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103 lines (87 loc) · 4.17 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (87 loc) · 4.17 KB

⚙️ Building

To test the application, clone the project and then install all packages by running:

$> flutter pub get

After this, you need to let build runner auto-generate certain files by running the following command:

$> dart run build_runner watch -d

Depending on the target platform you want to test it, you need to provide a Google API Key, for iOS create a file under ios/Runner/APIKey.plist with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

For Android create a file under android/app/src/main/res/values/keys.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="google_maps_key" translatable="false" templateMergeStrategy="preserve">

Now you are good to go, just run the following command:

$> flutter run

📦 Flutter packages

  • intl and flutter_localizations - Handles i18n and formatting (specifically date picker formatting)
  • google_maps_flutter - Used to display the location card and the volunteering maps screen
  • geolocator - Used to gather the current coordinates of the user to sort volunteerings based off distance
  • carousel_slider - Used to display the carousel in the volunteering maps screen
  • widget_to_marker - Used to create custom google maps markers
  • beamer - Used to enable declarative navigation throughout the whole application
  • flutter_hooks and flutter_riverpod (with riverpod_generator and hooks_riverpod) - Used to facilitate state management with reusable hooks
  • firebase_core, firebase_auth, firebase_storage, cloud_firestore, firebase_remote_config, firebase_analytics, and firebase_crashlytics - Used for backend services for user authentication, data storage, configuration, analytics, and crash reporting
  • freezed_annotation, freezed, json_annotation, and json_serializable - Used to streamline data modeling and serialization, making it easier to handle JSON data
  • image_picker and share_plus - Used to enable media integration and sharing features
  • url_launcher - Used to launch external URLs directly from the app (google maps deeplink)

🔀 Flows

Sign up

Sign in

Apply to volunteering

Get volunteerings

Get vacancies (streamed)

Get news

📊 Event Monitoring

There are several events that track the main app usage:

  • news_shared -> parameters: news_id, the idea behind it is to track which news are being shared the most
  • volunteering_favorite -> parameters: volunteering_id, the idea behind it is to track which volunteerings are the most liked
  • volunteering_applied -> parameters: volunteering_id, the idea behind it is to track which volunteerings are being applied the most to


There are two features that can be toggled:

  • Sharing of news
  • Favorite volunteerings

A/B Testing

There is a current experiment being tested where a favorite button is added to the volunteering details to see if it triggers more favorites from users.

🎯 Testing

To execute tests, run the following command in the root of the project:

flutter test

If you do not possess the golden test files, append --update-goldens to the above command. It is also possible to target tests by tag by inputting the following command:

flutter test -t tag

The available tags are:

  • golden
  • auth
  • entry
  • news
  • profile