o aplicatie Web care sa permita utilizatorilor autentificati -- eventual, familii sau cupluri de persoane -- gestiunea resurselor privitoare la ingrijirea unui copil (de la bebelus si copil de varsta prescolara la puber). Se vor viza calendarul hranirii, al orelor de somn, diverse resurse multimedia (fotografii, filme, inregistrari audio,...) privind evolutia copilului, istoricul medical, relationarea cu alti copii (e.g., verisori, colegi de gradinita/scoala) etc. Aplicatia va oferi o vedere cronologica (timeline) a celor mai importante momente surprinse referitoare la fiecare copil in parte, cu posibilitatea partajarii celor mai semnificative momente in cadrul unei aplicatii sociale sau via un flux de stiri RSS. Functionalitatile sistemului vor fi expuse si prin intermediul unui API Web REST/GraphQL. Bonus: adoptarea unor maniere de vizualizare interesanta a dezvoltarii psihosomatice a fiecarui copil ori a unui grup de copii.

(EN) Develop a web application that allows authenticated users -- eventyally, families or couples -- to manage resources related to the care of a child (from baby and preschooler to puberty). The application will target the following: feeding schedule, sleep schedule, various multimedia resources (photos, videos, audio recordings,...) regarding the child's development, medical history, relationship with other children (e.g., cousins, kindergarten/school classmates) etc. The application will provide a chronological view (timeline) of the most important moments captured for each child, with the possibility of sharing the most significant moments within a social application or via an RSS news feed. The system functionalities will also be exposed through a REST/GraphQL Web API. Bonus: Adoption of interesting ways of visualizing the psychosomatic development of each child or a group of children.


  1. Clone the current repositoy! Now you have the project avalable on your local server!
    Type command: git clone
  2. Run the Apache localhost and MySQL data base via XAMPP control panel.
    (download it from here:
  3. Open the admin page of the MySQL and import tha database structure located here: ./Web-Tech-Project/db_structure/chim.sql .
  4. Open the localhost in any browser and navigate to the controller directory.
  5. Have fun!

How does it work?

  • Create your profile and, after that, insert your children data (first name, email, etc) to help Childcare Manager to do his job.
  • After finishing this setup, you can store all of the children data like time schedules and medical records. The Chim project offers users the option to keep their memories and thoughts accesing the Journey respectively the Journal page.


More about it in the project documentation located here: ./Web-Tech-Project/controller/Documentation.php .

The logic behind the code:

  • The front end was made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript language resulting a responsive and user friendly design.
  • The back end was made using PHP language storing all the user information (Import/Store data about their children) and responding to all user supported commands (Login/Signup).

  • ⚡ Fun fact This is my first web project made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript language for front end and the PHP language for back end!