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87 lines (80 loc) · 4.25 KB

RTK65RX65Ndemo04: functionality: sw-toggle: LED0 250.000 us on-off, LED1 250 ms off-on

  • HOCO clock 16 MHz, PLL / 1 * 15 = 240 MHz
  • ICLK / 2 = 120 MHz, PCLKB / 4 = 60 MHz
  • TMR0 source PCLKB, CMIA0: 60 no interrupt => 1 MHz
  • TMR1 source CMIA0, CMIA1: 250 + interrupt, vector INTB149 => 2kHz
  • INTB149 acc_4kHz count + increment Micros, div 4 = Millis
  • main(): time polling with micros() and millis()

skipping smart configurator:

  • in stead of selecting smart configurator, choose Finish >

make the HardwareDebug settings:

  • Project > Properties >
  • Properties for RTK5RX65Ndemo03
    • Run/Debug Settings > RTK5RX65Ndemo03 HardwareDebug > Edit... >
  • Edit launch configuration properties
    • Debugger > Connection Settings >
      • Clock: HOCO
      • Connection with Target Board: change dropdown selection JTag to Fine
      • Power: change dropdown selection Yes to No
    • OK > Apply and Close >
  • Control-B to build the project, or: Project > Build Project >

taking over code from RTK65RX65Ndemo03:

  • copy main.c to this project folder src
  • edit some things to arrive at what is now inside the src folder
  • change inthandler.c by commenting out vector 149 to //void INT_Excep_PERIB_INTB149(void){ }.


  • ^B (build project), F11 (Debug), Confirm Perspective Switch Yes > F8 (Resume), F8
  • ^F2 will terminate the debug session


  • 8 files in "generate" folder, of which 1 line was commented out,
  • 1 file in "src" folder has all code that matters for the developer
  • prog: 3004 or 3008, depending on TEST value and code in TEST 0.
  • constant: 1176
  • data: 0
  • bss: 20
  • other: 28

note: This project serves to gain some feeling about which integer sizes to use for RAM-restricted programs (I know, this one has 640 kB of it), and why you would sometimes use unsigned and signed integers of differing sizes. With a #define statements to be set for variations in functionality, you can debug and try to explain in which way and why the behaviour differs with the chosen setting.


  1. Why does TEST with calue 0 not work, and why does it work with the other values 1, 2, and 3?
    • Hints:
      1. Why is an unsigned 8-bit difference greater than 6 used for toggling the LED output and incrementing the 8-bit time value?
        • NB: a value of 256 will be understood as 0 when stored in 8 bits.
      2. Why does a signed 16-bit difference suffice to toggle the LED output and increment the 16-bit time value? The millis()-value is unsigned 32-bit, so what will happen after half a minute, or a minute, when the 16-bit time value can't store the millis()-value anymore?
        • NB: type promotion will extend the stored 16-bit time value to 32-bit before subtracting it from the 32-bit millis()-value, and then a type-cast (or bit cutt-off) to 16-bit will be done before regarding the resulting value as a signed value.
      3. Why is an unsigned 16-bit difference greater than 65286 used for toggling the LED output and incrementing the 16-bit time value?
        • NB: a value of 65536 will be understood as 0 when stored in 16 bits.
    • The above hints can be understood better when thinking of the numbers within a given size written on a disc that turns around 1 number every milli-second. Compare it to a decimal number with 1 or 2 digits, counting up and arriving back at zero after 1 (or 2 in the latter case) 9's have displayed. For a signed number at the other side of the disc the numbers must be interpreted as negative, so 5 in the decimal case would be read as -5, 6 as -4 and so on.
  2. Why does TEST with value 0 not work?
    • Try to do the calculation millis() - t_LED1 by hand, starting with t_LED1=0 and Millis=0. The first test will increase t_LED1 by 250, what is happening then when Millis is still 0, or when it is 1? Go on until Millis=7, and try to discover what the ucon sees as a result of the calculation after casting it to int8_t.
  3. Why does TEST with value 0 work when the test is expanded to if(0>dt1||6<=dt1)?
    • Hints: see the test with TEST-value 1 as an example, read the text above about signed numbers and determine when the difference will be seen as negative or non-negative.