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Initial Docker Setup

Bess Sadler edited this page Sep 6, 2019 · 11 revisions

Running with Docker Compose

  1. Clone the ucla2019 github repo and cd to that location:

  2. git clone

  3. cd ucla2019

  4. To start:

docker-compose run web rails db:setup
docker-compose up
Rails will be running on port 3000.
  1. To run the test suite ("specs"), leave the processes running that you started with docker-compose up and open a new terminal window, then run:
docker-compose run web rspec
  1. To use byebug:
  • After hitting the byebug in your code, run docker ps to get the id for the web container. Copy that id and then run:
docker attach 943094304
  • Hit enter and you'll be in the byebug.
  1. You'll find the bundled gems in the ./bundle folder. This folder is gitignored to avoid commiting it.