This project aim to create tesing framework for astar rpc node. It achieve this by spawning a local network with zombienet a Simple CLI tool to launch a local Polkadot test network. zombienet take configuration for the test network in a rpc-tests.toml
which describes the config of relaychains and parachains that needs to be started for test network to start.
After the test network is started tests can be performed by connecting to it using polkadot.js or web3.js.t
The test suite has a global setup and teardown steps for the test network with zombienet. Then it runs the tests with rpc-tests.zndsl
test suite runner.
- node.js 18+ Download from
- yarn
To install
npm install -g yarn
Build astar collator.
cargo build --release
Copy the binary in rpc-tests/bin folder.
mkdir -p rpc-tests/bin
cp target/release/astar-collator rpc-tests/bin/astar-collator
Download and copy latest polkadot binary from to rpc-tests/bin folder
Download and copy latest zombienet binary from to rpc-tests/bin folder
To start the test suite.
cd rpc-tests
For all runtime.
yarn test